Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1939, p. 45

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In Color Scheme At Clencoe Wedding The bride in ice' blue and her bridesmaids in white was ýthe un- usual reversai of color scbeme for the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Priée Miles, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs.' Everett Williamh Miles, 964 Sheridani road, Glencoe, and eugene C. Bauer, Jr., son. of Mr. and Mrs. Eu- gene C. Bauer, 515 Kenfilworth ave- nue, Kenilwbrth,, on Saturday eve- ning at the Glencoe Union, church. The ceremony was pèrformed by the Rev., Douglas Corneli befôre a chancel banked with palms and il- lumninated with candelebra. At the Woman's Library club, where -the reception. was held, white Cbrysan- themums predominated in the dec-. orations, partly made up of the bou- quets sent to the bride's parents in celebration of their twent'y-ifth ant- niversary, which fell on that day. The bride, in a gown of ice blue satin witb basque waist, leg o' mut- ton sleeves, and a very full skirt ending in a long train, wore a match- ing veil of ice blue tulle' falling from. a small cap of ostrich plumes. Cord- ing at the waistline, wrist, and neck- line trimmed the gown, and she car- ried calla liles. Pla ce in West Mrs. Alfred H. Tayflor -of Gieu- coe is president of the Evanston Societuy for Crip pied C1îfldren which naintains a crippled chUl crens rooiin thé Haven school in Evanstmn, a moontiii which mnaj be entered '*anu, crippled child witth normal mentalty ii Evanston and these surrovnding communities. ulaaion of material very pertinent From California cornes news of the i~to books on Africa and on East mlarriage of Miss Patty Hill Perron., Africa wbicb throws fmucb ligbt on dauhe fMs e eron 1of estig fom te pint f vew 0Begher ., s oradMs world affairs, and is quite, inter- Claremront, Calif., and Charles L current events as well as ýlitera- Charles L. Bergey of Los Angeles. ture it is announced-on September. 22. The bride, a Miss Perkins WiIl reiw for the granddaughter of Mrs. Corrinne first lecture on'October il one of True,ý 418. Forest avenue,. Wilmette. a séries of six ivbicb is being spon- formerly lived in Winnetka. Ssnred by Evanston Friends 'of The, The wedding ceremnony took. place Chicago scbool, "White.Man's Coun- in the Church of the Angels in Pasa. Stry, or be Lie * of Lord Dala- denawhich was decorated With white mere" by Elspetb Huxley, -wbich chrysanthemnums. and blue deiphin- bas Ius been published, in. London !uni, illumninated by, candlelight. and Africa and is oconide one Given in marriage ybrbohr of the imnportanRt books of the year. Davis Perron. thé bride: was attend- It presents a fa -cinating and un- ed 'by Miss Kathryri Boswell, maid usual character in the person of of .honor, Miss Betty Wykoff and Lord Delamere, wbo it is said, Miss Morrieta Bergey, bridesrnaids. really added tbree South African She wore a princess gown of w,%hitc states to the British empire. It is stipper satin, beart-sbaped at the written by.one of.the coing- iig, neck with lon~g .s1eeve.s and a hrnu. ures of Engiish letters, a citizen ()f train. A fingertip veil was àttachecl both London and Nairobi. to a Juliet cap of seed pearis. and The proeeeds derived from this she carried gardenias and, hlus tif -series, wblcb takes place the sec- the valley., ond and fourth Wednesday morn- The maid of bonor was in' crushecd ings of October, November, and De- raspberry faille made with a bustle n cember at Congregational HQuse, of byacinth blue and full short bt 1417 Hinmnan avenue, Evanston, sleeves. A Mary Stuart bat match. will be given to the scbolarship, cd ber dress and she carried'sweet. fund of Tbe Chicago Junior School, peas. The bridesmaids were dress- a sebool for boys. at Elgin, ed like the maid of. honor except for t Mrs. George H. Simpson. of Win- color, their hyacinth gowns having netka, is in charge of tbis series,' raspberry busties, and thèir hats and any Who wisli to avail them- .matcbing their dresses. selves of these reviews are asked Daniel Moore of TIcon Ariz., was to get i toucb with Mrs. Simnpson. Mr. Bergey's best nman, and the usbers were Thomas Dawson of Chi- cago and Thomas Dugue of Los An- Sels Tickets gls A' reception followed the wedding at the. Vista del Assoyo h1itlin Pasa,- dena. The young couffle will spend their boneymoon in San Francisco and nortbern Califôrnia and will Iie at Murrieta Springs, Murrieta., Calif. Amnong tbe out-of-town guests were the bride's two aunts from Wilmette, Miss Edna True and Dr. Katherine m- True, and also Miss Nancy Bolden-

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