wihich. the evening sehool gives, promise of Providing. schooi officiais revealed.> With the time drawing near for formation of classes, i was pointed out, however, that the g freater théè number of inquiries received, the more completé the arrangements will be for meeting ail need Il7arry H. flerron. director of the evening sehool, urged every resident to telé- phone the school. now without dèeay if hé Is considering the possibiiity of attending. This informai reporting to the schooi wiil serve as a. preiiminary registration and wili permit the or: ganization of classes ini advance. Theré is no obligation involved in such a contact, since tuition need flot be paid until classes begin. W li qIplâ? Potff Withi a f e w days posters an- nouneing tentative iists of courses are to be piaeed throughout the township. nterested persons were urged to look for them and if courses listWd on the posters do flot meet the needs or desires of the individual, an inquiry dlrected to the school by telephorie may resuit in the forma- tion of a group to provide the instruction wanted. New inquiries "The large, weii equipped, institu- tion housed at New Trier has beyond doubt, a wide range. of opportunity for the citizens of this, comxnunity. The convenientiy scheduied courses, the low tuition, the excellent faculty, ail go to provide an extraordinary means of utilizing the fine plant of which our township is so proud. * Tesefive members of the Threshold players w ill take lead- ing parts in the production of "First Lady" on October 20. Miss Mar'y Firances Badg-r o, Lake aveue, has gone to the versity of Missouri. From Gleneoe, Miss Betty Best. Ftrm Ba]rrington., Misses Bonnie Jean Clark and Kitty Lawrence., From Chîcago, Misses Ann Mullen and ]Doro6thy ,Wharton. Get Promising Material These new members, it is an- nounced, have, added greatiy to the strength of the club teams, and somne are, said to have anexcellent chance of. being chosen to repre- sent the first, and second North Shore teamns, toward, the end of the seasop. Matches were playedon the home grounds, at Skokie Playfield,1 Sun- day, September 24,. when Lake Shore club defeated Skokie club, 3-1, Indian Hi]l club defeated the ,neigh- boring Evanston club, 3-0.-11 Next Sunday, October 1, two 44 waiy' matches wil be played~, Skokie club vs. Chica go,, at Jack- son Park, and Lake Shore club, vs. West Suburban, at Oak Park. Practice on Saturdays Association practices are held, ev- ery Saturday morning at 9:45, to which aIl north shore women are in- vited. North Shore Sehoolgiris' Junior club receives coaching every Satur- day morning at 9 o'clock. tion's anmouncernent, which adds, "wQuld-býe umnpires, please note." J. G. Wrays Entertain Guests From Bogata, Mr.' and Mrs. Lyndon H. of Bogata, Colombia,. South ica are visiting with the J. G~. at 625 Washington avenue. Ci Joseph Amer- Wrays Iencoe. ire to have ght, and (7) cle. 1 avoid seri- 1 >oua