dm. y«r homm.hoId lgoodm. b. ure #0 ph... UNIVERSITY 0091 Agent A5itil V. Lisez 88 Testa N3perIemc. os MorDu SJsoe'. and the camp report was made by Jack Da vis, camp commnittee chair- man. The, camrp movies are now avail- able for use by, American Legion posts;, Service clubs. 'and. other or- Attfentio>n!1 I.North Shore ,x'ecutives! I010 9. , norsb side of tOhio, hîrv,*. 1,t 1mw àOnter Drive 'and Lake. Thé ino-.î I<.aion for hotel, office building or ihowrtm% sati tht' I owest prire ever offered. Phone Ernes IM. lKinibafl, owner. Rog. Pk. 3261 or Franklin, 700. to the game. Tbey are to report at the master himself, Leopold Stokow- Gate One not later than, 1 o'clock. ski, and the Philadeiphia orchestra. In ail probabiity there will be 10,OOl To inyone who has heard onl y the Scouts from the North Shore %Areal excerpts this r ecording ýof the suite council, ,and ther nearby councils. will be a distinct thrill even if he has never seen the.ballet action that AT NATIONAL COLLEGE the music represents, for the, com- Mary .May Crawford, daughter of1 position was, written 'expressly for the W. F. Crawfords, 1415 Gregory Diaghileff -for performance by the avenue, is a student this fail at the .famo us Ballet Russe with Nijinsky National College o f Education. Last!as Petroushka. *year she -attendeci Lawreflce colle at Appleton,. Wis., Shortly befo commencing .sechool Miss' Crawf< retur-ned from the Crawford su] m er home at Platte Lake. Mich. ,IIIIIII IUegs 1<w * 75.JfLJJnîv~ra I GAS ANGE 0 95 *Fuly Insulated egSu bre i'Sperlative Interpretatio.î ord 1 fe-el no need to say what the m-orchestra does with the music. as it is an accepted fact that with: Stokowski conducting the music is bound to be perfecty interpreted. and Petroushka is just that. Stokow- ski issaid to have worked for fivte years to achieve as nearly faultless as possible a recording of the intri- cate passages andi bizarre effects that- Stravisky l'a rroted for. Ne certainly hasn't .missed a bit of the sparkle of a carefree fair crowd.. the coquetry of the Ballerina, or, what 1 have always termed. the "exquisite sadness" of poor Pet- rËoushka, the puppet endowed with lie wo is. a Russian friend once said, the soul of the Russian people. f One can well bel ieve the truth (J that statement after liste-ning initent- 1iy to. this recording (Victor album 'M-574). Ptesents Beethoven It is quite a jump from Stravinsky to Beethoven, but an easy jump via -revordings. The Beethoven is "Ich Liebe Dich," as. sung quietly and tenderly by L e t t e Lehmann for' R.C.A. Victor. The companion piece is "Sehiafe Mein Susses, Kind" w,~ old German folk slumber song, which was unfamilar yet utterly charmjng. Madame Lehmann's voice is particu- - larily suited to this type of selection. Igor Gorin, rising young Americaii -baritoné, displays amazing control -in The Blind Ploughman with None But the Lonely Heart by Tschaikow- n (»JK, Uand L iszt and i ltfltl!ltfllli m 11 m u lin m il 111 Ifil titi nuit ni liiiiiitiditi mont 1 lit o; il rit i iiii ui Illi il mon i illi uni m il ilitil 1 1 il m il il 1111 lit il il i lit Ill Il Ill i m lit j î iiiiii il Ili! il il 11111111 il 1111 If Ili 11 fil il! i Ill 11111111111111 ul 111 il 111111 . lui 1 iliquil illifilihi il