Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1939, p. 60

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WÔULD YOU LUCE A ROQ IN A PRI- vate home, wlth a pleasant vlew and a conVeniènt location? Call Wilinette 2427. 11OLTN21-2tp COMFORTABLE FRONT BEDROOM IN4 private home. Sultable for employed person. Ph. Wlmette 3804 after. 5 P.M. 116LTN2-ltp. NEWLY' DECORATED COMFORTABLE room in'private home. Near transpor- tto.Ph.ý Wilmfette 2932. LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOM SUIT- able for 2 people and one 'single room. Near transportation. Wilmfette 1948. 116LTN21-ltp CLEAN, PLEASANT, LARGE FRONT.f room. Suitable for 1 or 2. Very light housekeeping. if desired. Wilmette 3206. FUISHiED ROOM SUITABLE FOR two. Iitchen privileges and. also ga- rage. Wlmette 4944.> 1526 Central Ave. 11OLTN21-ltp LARGE FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FOR 2.Also single room. Use of kitchen. Near trènsportation. Wlnnetka 2070. LARGE COMTORTABLE RO.NA AIL TRANSPORTATION. CALL WIL- METE 14. MffNI21Ip FURNISJfEDROQM SUITAI3LE FOR 2. Near transportation. Garage Available. Wlmette 3074. l16LTN21-1tc 4 ItUM APAW"MJ±N7 2ND 'FLOORII 811 ELM STREET, WI N. netka. Winnetka 330. 1 p8L21.tp MODERN 4 RM. APTS. -LIrV. RM. RLL out bed. Bedrms. tile bath and sOwer kitchenette« and brkfst. nook. Close to transp. Reas. Irnmed.ý poss.- Wil,. 1724. 12BLTN'21ltp 4 LARGE, LIGHT' ROOMS; 2 BLOCKS from tra *p & business section. Fenced yard. Possession Oct. lst. Inquire 410 Prairie Ave.,* Wihnette. 2346. __________________12LTN2.l-1tp 3 RM. APT.- & BATH. FiUNISHED OR unf urn. No cbildren: At Honey. Farm, 6271.ibbard Rd.-Wilmeétte. 128LTN21-ltp 2 ROOM APARTMENT. ADULTS. WILME¶rrE 4071 128LTN21Itp 3 BOOMS. STEAM HEAT. NICELV .decorated. Rent $30. 2206 Glenview Rd. Ph. Wilmette 596. 128LTN21..îtp INDIAN HILL to schools & transp. Ph. Wnnetka 418.' 129 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTE. 3% flOOM COMPLETELY FURNISHÊD.j Carpeted floors. Aduts. Free gas and electrie. Near Trans. East side-Or two Young ladies to share apt. with third. Rent $60. Wllntte 1327. 129LTN211tpt Small Furnished Apt. REAL ESTATE ]Road Ken iworth 5288 133LT1421-ltc IDENCE, EAST SIl)E WIL- transportation. Convenlent ýps etc. Available Oct. lst. MCGUIRE & ORR, Imc. S EXCLUSIVE'AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evanston. Wil. 228 133LTN21-ltc WINNETKA-$65 6 IROOM BUNGALOW ON LARGE LOT stove, refrig., venetian blinids incl. Oct. lst. Cail Mr. Daily ..1-BANKJLIN REALTY, EÉVANS. UNI. 7777> ____________133LTN21-ltc 927 GREEN BAY-RÉÀ 5 room briick, bun«alowýr with beated slep- ing porch. Rental $50. a mhonth. R. M. jÔHNSTON. & Co. 340 Lind'en Ave. Wilrnette 444 133LTN21-ltc FOR RENTBY -0W NE R. 5 RM. RES. in Ravinta: 2 blks. from station. Ail miodern conv.: h.w. bt., plaster base- ment ceiling.; fireplace, tile bath, 1721 1.33LTN21-3tp 518 ISABELLA, WIL. 6 RMS. V'2 baths. sun room................80 195 GREEN BAY RD., CGLEN. 8 rms., 31/ baths, o11 ht .......$125 ELMER. E. STULTS, INC. WINN. 1800 133LTN21ltc 6 ROOM H OUSE 2 CAR GARAGE 2909 LAKE AVENUE WILMETTE 1745 147ALTN21- 4tp WRITE wrra BROWNq SHUITERS In the most Ieautlful'setting you cân ih- agine- Majestic old oaks -ý hundreds of tbem;, Shel bark bickorys and ever- greens of most è'very varlety. A deep winding wooded- ravine, with a stream runnlngthrougb It. And thge location- is not in the far..off hilis of Virginia or the Carolinas where a Chicagoan could only enjoy it for a fraction of the year, but rlght here! 3 miles fromthe station and 45 minutes from down-town Chicago, and. where year round- living can be enjoyed. In, addition to the owner's ýhome, whlcb contains 9 rooms and 3%/ baths, there is a 5 room caretaker's bouse. A 5 car garage, wîth quarters above,. a small barn, a garden bouse, etc. Avallable wlth 15 to 60 acres. Well locat- cd North Shore property wlll be con- sldered as part-payment. Why not drive out this weekend. Mean- wvhle phonie us ifer a ~definite appolnt- ment. HENRY G. ZANDER & Co. 110 S. Dearborn Randolph 23QO Or Your Own Broker. 147LTN21-ltp WHITAKER'S PHOTO TOUR 0F HOME Will do the sème kind of an cifl for you that it has donc for niai seàrching the North Shore for, home. Among many other fine t is seV. 120 FOR RENT-APANIfMENTO 925 FOREST AVE. EVANSTON 4 RMS., $57.50 5 ROOMS. $75-$80 j3 LARGE ROOMS FURN.: G kitchen, private bath; d7ec. gas. Hot water ht. Adultson]3 Wilmrette 3082. 1 133 FOR RNir-HOUi $90 Month-Wald( WINNETKA. 4 BEDROOI«S 129LTN21-ftp s o e s. £uer sools and "EAST GLEN'COE 1transportation. Reasonable. 1055 Cbatfleld A rcd brick Colonial on a large lot par- OOD SIZEDi Rd., Winnetka 280. 133LT21-Itp ticularly well landscaped. 5 bedroonis, rey., ftr6e.BIe UGLW.GAE 3 tile baths, 2 ex. lav. 011 heat. 2 car 6ideBIK.UGAO. L attacbed garage. For gracious living this Y. ELt si1. slpg. pcb., gas H W. heat. Large yard home bas much to offer at $33.000. Sec 129TN2-lt 2car gar. $70. 830'.Park Ave. Wimette. these and m.any other properties that laccos 19.13LN2-t meet your prîce and size needs in oVr PHOTO TOUR 0F HOMES. ~n Rd. 134 FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSEs R .W IA E (OR 1 CAN 707 FOREST AVE.* WIL. 140 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka a toilet and REDUCED FROM $150. TO $125.1 COM. Winn. 3250 Rogers Pa4rk 7302 Very large pletely or partly furnished. 5 cbarming 147LTN21-ltc ood burning bedrms., 31,'2B_, den, sc. pcb., oji. 1 year be freshly lease or longer. Sce: ect new pa- -C -1 r 1 n -uf'ý %a IFRAK l] 50 11569 Sherman Ave., .ltp 1 Centrl 777 Also larl ---ISERSREAL ESTATE MCRUIVEAGENTS 4 L OMM

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