c"làLIC"ILitlanit- * LLUt i.r- --th WiUll' initiateti bY a service ci You are invited to share in the enti're dedication and communion, whlch eVery TeSsino h hrhwUme service. There 18 a nursery where par- member Is.urged to attend. Dr. Alison ThSeso oftebué îlm t ents may.leavesrmai l dren during the pece ntetee Wt hit. Monday evenlng. at 8 cloc.k at. the wori'I ~evtc. Te secil ms'cforPrayer." Junior and senior choirs. Wi church. next Sunday morning will be a s foilows: take part in the praise servi ce. Oroan Preluf'e- "Poème érotique ". .Grieg The Evenhng division of- the Womnan's. -In Summer".. ......»:»Stiebbins i oétwilme nd vâigfra '.Andante; tranqullo" The Church achool.is, now fully launch. sceywl etMna vnn o <Sonata MI)............ Mendelssohn, ed on Its fafl trm, under the guidance Mf 6:30 o'clock dinner with Mrs., Venekiaseni. Anhe: Sarah. Ei.. Howard A. Berg. Treachers and workers 826 Greenleaf avenue. Miss Brownlee 'ý'Oven Mv Eyes" . .. Macfarlane are iPsked to save Wednesda y evenlng. and Mis We sh will, b. co.hostesses. Oftertory'Solo: "-Consider and, October 4. for our'first contference, and1 This, wil. be an orgjanization meeting. Hear BMe"................Wooler planning 1meeting. Thée Churc~h Board of, ilïneasy alIs AcôaRligious Education wilbe in sessi n esa ilbe observed s pe. Fra Ps loyd Acnoladiwith us.,J cial Day of Prayer. The ichapel will b. Orgn oslue:"I mdodiopen from 9 o'clock on for any Who miay arha. ................ Brahms wish'to retire for ýmeditation and prayer. The Adult Bible class. of which Frank The Church school meets each Sunday G. Guthridge is president. is usinge 0wýOu Wedinesday 'Evenlng Bible Hour mornlng at 9:30 o'clock. There are eîass- Unversityo« Chicago course. "The TTWh will resume Wednesday evening at .8 es for al ages, from the nursery to the. about the Bible," in, its reguar stùdy o'célock. The course on «-Know Your Pe<ult eenprtment. Thomas H. West i eîcso una onne a 0ocok Bible" will continue. 'We wilI study the the general superintendent. New enroil. Many couples attend together, bo h frorn Book of Joel. We cordially invite you to ments may be.made atary iy re. the older and, ycunger groups of mem:- study and worshlp with us. - . bers. "The Yroung Mr. and Mis. Club' The High School Epworth league will hâs -decided to use this o.poortunity for The Girl Scouts will meet at the church, meet Suneay evening at 6 olck in the Bible study. for the present. înstead Of Wednesday à1ternoon. o'clocorganizing a separate class. HîgIt School room. Mtr. Marvin Rusk is .. eeng thesisnso 15 4h8 IOt# IThe Young People's society meets Sun- at 7:30 o'clock at the church. Thea T~>slonRhowll met a *~day evenings at 6:30. On the comlng oht Upck silayon ol i meteir 6 ftrwîri'Mr. Dp1anorteà of New Trier has The Chicago Presbyterial society wili o clck unda evningin heirownkindly consented to show his motion pic.-mf.-t Fridav. October 6. at the rîrst room.j tures of his European trip of the past Church of Evanston. *Réservations for summer. Al nterested are uwelcome to lunch may be macle with Mrs. R. H. The Chorus choir meets for rehearsal attend. Rice, 1007 Thirteenth street. tonight (Thursday) at 7:45 o'clock in the Junior room, under the leadershiip of O hrdy coe , h iaf o a hl rknaddfae Dean McSloy. the new director. Every O hrdy dbr5 h oa' o nyhl rknaddfae member is urged to be preserit and on society holds a Rumnmage sale in charge men rise to a new day by glving your time. New voices will be welcomed. of Mrs. A. C. Youngberg. Those wishing discarded clothing, shoes. furniture. ,etc. Pleàse note that the hour of rehearsal is to efltt articles are rP-ques-ci to Let tog the Chicago Christian Industrial now set for 7:45. in tourh wth her promptly. The store league. 87W oresreAtuk -at 1149 -Wilmette avenue %vill be used. wîll call for your gifts. Mrs. Olive B.. James willlgive the Bok Devotional bookiets entitled "The Sec- Review Friday morning of this week., ret Place" are avallable to ail at nominal D 1 £ L (Seteber29. M. ame i a pin.cost. Cet one for yibur f amily on Sunday Win ethu sBible v.JurcL did reviewer and always delights her morning. 886 Elin street, Winnetka audience. Mns. B. L. Mitchell is the Link lunc'heons of thie Woman's society Melvin M. Seguine,, minister *ehainnian. - will be beid Friday, Septeniber 29, at 1 Phone: Winn. 3039 p.m. as follows: The Second division wiil have a Bake Link R, Mrs. Carlson's, at the Ieader's . SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 sale on Siturdav. Se'nlember 30, at thé 1624 Spencer avenue. Missionary Sunday National Tea store, 110~7 Central avenue. t.ink I. Mrs. Heerens'. at Mrs. Blay. 9:45 A.M.-Bible school. classes for ail. The sale wifl begin at about 8:30 o'clock. lnck's. 2146 ManIe avenue, Evanston, il A.M.-Morning Worship "Studies on Mrs; Dineie assistine. the HQIy Spirit." The annual session of the Rock River Lnk E. Mrs. Carpenter's. at Mrs. 5 P.M.-Bible Fellowship Group Christ- Comference wîil be held October 3 to Oc- D',q', Irll ") it stet. tan Crusaders-Dr. A. B. Smith, speak- tober 9 at the St. James Methodlst Link N. Mrs. Hamming's. at Mrs~ er. church. Ellis avenue at 46th street, Chi- Meier's. 910Emw d avenue, Mrs.es. 7:30. P.M.,-Organ meditations by Har'. cg.Anyone having conference vouch- ot sssig etLnai ers in their possession is asked to give: 7:45 P.M. Song, Servicet themn to the m;nister or his secretary Arn. Gospel message ynediately as the conference report mnust Frst P-resu yterian- be madle Up this week. Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 5 James T. Veneklasen, i .se 12:30 P.M .-Wornen's missionary meeting.t The ama's GildministerattheThe Pastor will bring, a short nmessage. IFirst Con gregwtional John G. Hind.ey. mninýster Alex B. Ferg'usoný. director of religlous -education SUNDAT SEt.RICES Church school .............. 9:30 A.M. Beginners and' primaries ....05 A.M. Moiriing worshlp ............ .11 A.M. Amîcçi Dei................. 5 P.M. Kappa Pi Phi..--........ ...... 7 P.M. Sunday will be HornecomIng. Sunday- and Mr. Hindle~y wull' speak, on "What Can We Do For Youv .. The -Music for the morning will be, as follows: Organ Prelude-.Rhansody...... Howeils Emily Roberts Anthemý-he Woods anci EVerySweëet Smelling 'Iree" ................. West «' Solo.by Atlan Ross, Offertoire Quartette-' Ail Praise to God"..... ..........Wagner Solo by Harold Lovejoy Organ Postlude-Piece Heroque. .Bonnet Emily' Roberts - CALENDAR 0F THE WEEK 10:15 North End Circie BookRve Lakesice circle 7:30 Cubs Monday, October 2 7:30 BOY Scouts, Troop 1. Tuesday, 'October 3 7:30 BOY Scouts, Troop il.. Thursda.y, October 5 3:M0 Girls' choir rehearsal 4 Boys' choir rehearsal 7:15 Senoir choir rehearsal CHURCiSCHIOOL Sunday is RalIy Day in the Church school. Special progi-arns have been plan*. ned for -each 'dej5arLrnent anid a large at. tendance is expecoed. AIMWICIJEI Last Suriday was quxte a success in tItis, group. There is a fine program planned for next Sunday plus election of officers; Plus refreshmients. KAPPA PI PI This group has elected new officers for' the year and expect te get really started Sunday. Another ,big prograyn is planned for 7 o'clock. Corne and help us! WOMEN's GUILD The North End circle extends an, ivi- tation to' ail interesed to hear Mrs. Henry Zander when she gives her first book review of the year ini Pilgrim Hall in the church at 10:15 on Friday, Se.ptem.- ber 29. lier topie wiUl be, "The United States as a Neutral in the Present Crisis- ††† †† †† †† ††† †† †† ††- uu z 8ine ezu. in .4U1MYU LU Lthe regular1 ýron. theme for Con- oi s work there is work for the American Red1 ober 8, will b. 4-MAil- Junior <church. which meets at ilCrs obdne -1 o'clock, will câre. for the children of par. A cordial invitation is extended to those kss will meet Tuesday e~swoatn h hrhsris not attending church elsewhere to corne at 6:0 o'cock a theand >worslip with us. This s a unionj at6:0o'lcka te The Tuxis club will meet at 5:3D chunch, ItS membership includes people1 ieppert, 2001 Highland o'clock in the chapel., jim Abele wil, from vanlous denominations. It proclaims ick supper meeting. lead the discussion of the topic,,"Learn- the essential truths oftû hisinfih