The October meeting of the North Shore Mu- sicians club the first meeting thisf. tiwll be held Tuesday, Octobea, 3, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John R. Nicholson, .626 Valley. road. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. E. L. Perklns, Mrs. 0. E. Geppert and Mrs. Harvey. A. Bush. President o! the club is Mrs. A. E Harnsberger of Winnetka. The program; which hias been arranged by Miss. Cara Maas, pJrogram chairnian, will pre-. senit..Marie Pettibone, pianist; Avis Evans, so- prano; Marjorie S$herman, mezzo. contralto;, Eunice'Schmidt, pianist, and a trio comp osed o! Edna Anderson, violinist; Winifred Townsend Cree, violist, and Grace Orcutt, pianist.ý Members of the club are now commencing to concentrate efforts on their annual- benefit con- cert to be heid in November. Préceeds wil be used to assiat worthy Students, of music. The programi to, be given at Mrs.' Nicholson's homeié is as folloiws: Grillen................................Schumnann' Glaoten.......... ............. Prokofleif Marie Pýettibýone. P ,anist Mozwk In the Luxembourg Gardens.................. ii*.-*.............. Kathleen Lockhart Manning Whr s....................**,*...... Harriet Ware Whn Iring ou Coloreci Toys. .John Alden Carpenter. The Slnging Girl of Shan .............. Alice Barnet. The Brownies ...................... Franco Leonh Avis Evans, Soprano Evelyn LaSalUe, Accompanist Divertimento in D (Trio).......... H. Waldo Warner Pastorale ,Rigaudon Voiit-Wnte re lis Edna Anderson,.ilns-iire re ils Grace Orcutt, Pianlst- Th LstSng...............James *H. RogerFý Marjorie Sherman. Contralto Ernau Akely, Accompanist Jesu. Joy of Man's Desiring ............. Bach-Bauer Prelude, No. 6, E Flat Major.......... Rachmaninoff, Malaguena................................. Lecuoqna, Eunioe Schmidt, Pianîst Helen Beach Students Mo-ris Photo Miss Clara Maas, 2204 Thorntvood ave- nue, Wilrnette, pianiat, will be on tour the gréater part of I'Ïember'- witIthe l{urt and' Grace Graif ballet as accompanst. They tvill appear in New York and througho ut the Carolinas. In Januari, they may go to Flor- ida. Miss Maas is also continuing her accomn- panying this 1year for the Neu, Trier Glee club. Miidred Muflien Tours r riuay ..&ey opn a egaemntin BDufalo. N. Y., and previously had been in Columbus, Youngstown, and Akron. Ohio. From Buff aloý. they will go to Wheeiing, W. Va., St. Louis and Indianapolis. Later in the season the production may be taken to the west coast. Various acts by the company are made up o! dancing, sing- ing, and acrobatic numbers. Opens Houme A series of twelve colored prints, representing a dozen épisodes or steps in the career of Abraham Lincoln, has been presented to the Joseph Sears sehool ini Kenllworth by R. Ward Star *rett of Kenilworth, a public spirited citizeni, and now hangs in the corridor o! the main floor of the school... Reproduceed in exquislte coloring, the prints are conies of twelve Où paintings by the artist, Louis Bonhajo, which have -been made and copy- righted bY R. L. Parkinson. Beginning with Lincoln as a boy, they shoôw him- on his flat boat trip to New Orleans and- on his travels to Illinois. We then seeLincoin' as, the story'teller, as the, rail splitter and as the country lawyer. For a Single portrait of the, mani Mr. Bonhajo chose to copy his campa ign photograph, and also, gives a moving interpretation of Lincoln and his« son, Tad. In. the, Iast, group. are Lincoln sinpging the emancipation lirorli matfion,- confer- ring with. Grant'during -the Civil War, and a final print of'Lincoln's tomb in Washington, D. C. 'Mr. Bonhajo chose a style pictoril and illus- trative for this series Of paintings, one easily understandable to children, and at the same tinie onie ligh in artistie value. Eaeh tubjýeot in it.self is a w9rk o! art. Taken together theyý are an asset to any s.chool, both for their beauty and decorative quality, and for their histonrical significance. The prints are hung on single nail withshort, wire so that they 'may be easily retnoved by. teachers and taken to classroorns for illustrative purposes. Innurnerable occasions arise. duringL class procedure when referen1ce is made to just the episodes pictured in thie prints. San Caria Opera Opens Here Octo ber 10 Thé San Carlo opera cornpany corn)es to the Auditorium in Chicago for .two weeks beginnirtg Monday, October 9, and will oPen ifs fali season on Tuesday, October. 10, with"'Aida." Cùrrently engaged on its annual transcontinental tour 'f the principal 'cities .of, the United States and Canada, it will reach here after p'laying in.the C-nter, theatre, the Rockefeller theatre in'Radio City. Other operas during the first week of the en1- gagement include, "Rigoletto," October il: