The Wimette League of Womnex Voters had a very large delegation of chairmen at departrnent day held on September 26 at Judson court of the Univrýrsity of Chicago. De- partmnental coniferences were held fromn 10: 15 until 1. At thé, noon luncheon Mrs. L ou i s e Leonard h Wright addressed the group, on "Problemns of a-,Neutral.". Mrs.. William obb attended' the department cf governiment and its operation where current i s s u e s, fundamental American principles, ýand womnens participation in gov- ernment -were.the chosen topie for he morning program. Mrs., Howard. Reeder attended the department meeting of government and economic welfare. where un- emplovfrnent compensation was dis- eussed. At the luncheon mneeting mnembers had the privilege of, hearftg Ms.. Wright, who is chairman of the department of government and for- eign policy for the National Lea-gue, of Womnen Voters. Mrs. Wright dis- cusscd the vital subject, "Problems *of a Neutral." with a .fund of know,%- ledge gained through years of studyý of foreign policy. She was an ad-!I viser to the United States delega- htion to the eighth Pan-Amnerican conference at Lima, Peru, in De- cember, 19?8, and was a delegate to the Institute of Pacifie 1Relat- tions in Yosemite Park, Calif. i,' 1936. In maling a special study of foreign affairs and international peace efforts, Mrs. Wright has vis-.ý ited several foreign countries in or-, der1'o have first-hafld knowledge of the situation. She has accômpanied h.,er husband, who is a member of the faculty of the University of Chi- Cago,,,on bis trips to the ýLeague of, Nlations, in. Geneva. Mrs. ve ii Pent House Studio Mrs. Cecul Meredith toili com- mence her second iear as piresi- dent-of the Neighbors of Kenil- worth when the club initiates its regula'r pro grama on Tuesday, October 3, at 2 o'clock, with a mus icale which will f 0110w aOe Announce Books For First TaIk In Guild.Series The niany friends whc of tnis weeic (epteniuer .29J UL 10-.15 o'cock. Mrs. Zander's current event topic wrill be "The United States as a Neutral in the Present' Crisis," andl the books she has chosen to discuss briefly that day ail deal with world, affairs. They are: "Inside Asia;" by John. Gunther; "Not Peace But ASword," by Vincent Sheean; "The N. A. HANNA, I'NC' Spanish Court, No Man's Lanid Wilmnette 4.67, Prepare forFei We give your garnient > SPECIAL ATTENTION CLEANERS and DYERI Office and Plant-906 Linden Avenue-Hubbard Woods Al Phones Winnetka 2338 For the Convenience of Wilmetf. and Kenilworth Patrons Cash and Carry Ag.ncy -402 Green Bay Road Ienitwort National honors have again been: awarded the Bernie Studio for its supe- r io r photographs. It's not too early to ing snoruly to return boneanre port for war duties' to whlch. she has already been assigned. S h e Served lier eountry during the World WVar and wül- do sirnilar work-again. J 517 JLjS dg. Pb.1 VERNIE STUDIO 1623 SHERMAN AVE.., EVANSTON UNI. 8998