4 'I i aie Wruamoô., runfor !vsryone. Gt YMi' Musico Card son.ry, supply isliImit&. MUR LSi . a j-b. baul n eM 55< U10~ *argarm.s~ I LU tAI uA IC». 3Et Ib 21 Your SteSplILousb wth the cheup.r grodes thot ors heuvy endid vor muid ore betng advertised for toms. The 1.e ' Iob roasis we olfar oil young Iambs enid ort as tender ud swoet os sprboë chichen. Photos by Lyle Howardu The new church of the Roman Catholic parish' of St. Joseph tuas detlicated last Sunday rnorning by his eminence, George Cardinal Mundelein, archbishop of Chica go. The church, located at Lake avenue and Ridge road, Wi.mette. was recently completed at a côst of ap- proximately $400,000>. Mornugnor J. A. Neumann is pastor. Begi.n 4Oth Year Ai Health Resori The North Shore Health Rt now includes baths. electric ~ratus and many proved methods rin the resort staff 1 mnasium.s, heaith lerapeutical appa- CALIFORNIA Peaches 29oz ZN9. 2. cons 2-i AMERICA?4 NOME-HALVES OR SLICES. P.aChes -.No. 2'can.15e :AGAIN.BRAND 2Ooz.23 conisa 2. 20-oi. No, 2 cons 3 relIax at the resort for a week or two 1 'Par 1z1u me and regain their vitality.I In lkeeping step With the progress Waliord Johnson of loi Sixteenth of medical science, the resort has street has entered the freshman made marked changes from its orig- class at Carroll college, Waukesha, inal form. Its.,up-to-date equipmeflt Wis. FI COME AGAIN ZIj.Ib.bag U-Ds.bag 15< ore finnsmc THEi ;iNNI cU ]Roîm