little notei ac1joned the precincts of the lovely Abbey. Sir Walter- Scott is buried in a peaceful corner o! the Abbey;, and nearby, General Allen- by (iii higb command durinà the last War) was buried, at bis own ex- press. wish,, witb" the wooden cross o! a:commonsoldier to mark bis grave. *Tbis whole region of, Scott was especially beloved by him, and we d&Ove ýalong tbe famous "Mile" from one point of wýhich is, Scott's favor- ite view, where his. funeralt proces- sion, balted on its way from bhis love-' Iy bornme at Abbotsford to'Dryburgh Abbey. Edinburgh means to us, above -al else, the impressive ,and moving War' Memforial, rigbtly judgeyd the finest erected, anywvbere in memory of the dead of the Great war. We visited' the Castle, that grim fortress set higb a0ove tbe rest of tbe city, and! in the Âpartments of Mary Queen of' Scots we were reminded that there1 the queen gave birtb to her son, wbo wa- later to become James I of Eng- land. We were sbown tbe wiridow from wbich she was supposed to bave bad bim lowered for safety over the 'igli precipitous wall; and in tbe tales told us by tbe guide wbo taok us 'tbrougb ber private apart- mfents at Holyrood Castle, we sbared once more- tbe tragic experiences of hotel (once a ioveiy manor flouse, set in the- midst of gardens and beautifully cared-for grounds), and my "charges" bad a delightful tîme, playing tennis and other games, and discussing witb tbem ail of tbe ques- tions o! vital interest to tbe young Jn every country.: We:entered ,Wales, soon after pass- Returns to fouina Root Photo Miss Alice MeUer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Meùer of 2116 'SchillI'er -street, Wilmette, left for Grinnel college. Septem- ber 17, to enter her freshma& vecir.and c ontinue her st-udy of Miss Meyer, a. graduate of the Mallinckrodt figli shool,,wa,$ atlve in dramatic work there, and bas been studying dramatics in Evans- ton. Mrs. Meyer and a sis1ter, Mrs. Robert 'Bruns, will motor to Iowa with Miss Meyer. ing tbrougb Chester, tbat quaint old town, witb its balf-timbered bouses and unique "Rows," - two storied streets, really, with one row of shops above another. We passed ne.r The North Shore group of Alpha Chi Omega will bave a meeting Tues- day, October 3. The event wil be a luncheon and bridge 'at tbe home o! Miss Dorothy Purcell, 1126 Judson avenue, Evanston. Co-bostesses will be Mrs. Donald Johnson of Evans- ton and Mrs. Artbur Goelitz of Deer- field. 'A report o! the, National Alpha. Chi Ornega twenty-tbird biennial con- vention in June at the Seignory club in Quebec will lie giveri by the dele- gate, Mrs. Ernest Eklund o! Gleri- t ni hicage Studio-US 9No. IMlchlgan Ave.., MORT Have you. ever seen New England in .all the glory, of ils viM'd atumn colorng? Plan ta. gô ti; fait: see the frée-1ld hIlis andý mountains .f ýNew 'Hampshre, Vermont, Con- necticut> and Massachusetts aflame with the; yvid tints of October and Novem-ber. Gel the, Most ou-F of yor tnip-leF his organization dsssl Hhyour iflnerr dreéserva- tions. Tariff.ra-Fes; no.extra charge. I-u 514011E, 5M0 end GnoInef 5650, IED?4A M. i'RUE, Managcer TRA VIL SERVICE FOURTH4FLOOR STATE BANX BUILDING EVANSTON. ILLINOIS PATitONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS foi NAPPINISS AR EALTN I ~ Jeanne Louise B of Mrs. James M. 427 Greenleaf ave has returned to Ho Virginia for her ac olege ini 'Gr(i )re 1,ear. Iteai for Green ne her duties !acuIlty. of the )ol, where she dramatics. es El