MAYTAG WASHE1RS. AND IRONERS Authorized Sales and Service Free estimates. W ork guaranteed. Gueranteed rebuit washers $15 & up, RVSEN'S APPLIANCE9 659 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 102 VOLTZ'S BLACK SOIL WHOLEsALE AND RErAiL . SUPPLYI field Wiliow Road 1,ý mile west of .Waukegan Road. Phone.Wheeling 26. 15LTN21-4tp FIREPLACE WOOD 9PER TON DELIVERZD> black dirt; cow manure. Gust Anderson Wlmette 452 FURNITURE SPRAYING REFRIGERATORS AND WICKE-R fumn. made. to look lilce new. Win- netka 318._____ 15LTN20-2tp SWEDSMJ1N MN Top prices Wo books, magazines, wasis mach., sewing mach., mise. junk. WII#NETKA 1522. 15LTN2-ltp 91 BUILDING AND REPAIE ) a wnini chens ren insulation, weatherstr, as well as Elst the alid o h kildlbr advertised in théese: columna. Free estimnates and timely> suggestions are only a part of the excelleint services rendered. before orne -i 28 PAINTINis AND DECORATINQ EXPERT DECORATING IMAT, CLEAN HXGH GRADE PAINT- ing and eortn IàllIts branches. Reas. prices. References. Jos. Zack. Wilrn ette 1925 26LTN1&4tp ROOMS Papered, $4 Up CEILINGS iCALC.,, $2 UP: PAPER cieand 1 rooffs washed. and starch- FORRADO SRVCE PHOE WNNEKA2459 CLARENZCE A4FFELDT 68LTN20-3tp 73 OEWINo UAC-HINEREARN GUARANTEEZ» SERVICE Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners-and Radios. Ail Makes. Free Est. BLISS ZLECTAIC SERVICE eu, $2.50 up.. usiae painting wlthl pure 73 897tf MUSICAL INSTRUMENirs LOUIte KLea nd oun.ary ompnaion 50. SINGER, WHITE, OTHER luES, DOROTI!Y DAVIS, D.M., B.S.-PIANO. LOUS ICONU. Wnn 1 21- 303 foot or electrie, Expert Guar .Reipair aceordion, pipe organ, tessons at home S52-t ervice $1.00, up. Sell buy-exehatige, 21 oratudio. Instruments available. H.P. D1ECORATING Yriep e t M4lenas tferdwam. WiI _ 1 mette 3060. 73LTN21-4tp LET ME SOLVE YOUR PIAN PO. EUGEE DRKO? ________________________ lem. New or used. Rent or purchase. Glencoe 1512 Greenleaf 20451 3 __LOS? AND FOUND Am officiai of one of Chlcago's leadlng C. W ANDRSONpiano stores. Eest niakes. Live in Win. C W ADERONLost-Male German nietka. Will not bother you at your home.. PAINTING AND DECORATING SHEPHERD (POLICE), FULL GROWN- Can assiat in selection for out-of-towný RELIABLE REASONABLEi Answers to "Zep." Reward. Winn. 68. buyer and assume full responsibility. PHONE WILMETTE 4621 3TLN21.Itp Phone Charles Howard Bent - Winnetka ________________________ 1506 after 7 p.m. 59t.TN19-Ste DERTRREWARD WILL ]BE PAID FOR RE. STEINWAV GND, FINE ONDITIOîN DECOATORTURN 0F WATCH LOST SATURDAy $375. Also 4 other excellent -grands. RELIABLE. EXPERIENCED, EXPERT ON VLAEGEN INTA21 TRG MART, Iredale Storage, 1723 REASONABLE PRICES 3VILLAGE GREEN.AvW.,NNETsto2312LTSTORAGE PHONE KENILWORTH 5217 ____________3L1t BnoAvEvso. S9T2lp 25LTN21-3tp LOST:_ S MA LL DOUBLiE COMP'ffAwRT †ni4igi mter£5iatea ncI~ iU MUvUUC. AI"5 modern music and thée 3xýpùlar '-idjoilto quallfy students.* Reas. rates. ICenfL. 5213. Mr. Yates. 47LTN20.4tp no RECR.ATION____ YOUNG 1WOMAN ORGAN-IZiNG A "PLAY ÇLASS 7IN PRIVATE HOME FOR PRESCHOOL chldren. Mornings 91to 12 - $1.50a week, whole days $4.00 a weelç. Wil. mette 3955- 5OLTN2I-4tp INSURANCE, ail klnds. Life.-Accient 7 Automobile, ]Pire, Casualty, Liabllity. JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN Real Estate, Notary Public, Insurance. M5 Green*Bay Road Winn. 1760 CALCIMINE. ANY CEILING $2.75. R~ANG jpaper seamless. 1Paint basement Walls $1. Outside painting, 1 coat looks lilce 2, will wear 3 years . Wnnetka 15417. 25LTN21-tp IPAINTING, PAPERHANGING. DECO. 1rating interior or exterior. Reasonable prices. Tel. Wlmette 1879. 25LTN21-ltp 25 CL.EANING ., - - PedersenDecorating Co. IuckFRS CLASS WORK. FULLY INSIJRED. your WNoTA41.28LTN204tp 2864 4-ttc 31 DRESMAIMING ___ mentcoi' prseThurs. Sept. 21, be- twe alace Market and Forest Ave. WIlmet1te. Reward,. Write B-295, Box 60, WimeteIlI. 3LTN21ltp LO$T: RED LEATJER PURSE Iii WIL. mette Post Office Tues. Sept. 26, after- noon. Phone Wllnette 3926. 3LTN21-ltp FOUND: WOMANS PURSE ON WIJ mette Ave. between Lake and Central. Owner may phone WiI. 2399. 3T2.t LOST-PEARL NECKLCE BEEEN: llth St., Lake and North Western Sta- tion in Wlmette. Reward. Wilmette 2572., 3LTN21-ltp LOST-SEPTEMBER 20- LARGE GREY tiger cat. White chin. Cali Wilmette 2788. 3LTN21ltp 69 RPAING-AND REFINIBHING Hagerstrom Metal Craft SPECIAL METAL WORK & REPAIRS 1243 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Gre. 8290. U P H O L TE RIN A N D 69L T N21-4tp 72 _POSER N RIEPAIES LýOCUST UPHOLSTERING Furniture repairing - fnner spring inat- tresses renovated. BERNARD) REAGAN WILMETTE 4259 72LTN21-4tp 79 TYPEW.IlTERS Th11omas I TN31-tfe I TUNER, - --- - - ---- w.. J££t- Lb&%. 156M Sherman Ave., Evanston. Uni. 3M5 87LTlN43-tte --l