morninoi. ff'*q* lMfie Cn"'nbell itself to be 'the champlonship teim Center. The vrelirn will be at 12:.10, from tlm Tntloe'sil oll"e of Educe- of the Middle West and the Eaqst, with 'the big boys going on at 2:30 tion fsn1kpr-<on atoies for children of having defeated the best squads in Brownte ag e..thoqe se<rfinvs. McLaglen's outfit Waiykt-Ran. will vrovide the locals aft vnpp--hpwq ich, Miqss'FI fromm novieland cornes roaring out with thef r fi rst 1939 taste ot Subuirban eanor TCesin uvlhri director of airlsf of. the Weqt with eleven straight Ioop co-nowtitinn a week. ftom, $atur- activit§ps ini tha E,*rnnqton bureau of scalvmqý dangÉlinE r from its beit. day.. at Winnetka,. recrepitfoný. çnnkt- ahnut games sulit- This: fis the first big. interqectional New. Trier sneaked under the wire able for this P*ée group'- an d tau0ht gfAre within the i)aqt d ecadle in. the ahead of Amundsen. 8 to 6. in their the leaderg, s-rne new garnes. Thé-tUnited States. Seldom hav eerdebut, Saturday, before a large. hol>- meeing"'n 'ev sccssfl ad ~ ~ P~"q laqhed anywýhere. Vith clay-sntlrited crowd* at Phelps Field. Brownie Ilnd-'q are. urged to attend such brilliant 'recordsas the Chii- A saRfetvy and a, touchdowni that <'a "0 outfit> and the in vading ai rder gaveý the, Trev s their points, th nxtmetig.fornianq. Amundsen. fntlowing vwith a touch- At thie lelqderq' meeting, which was TeCc, ta.wt sih dwn in tht- losino- moments of play. hel Mn~A. Cntpbe 1R atMr. lgeluminaries on its.roster asVic Id Advantige R. D. irtnter'q home. Missq AdrIm Hardin.Bo ChlsHrnRdv On straight senimniage,- the grey- ennle Kavàsnpiloqh <iescrjhed her Ppter Fortune andý Freddie .Lind. greeners held a dtofinjtte>açvanta Le. trainincl et CPWNnEdith Macv xii'~ wil 6e. ev'on strontier for the big even in.the first half, wiben no scor- Mrs Dvi Own isussd heganie at Sodier -Field.. Jaiv Ber- ing Was done by either, tean. Most traininir which che ýtook at Canin wanger. thî- >TTnfv.erqitv of Chicaiio's of the nlav was Detween the thirty Potawatornie. Thiq was done ýwith one-man football teani, has been yard stripe and ,the, visitée's goal the Mden <'f &valli;tiing the trnininoe 'showing sperkling.forni in workouts lune. which a leadelr %y-ts from na national and will be In the backfield against Time and again the New Trier Uine camiu suel aq Camn Ekith Macy, the MeIaln ruiggersý. The entire sifted almost en masse through the contrasted with a three day re- squad of fifteen is made up of big enemy forward wall, to throw the gional spe4son siich as that given at ruzgby and football names.hablbp-arrier for a lJoss~. hInfact, thev 'Camp ainm. Mrs. Erinest smothered practically every runnine Warner descrihe-d the programn of play before it had a decent chance activities at Caron Nelson for theo etig under way. In this latter tro)cann> at Chamber's island. Sea S o t the home bQvs were given m Purther inians wo-re made for the Ie co t measurable aid bv the Amundsen fathers' dinrPr which is to bc heldJ center. who badl the misfortune of October 12. The Prograni is to be sotn h vlt ueoss)t given 6v the intenmediate age Niglit Cruise son temovalto er oseot hs scouts, thn-e over 10 years old. A bY Tom Gaties teammntes happnened to 6e. This did trio fromv Tron) is to furnish the A strong, steady breeze bie\w, into not hein> his cause a bit, as bv the music. Tht- ommvittee of leaders in JWilmette harbor from thelake, as- tume one of his friends was able to charge of the dinner is as followsq: surng us of a satisfying sail. Skip- etieve the bal. le invariably was ST.ilS Y....if, n T. 1 r.ti - U1Uunciemiin oneUor me Uieaet hardest tackles anyone would care to see-or feel. Sinclair is one of thàse guys Who always seems to corne out of nowhere to bnring down a foeman. -He knocked the pins :from under opponents on three occasions so.swiftlythàt the crowd muttered to itself, wondering-how it had hap.. pened. Judging fromi performances thus fan, there la little:cause to, 6e con- cernedover the defense probleni In the line. BuÈ.,Sullivan, tackle; Jroe Bayard,, guard: Mickey, Simpson, center;'Tubby Ellîs, guard; and Bob McNIit, tackle',<reading from right, to left) have handled their jobs weil. FROSH-SOPR The -freshman - sophomore tearn>, Under Ken Funkhouser and Rich Gadske was to have its first test in the fracas with Niles Center on Sat- urday. Just what kind of an outfit they will 6e facing is not certain, since the enroliment at the latter Crchool. makes it a littie difficuit to guarantee a squad of fresh-sopb, standing. If ourgui-ess is correct, the biÉgest trouble with this y ear's cuib ediition will be lack of weight. speed and power in the line to balance that which the. backfield lias in huge gobs. The boys who are handling the chores behind the line at présent are George Scbrnit7 . Lncon LinTiyu- The scouts and adults who are go- ing to the football giame. Octaber 7, are to nieet -in front of the home of, Mrs. John Clark Baker, 147 Maple avenue. Tne roup ýwill leave promptly at 1 o'clock to walk to the stadium. Each scout leader has- been asked to fiirnish one adult for every eight Llrls from her troon> Mothers and fathers who would like to volunteer for this trip are asked to get in touch with the leaders. wI Positions at one tine during the ground' by- sail were held by the following: Jim p ossessionc Jones, helmsrnan; Skipper Fredithey attemr, Mana and 'Mate Ed Colegrove com- sive thenise. mandlng officers; the sheets were reverse driv taken by Dick Jones, Bud Miller. was snappf and Tom Gaties; John Stephensýo ceiver's hev acted as lookout; Bud Streed and, the end zot Everett Eckenbeck were human bal- up by one of last; Ward Doughertv served as yeo- was srneare man; George Randall cared for the of steps. backstays; recruit L. Taylor, was a1 passe.nger. Most disa- of the windbag tflan w1len vted to assume the offen- elves. In the midist of the ve by Amnundsen,,the bal ced back ovýerý the ne- !d, finally bounding into, me. was pi .cked o the Amundsen men. He xld after tak ing a couple Poor Tiinn Bic and Fast Link and Jolino are both big and plenty fast, good passers and kick- ers. Campbell is a powerhouse on offense and defense. Ail in ail, it's a sell -bunch-and one that will ramblie fely through the opposition, provided the opposition does not. ramble fre-ely through the line before these lads are able to get armovin', I-M-Basket bail Will 1 1Washngton, gown ceremc y i; y coueége. j výsKiaii LVUIU5at NT, &J. ;eutifuI akling was done tough a similar plan was foflowed Trier players, most out- in intramnural football a number of being by Co-captain' Laug- years ago with pretty fair success,- a grac alehooli. U ty- at