An~d Author WiIl Present Lectures Mrs. Frances Bruce Strain wi Il give the first of a series of fou r lectures on October 9 at,3 oclock in the Howard School auditorium. Mrs. Strain lectures here s imultaneously wvith the publishing of her fourth, book on sex educ ation, "Love at the 'Threshold," a book discussing dates and romance for young people. An article by Mrs. Strain appears in the October issue of Parents Magazine. Mrs. Strain is a graduate of the tlniversity of Iowa. She pursued her graduate studies in psycholog3, psy- ehiatry, and sociology at the Uni- versity of. Colorado, and was re- search assistant in sex education at the University of Minnesota and for ten years lecturer in sex education Repu blican Wornen Plan Organization Meeting and Drive Plans for the' initial organizàtior meeting. of the Women's Republicar club of New Trier were laid at er executive committee meeing of thE board of directors held Monday' ai the home of Mrs. Edward B. Hall, president of.the club. Mrs. Howard Phillips. the cIùb'"É treasurer, offered her home for 'thf luncheon meeting which will be held Tuesday; October, 10, for precinei chairmeri and theîr workers. T h meeting will be held at her home, 985 H ill road, Wmnnetka. and will beý gin at Il a.rn. rus oi a~ .1UvUL1L reservatiuns report~- ed bv Robert F. Doepel, Shawnee president. Mr. Kaltenborn leaped into world nrominence as news. commentator aind director of Europeann broadeasts for -the Columbia Broadcàstinu, Svs- tem during t h e "Munich CrisWIs over Czecho-lovakia in 10 18. At the outbreak of thenew world war,_Mr. Kaltenbor'i flew back from Eurotoe în the Atlantic Clipner to direct the important role.which radio is taking in current intfrrnationai 'ffairs. The Shawnee Club 'presentation. will be ,Mr. Kaltenborn's first appearance in the Middle West since the, war start- ied. A committee of Shawnee rnem .hers, has been.namfed to receive Mr. Kaît- enborn for the talk, wbich i.q:sched- uled to start, at 8 o'clock Monday. t-vening. The . comniittee includes Camille Jongleux, Shawnoe Vie- nt-rpsidipnt, and Mrs. Jongleux. Mr; and Mrs. L. S. Andergon, Mr,. ýnd Mrs. Walter Farrar, Mr~. and Mrs. Carl Wood. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Peters, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doepel. Mr. Kaltenborn's talk will be fol- lnwed bv an o»en forum session 1 whieh will give the audience the op- ilortunity of asking questions and -iscussing the world war issues com- *ing to a focus in the eytraordiniry session of the Ulnited States Con- Press. The talk, "'Kaltenborn Fdits n the News," will not be broadcast, ini n order to permit an. uncensored pre- nseritation of up-to-the-mintite world Awar news. t I t Ru»~MAGE SALE The Womans society of the WiI- mette Baptist - -cr-h will hold a rumniage sAl e t 149 Wilmette ave- nue. Thui-qdav> October 5. Seasonable clothing. furniture. dishes and niany useful and attractive articles will be offered at this Wal. it is explained, Doors will open at 7 o'clock in the morning. "Witb ail its beauty the church makes everyone, Catholie and non- Catholic, feel at home. The symbol- ism on the ceiling and-thë brilliant stained glass makes religion seemn warm and intimate i this littie North Shore 'church. An unusual richness is given to the sanctuary b)y the Freneh'Grand antique marbies used ini the altars,'" it was added. For want of a better naine, it was explained, St. Francis people 'have called these last tw.. weeks in Oc- tober, "open house.'" Two Dally Services The open house is intendecd to give the non-Catholie neighbors of the. North Shore an opportunity to see and hear Catholie services personal- iy. "Nearly ail have read or heard of these services. It is feit that they would like to see and hear for therri.