Color Accent for AII-White Wedding Touchés of deep, crirnson, accented the all-white wedding of Miss Alison Louise -Burge, daughter of Mr.: and Tvrs. E. H.. Burge, 924 Forest ave-. nue, Wilmette, and Charles, Olin Sethness, son of Mr. andi Mrs. Walter> D. Sethness, .1015. Dinsmore .road, Winnetka,*.which took place Satur- day evening at the Wlimette Con-. gregational church. Officiating at. .-the ceremony, which was followed by a réception at the Georgian hotel, was the*Rev. W..E. 'MeCormack of the 'New England : Congregational church in Aurora, brother-in-Iaw of the bride. Centered- at the chanicel of the church was a sc-reen of evergreen studded with white gladioli and pomn- pons,, flanked on either side with paims, and candelabra, and on the offertor'y was a htn4eboque~t of white gladioli and chrysanthemums. The bride wore cream satin made princess style with a full length a train, long sleeves, and a sweet- a heart neckline. A tulle veil was held 1 in place by a cap of heirloom ,rose- 0 point lace belonging to her grand- r mother, Mrs. Seymour A. Wheelock. ai She carried white roses and small tl white chrysanthemumes. fashion show given by the. Winnetka board of Northwestern ,U niversity settiement will have an opportunity to serve in the job. of air hostess, it is announced. Mrs. George B. Wiliiams will conduct her flrst regular -meeting as the néw president of the Wom- an's Club of Wilrnette next 4'ednesda a f te r no on, ut 2 o'clock. T h e> occasion, recip- roc it y day, will be ai musicale and reception. Be fore. becoming the club's presiding officer, ahe had been a inember of its board Flowered moire in white fashioned for six years, having served two the. jacket gowns of ail her attend- years as literature chairman, ants, which were full skirted and ,two years as program VJZairiral,' trimmed at thze back with a bustle. and as -first vice-presidevit for the bow. T~wo sisterso!. the bridé, Miss same period of time., Barbara Burge and Mrs. W. E. Me- Cormack, served as maid and mat- ron of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Kathryn Bush of Upper Hope Summers to Give Montclair, N. J., Miss Helen and Miss Marguerite Setbness, sisters of Nexf M. E. Book Programn the bridegroom. AUl wore red roses in their hair and carried bouquets of Don't miss this opportunity to white chrysanthemums and feathery hear Hope Summers give one o! crimson coxcomb, except the mat- her delightful dramatic interpreta- ron of honor whose flowers were tions of "Family Portrait." which white chrysanthemums and rubrum was given on the New York stage Miles. Iast year. Miss Summers has ire- * Trogharrangements with an airpiane corn.pany, ne, of the North Shore Society girls ý will don. the trim uýniform o! a hostess and act as, an assistant hostesss on ."Gold- icoaster," one. of the airline's daily non-stop Skyelub planeps operating' between Chicago and New York. She, will have 'an* opportunity at firSt hand to see exactly what thc job of air hostessingý is. like, After a_ stopover in New York Whereý she mnay attend the World's faijr, a college house party, or perhaps even one of the football -szmes, she will return to Chicago as as- sistant air hostess on the westbound non-stop *'ocoaster» Mrs. John. L Irving.. young so- ciety matron, (the former Patricia Forsythe Kelly,), will wear a host-, ess uniformn at the fashion show1 today (Thursday) at the New Trier Iiigh school auditorium and assist ini the selection of the girl. Mr.,and Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 1571 Woodstock, avenue, Kenilworth, en-1 tertained a group o! 24 at dinner andi bridge at the Skokie Country club. 'Glencoe. last saturday eve- ning. Inter prets Play For, KeIIy-Lyeth Wedding in October Invitations, have: be .en issued,,for the wedding of Miss'Elizabeth Vause Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert W. Kelly, 412 Cumnor road,' Kenx±worth, and Arthur' Graham LX'eth, Jr.ý, of Boston,. The bride- groom - s -the, son ofo A., G. Lyeth and the late Mrs. Lyeth of. Ruther- ford, N. J.' The ceremony will take lace, at the Kenilworth Union church at 4:.30 o'clock Saturda2y, October. 14, and will, be fofl'owed by a receptioný at Indian Hill club. Two o f the bricde's Vassar class- mates, Miss Jean Riehardson of Glendale, Ohio,.and Miss Helen Ideil of Bro'o1kline, Mass., wilI be in the wedding party, Miss' Richardson as maid of honor, and Miss Ideli as a bridesrnaid. Other bridesmaiçis. will be Mrs. C. W. Laing, Jr., of Win- netka, Mrs. Howard M. Packard of Chicago, and Miss Karla Jorgenseii of Chicago. Miss Betsy Franiks of Rockville Center, Long Island, niece ,of the bridegroom, is. -to serve as junior bridesmaid. j Frank Ideil is to be Mr.' Lyeth's, best man. The ushers are C. W. Laing, Jr., Dr. John Olwin of Chii- cago, Ralph Behr of Evanston, and' Harold P. Franks of ERockville Cen- ter, brother-in-law of the bride- groum. Announce Change in -Opera Ticket PôIicy-