North Shore Parent-Teacher units will join next week in observing Parent-Teacher Week,. proclaimned by Gov-. Henry Horner. The observance in this vicinity will be combined with the aninual conference of District :21, Iiiinois Congress. of Parents and, Teachers (covering the North Shore area) to be held Friday, October 6, in the audit oriumn of Arthur. Howard school, 1701' Spencer. avenue, Wil- mnette. The program,'arraiged by the. dis- trict director, Mrs. Sterling Williams of Lake Forest,ý follows> MoTning Session 9:30 a. m. Registration 10:00 a.m. Invocatio-Dr. . D. AllJ- son, Wilmette Baptist church. Greetings-J. R. Hlarper, superinten- dent,* Wilnette Public schools; Lowell F . Todd ' prinecipwt'of noward scrool. Response ... . Mrs. Sterling P. Wiliams Minutes of 1938 Meeting-Mrs. George W. Adams. 10 :15a.m. Symposium: Essentials in 1Character Education for the Child Physical Health..Dr. Bertha Shafer Mental }eath....... Mrs. W. F. Krahl Knowledge and Skills. .Mrs. Edward W. 1Jackson 'Working for a Purpose. .Mrs. F. Rus- sell Lyon 11:00 a.m. Round Tables Presidents....... Mrs. F. Russell Lyon Enteeed tu a.c.d-chmu mate par Mv4 &1914, a A." .5ce.« Wimet.aa.ini5, sud.,the mai # MeCi .1» Mrs. Van der Vries Namned on ConMission Bernice T. Vant der Vries, of Win- netka,. representative in the state legisiature -frOm the.7th district, bas been appointed. a niember of ýthe Illi- nois Commission .on Inte.r-govern- mental Co-op>era- r: w: :e'pozit- ment w a s an- nouced this week Write a 'Letter!ý Po.stmaster's Pflea, Ahnnounce: aent wasm ad e tMis week .of the completion of the pro- gramý for the 26th seas on o! the Ne w Trier Sunday Evenng club, which will be inaugurated Sunday, ,Nô,vember' 5, at, ,New TIrier. Wghli school aud!itoriumn.. The new, season, that launches the second quarter centuryfor this dis- tinctively Northý Shore civie enter- prise of which W.: Frank McClure o! Wilrnette- is. founder and presi- dent, wiU bring an array of talent to this community, that, promises to dlaim the keen attention of every villager.