.Given by Expert BU Ch1wstaua J. Golee Note: Thé author te. prosldent oc.f the >flrmà of Smart & Golee Iftc.. and We on- sidered onle,Ôf the, be8t'inforzned realtors in~ the Middle West. Besldes *his real estâte aictivities Mr. Golee Is aise chairman of the board of directors of the. Evanston Trust & Savings bank., Children who are broughit 'Up in indiidual homeès seldomn realize tili they are grown up the miany advan- tages they had over ot he rs ini crowded apartmnuts and congested q ua r te rs. The physical c o ndi - tions under which you spend your c hil dh oo d and you th leave a life- jx long impression. The privacy and freedorn of the in- diVidual home as we know it in this easily found else- where. The advantages C. J. Golce of such living are so many and so obvious that it should flot be necessary in selling homes to always talk about rent re- ceipts and to tell people that you can own a home as cheaply as you can Priva te Building For &-Month Span, The' pr ivaàte building an d 'engineering construction. contracts awarded thioui<hout Cook count.y. eduring. the first eight, months of this year. topéed the public' con- tracts with a hure, marp-dn of abolit 14-illons f'dollars. The monthly surmmary prepared by, T. 0. Moi- oan. the Chicairo manaeer o! Dodue *Reports, emphasized that the pri- *vatp total for the eight-rnonths', pe-, *riod Includes a substantialga.in over the corresponding 1938 record. Cook county bu ilding, both resi- dential and non-residential, a n d. en2zinecring construction for. which contracts were 'signed by private owners. during *the Januar4-hrou ph August period reached $45,007,000. In the same period the varlous govemmenteal agenoies centracted for work valued at $31 '425,000. Te Far Ahead of 1938 Tefavorable position for private building, in Cook county, is height- ened by a comparison with the 19?8 records. Last year the contracts awared during the eight months amounted to $25,001,000. At that time the public contracts totaled $31 .424,000. The second World war may. not have a, deterrinsi effect onthe unef. Ma rk.BigEvent An "Ail North Shore" meeting of home owners, realtors, business. grouPs, and Mun iciDal officiais wÎll ihaugurate the celébration, o!the first annual state-wide Re al Estate Week. from October 1i to, October 7. It wlll be held Monday noon. Octo- ber 2' in the baflroom 'o! the North Shore bote!, Evanston, urider the 'oint auslpies of the Evanston Qimber of Commerce and the Ev. anston-North Shore Real Estate board. An honorary commlttee, headed by Mayor Henry D.-Penfielâ o! Evanston, and conslstlng o! the, mayors and village ýpresidents o! ten North Shore communities, will at- tend. Invitations to the offilcers of North Shore business groups, have been issued. *etrnsWrmn urmie Herbert U.. Nelson, o! Winnecttcý executive vice-president of the Na- tional Association of Real Estate Boards, will speak on "Real Estate and War." Recently returnAd from a trip through Europe, Mr. Nelson'.- observa tions of the possible effects unon this country are expected t. be of tremendous interest. The regular nionthly meetlrne of the Evanston-North Shore Real is best to be near schools, transpor- f__________ ing policies of i tation and have the usual city im- American home provements. t may be unpleasant oil burne& sputters. Try to visualize are eollected in on a cold Winter might on the prairie a location inJaar not only in "New Homes i when the water pump stalîs and the June. gongtoprss. movement, Percy Eckert took out a building )mingbook permit i Kenilworth. the past week tries" now tor a porch remodeling job costing $700.