To Benetit Music Student Opera Fund Three musical affairs for the bene- fit of ,the stûdent m usic fund of the Illinois Opera guildý are to be held on the North Shore:within the hext few weeks. lhe first will be a musi- cale and tee at 3:30 o'clock on Sun- day, October 1. Mlrs. Milton. J. Kren- 8sky is opening her homne«at 1040 .Fôrest avenue, Glencoe, for. this benefit and& will beý assisted' by the following hostesses:. Mr.Kathleen Ammerman,, Mrs.. Otto Schmidt,. Mrs. Merton Meyne Postle, Mrs. Oscar Blumenthal, Mrs. Arthur Katzinger, Mrs. Arthur Rici-, land, and Mrs. Nathan Raymer. George: Czaplicki, the f a m o u s baritone. of, the, opera c om p.a ny. heard in such ýoperas as "Aida," 46 Tosca," and "Halka" has just ar- rived ini town. Hie does not appear at private homes but has consented ~to cozn. io. Glencoe and, sing fQr this one party, a tact which lias delighted its sponsors immensely. Others on the program will be Kenneth Morrow, tenor, and Mae Barron, a mezzo, both artists with the opera company. They will be accompanied by Mabelle Howe Ma- bel. Local women who are especially interested in a benefit musicale and tea on Monday afternoon, October Mrs. Sherritt, who lived in Wil- mette until recently, is the Wil- mette and Kenilworth chàirman of the opera subscription campaign, and, serving in this capacity, she and many of ber cornmittee members and friands are supportlng the bene- fit at Mrs. Lee's home. Edith Mason is to be a guest of honor and the artists are Helen Bannister, soprano, and Guiseppe Cavadore, tenor. Ma- belle Howe Mabel will accompany VInter season. The officers are: Mrs. Clarence R. Milesof Evanston, preqi- dent; Mrs. Paul Marner of Wil- Lmette, vice-vresident; Mrs.> Raloh Hall'of The North Ahore 1hnov. 'te-. rétarv: Mrs. Dean Collar of Chicalgo, treasurer. ,Mrs. Miles has. chosen.'the flo' ine commrittee chairmen who will se.Wrvp with the nfficers ,duringq9 40:, Mrs. L. D). Mandeli, Jr., of. Ev- anston and, Mrs. J. 19-dward Po " oif Glencoe, luncheon; Mrs.. E. E. ilayMond of Evanston, publicity: Mrs. Wiifred Bills 0f Eva,"-f-"i Pnd Mrs. Warren Woody of Wilmette, }'ositality:ý Mrs. John MjinrusnIif Evanston.,reservationis; Mrsd 0. 1E. Scott of Evanston, scrap book. 1Mrs. Marner, who is proeram chairman as well as vice-président, has just compl'eted arrangements for th ersmeigwîhaeD te ularly interesting because of their variety. The opening meeting on October, 20, to be held at the house, will be addressed by Dr. Paul C, Barton, director of the Bureau of hIvestiga- tion of the Amnerican Medical asso- ciation. The November meeting will be a tea at the home of Mrs. George Hanernan, 561 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, witn an infoirniii tidi tea room with Chicago and Oak Park Chii Omegas as special guests will be a feature of the December meeting. A new and unusual food demonstration lecture at the house, and a social meeting in the form of a dessert-bridge at the home of Mrs. M. E. O'Brien, 2603 Colfax street,. Evanston, are scheduled for Janu- ary and February,. "Conternporary Art" will ha the subhief n il-1 Moffett Photo Mrs. R. Ward Starrett of1 Ken- ilworthi is chairman of location fo~r the rummage sale the Junior auxilicryof the Evanston center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago is coniductilig oti October 5, at 1627 Chicago ave7uieý Evains- ton. Mrs. Starrett is also seco??d vice-preside nt'of the board. Announce Large Benefit The Woman's guild and the Junior iuxiliary of St. Luke's pro-Cathedral, Evanston, are presenting a b ridge tea, fashion show, and book review on, October 18, at 1:30 at the Evanston Woman's club, The style show will be the only fail pres- entation of Blum's. Mrs. Helen Adams o f Phirni- The Junior auxiliary of the Ev ans- ton. center of the Infant Welf'are So- ciety of Chicago will have a, rum- mage sale on October. 5, at 16 27 Chicago avenue, Evanston. The commlttee in charge of the event and officers of the auxiliary include several'young women from this sec- tion. of the ýNorth'Shore. Mrs. Gordon Canning, and Mrs.ý Lee Shedd of Evanston are gerxeral chairmen.; Mrs. R. Ward treto Kenilworth, is In charge of location: Mrs. RobertLaas, 918 Michigan ave- n.ue, Evanston is in charge of trans- Portation and any rummfage to be donated or collected may be stored at her house, or she can be called by donors., Mrs. George Fry of Ken- ilworth is in charge of donations: Mrs. Thomas Clark of Wilmette, is .one of two doreepersdVl-rs,. Fred Schroeder, Jr., ie one of two co- chairmen in charge of publicity. Mrs. George Bunge of Hubbard Woods, ie one of a large group In charge of collections. The many other chairmen of the rumm age sale cornmittee are either Evanstonians, or from Prairie View. The offilvers of the Evanston Jun- ior auxiliary are Mrs. John R. Kim- bark, of Evanston. presidvnt; Mrs. Robert T. Shermain of Winnetka. corresponding secretary. Members of the board include' Mrs. Rawleigh Warner oif Winnetka, Mrs. Julian Norris oif Glencoe, and Mrs. Thomas Clark of Wilmette. Swedish Proqram Is Open New Year Oci. 4 The Protestant Women's Servlice club will begin its new year with a luncheàn meeting Wecinesday, Octo- ber 4, at 12:.30 o'clock, in the Wedg- woo d room of Marshall Field and company. The anriual card party and bazaar wil be held at the Ste- vens hotel November 3. Mrs. E. H. Anderson is president pro tem. netic day. !,will be 'cc Ms ior the Have Outing Mrs. Earl G. Low and son, John, of Wilmette, returned Sunday night from their summer home at Kelly lake, Wis., where they spent a week and entertained as their guest Mrs., Gordon Hapoali of Highland PIark. 4.