They are deliejous, tender, jui'cy, from65 .,4 Sunday Chicken. Dinner 6 e ATreai 1for the Enire Family ýWdmette vCaf. opoite "..UKae ÉI Eacla, of tde firat duwee persons Who brungas or sende to due WILMI'E LIFE office cor- rect angwers (or the nearest correct) wiil ho givon a' reaerved seat tiek et to the North- western-Oklahoma game. MIL ANSWERS MUST REACUI WILMETT LIFE OFIC (or, he post.niarked), BE- FORE NOON SATUlWAY, SEPTEMBER1 30.ý Dy Lem sin aSeTie Y.ur Car WASHING! -GREAING PENNSYLVANIA TIRE Green: Day and WaahingtonAve *omeotte 5311 tL IILV.LiIVEagU ý ,iw ý ui iEEUUI8e viu. ow~e iam COMPLETE SERVICE W!ASHING GREASING Mobil-CaGs BATT!RY SERVICE HI LUSSERVICE 421 Green Say Rd. WiI. 744 1940 PLYMOUTHf Don'f Wait! Try-Out Today! THE NEW PLYMOUTH'S LUXURI RIDE VICTO iL0 Se /e&tin Swing Music or Symphony QUINLAN RECORD Service 1151 Wilme*te Av.. wlI, 560 (7 1ariuett VS. Wiscoinm