Lucile Marsh and Lautrence *Hostette'r demonstrating netc gteps in the polka at the recent Natonal iUanéë tqailuc econven- tion in Newi York, where thie fl fashions in the dance are cie- termidned each 'year. At the home of Ms C. Colto i Daughaday, 180 Chestiiut street, Winnetka, Wednesday afternoon of this week Miss Marsh, who is to di. rect the Alicia Pratt School of the Dance, talked on the place of danc- ing in the education of the modern girl and boy. SMiss Marsh, who is the author of a number of books on dance tech- nique and the dance in education, has just completed a coast-to-coast survev of the dance in tfhe United Sta tes, nak-ing a special study a the rnethods used in outstanding, sehools of dance art and doing ex- ten-sive research in the social prob- lems connected with the ballroom dance. "'Dancing training~ said Miss Ilarsh, is no longer consiciered the' mere finishing touch in the grooming of a debutante; it is a vital part of Like Cash! Davis Street ,Evauaston