$1Ié49 l wn ELGIN COMPACTS One of 'the.wides varietiem of eom- pacts ever offered li a sale! Fine 7single and double styles, 67 stunning patternis to choose front finished with cloi8sonne enatnel. Many are one of a kind so he Jere early for best selection! Reg. $2 Reg. $2.98 Reg. $3.98 $1 Mi"s Major's new studio bas beenf coxnpletely redecorated. in tbe Span- isb motif lusing the- many fine pieces. of Mexican art. sbe bas collected on ber -tours of Mexico. and the south- west. Tbe cordially invites tbe gen- eral public to inspect ber studio at any. timhe. aspects of boxing. Hre wili accept stit- dents of the seventb grade level and Up. AT CARLETON COLLEGE Daniel L. Seiden, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Seiden. 701- Linden. ave- nue,; left laÉt week for Northfield, Mi nn., wbere he is a freshman this year at Carleton college. Daniel was eraduated, in June from New Trier Uigh school. KNEW RIS INDIANS ROOF IRE jCaptain C. B. Brennan, pioneer Cbimney sparks are tbougbt t(> be Indian figbter,* scout, pony express the cause of a roof. fire at tbe L. M...,rider, and first 'Colorado Congress- Allen home, 258 ýMeirose avenue,1 man from De nver, is employed asý Kenilworth,' Sunday, afternoon. The tecbnical advisor on Paramount's baewas extinguisbed by a crew "Geronimro,' story, of 'the 'Apache from theWinnetka.fine, depantment. neign of: tenror in the, Soutbw.est, NO estimate of the amount of dam'- featuring -Preston Foster,. Elile rn age was made'. Drew and Andy Devine. WIEDOLDT'S Davis 'Street Evanston. Septeniber 28, 29, 30 WJEDOLDT'Sý Davis st.. Evaustou ý In