Woman s Vear Gileite and Micari, Duo Pian sfr, to Give Program af Whick Club Preidenits Will Be Guests Wednesday,. October 4, beralds the gala opening of the Womnan's Club of ~ ýWilmeýtte. This first meeting of tbe seaso n wi begin at 2 o'clock. Mrs' George B.. Williamfs, new president of the *club, wilI be in--the chair. Fol- lowmng the program, 'Mrs. Williams and her board wil be in the receiv- Ing ie ogeet the rhembersbip and guests. This will be, Reciproclty day and invitations have been extended to presidents. of neighboring, clubs and officers of. the Tenth district. Tea wîfl be served in the newly Ver* Giette and Vinzcent Micai deoai. ed ore fMthe e1ublhouse by wreeent temusicale,-whiir, with - the social commlttee, during wbich light of the opening meeting of the time members and guests' may en- mette. The event is Recigrocity dg joy an exhibit of steel engravings loaned for the occasion by A. A. presiden.ts from district clutbs will be Kritchever of the Mathew Francis studio. These engravings are from ftfty to two-hundred yeàrs old and include copies of such masters as -Book Review Is Program Raphael and Guido Rheim. The col- lection comprises of religious,- his- For WiImef le Garden Club torical and literary subjects. -a receptiM o o~fficrs,p ts the w itO e ear of the Woman's Club of Wil- day and toil be the occasion when oe honor guests. The hoitr is 2 o'clock.. Methocisi Church Will Colldt Rummaege for Sae. Open on Tuesc1ay Musicale and Reception for New Members, Constituto Plans for Affernoon Progjram The Nefgbbors .of Kenilworth wilI Open their fortv-fourth season on Tuesday October, 3, at- 21 &clock witb a rec eption to the niew memn- bers. follôweçl by* a musical pro- gram' Mrs. Cecil B. Meredith 'is con- tinuing as president of the Neighbors and.Mrs. Vernon C. Beebe. is 'first vice president and chairmani of the program committee. The program, for next, Tuesday wiII be under the auspices of the music cornittee. They wvill pre- sent Miss May Barrow, mezzo-so- prano. and Leo Heim, pianist. Miss Barr'ow bas been a meni- ber of .th, Chicago itv Opera corn- pany since 1933 and le one of its leading stars. In the concert field, Miss Barrow bas been a sensational success because ber operatie train- ing enables ber to bring dramatic intensity to tbe songs she sings., Her voice is of exceptional power and full of .warrnth and ricbness. To hear Miss Barrow in concert is an unforgettable emotional ex- perience, ber critics declare. Miss Barrow has appeared as g u e s t suooits - Vera iuette and Vincent Miiari, join talents, critics say, to make remarkable ensemble. These young people are youth inarnate, playig in the sublime traditions of the masters. It te apparent that tbey have contributed a new composite personality to Arnerican music. For three seasons past these virtuosi have played as a team. The recog- nition they bave enjoyed ie witbout precedent in Chicago and middle-. And so - the busy club year gets At 1: under MI swing. ing of Mrs. James S. Harvey of tbe School of Speech of Nortbwestern univers j- ty, will review "The World Is My Garden" by David Fairchild. The review will be preceded by a short talk on horticulture by Mrs. John F. Weedon. The officers of the, club for 1939-40 aie.: Mrs. T. E. McElroy. president;, Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, first vice-president: Mrs. J. ) there will be a joint meet. te old and the new boards. 1 "very day is receiving day," ex- cept Sunday and Monday,- lthe coni- mittee announces. Ail householders are urged to rummage in their bornes and contact neighbors for ar- ticles to bring to the churcb., "Experience proves anytbing-,". the sponsors state, "and everytbing, le saleable." For information regard- ing articles tô be collected, the cburcb office rnay be calleci. Mivss .Mvary .errari of the card party. oe at the piano* xor Miss .Barrow. He also will act as narrator in tbe presentation of opera bighligbts. Mr. Heiiii has been a member of the faculty of tbe American conserva- t ory and later the, bead of the' piano department at Lake For'est college. Mr. 'Heu bhas been very active in concerts, in and about Chicago baving recently returned. fromn a tour of Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Last year he appeared in a musicale given at the White House for the ,,_ Rummage Sale ide, The Young Mothers' circle of St. its John's Lutl>eran church will hold a to rummage sale at 1186 Wilmette ave- is nue, Wilmette, on October 19 and. 20-