Wb ave imnpérted 187,000 tulip bulbs from Holland in. a large assortmènt of varieties. We are selling these bulbs -at very reas o nable prices. We Aloo Have NARCISSUS, HYACINTHS,- PEONIUES adPERENNIALS BEZDK'SGARENS CORNER 0F SKOKIE 9LVD. AND GLUNVIEW RD. I wW I Sad Speciai BRICK ICE CREAM FULL QUART 35 worttl as in o'tner communtîes there are groups of people .who are. interested in particular agencies and have, year after year, subscribed to their support. In, most cases, funids for these agencies have beeni obtained through camnpaigns carriedi on by those especially interested. A typical, campaign involves plan- ning, organization, lining-up of workers, publicity, and solicitation. In KenilWorth as elsewhere, the bur- den of this-*workfor. various causes has- fallen on much the same group of 'People, who may have,,engaged in several, drives during, any one year.. Then, too, the citizens of, the town have been subjected to a variety of successive. appe)als. The resuit of ýthe1 process is always to tire out willing workers and also the people solicited. Has Proved EMcient In over 400 American cities, these conditions have been met and other Àadvantage ojtained thropugh the or- ganizations of Comnmunity Chests. This method of fiancing privage agencies has proved in town after! towzi to be an efficient and altogeth- er satisfactory method of collecting and disbursing such funds. fOn the North Shore the Cor- mnunity chest idea has spread rapid- ly in the last few years. Evanston has had a chest forperhaps 10 years, Wilrnette for a somewhat shorter neriod. and Wnnetka's was organ- rinaih r iaurq,. ,nAow Township Coflector Sanborn Hale this week announced he had made final distribution to the various tax-ý ing, bodies of moneys collected on, the second înstallment' of the 1938, His total collection" o!, the second exceeded lastyear's. second instaill- - ment, collection by $37,378. The total collected on both the flrst and second instalîments and on per- sonal property bils, for '1938, was * $1,834,437.73, as compared to $1,807,- 174.92 for 1937. Bis àReduced This was, accompllshed, it Was ex- plained, despite the fact that the total tax extension for 1938 was *$3,253,826.99, as compared to $3,465,- 771.52 for 1937, a reduction of $211,- DeHaven Photo 944.53 ~i the total tax bis o! New Mrs. Lawrence W. Hayes has Trier township. the. leading role -in .TQoaer Play- 1, FQllowifg . isa list of -the yari9us ers' production, "The Late Chris- taxing bodies and the arnount paid topher Bean," to be staged on the. to each, by Collector Hale, as its nights of Octôber 17 and 18 in share of the second instaUrnent col- the Sacred Heart school auditor- iection: ium, Hubbard Woods. The sev- Cony of Cook, $47,903.08. eral committees that have been iCQooK County Forest ereserve, $7,185.45. formed to sell subscription tick- Chicago Sanitary District, $53,u1.79. for th ply hve epoted Glenview% village, $137.22. et s frtepa aerpr Glencoe vilage, $1ts,uUZ.14. sales progressing satisfactorily.. Kenii%.orth.vàiage, $8,656.91. tingencies. and necessary -cam- hua es otliai Phone wiImetlea WILUMET ECTIONERY s3mk cesu.by an adequate force of, sôlicitors. Glencoe school district Ne. 35,, $26,- I3riefly the procedure for building 386.02. u p a Community chest is as follows: Suçh a campaign is normally con- Winnetk coldsrc o 6 7, flrst ail available information is ob-j centrated in a week's effort, with the 1620.35. ta co1dsrc o 6 7, tained as to the fund.y rolected over necessary period thereafter. for Township school district No. 37, $1,1 I. ean-up purposes. The funds collect- 854.24. a period of years by the agencies i Renilworth> sehool district No'. 38,$1, which have regularly solicited the ed are distributed throughout the 295.26.> tqownspeople inan ogn d . ya na706.65.dbsi n ilntescoldstitN. 9 31 Such re oranize way.yeaona precleitrined baisan'Wlmtthseol isrit o.39 $8, Suhagencies aecônsidered for i cnati anand wt h New.ý Trier High sehool district No. 203, pariciatin i th Chst agencie.s beneflted, to keep up to; $97,402.93. partcipaionin te Chst.date on. their situation and needs Township Poor relief, $7.983.84. A udetcomite f het or-and the .conduct of their work. Tonhip excess commissions, $7,514.76. ers studies carefully the previous.