With lovely grounds in real rural setting. Attractive,, rambling brick home with wood, shingle rof. Seven large.ronms, 2bahs nil heat, 3 car attached garage. Price only $17,'500 on. attractive and economical terms. SHORE-TOWNS:REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre-M270 Wil. 60à Rog. Pk. 6636 147LTN21-tc $43 RENT $2.000 CASH. MONTHLY PAYMENTS 0F $75. buys.attrec. home., Your payment cIne. ail chargeýs with only> $431 actual, rent expense, balance. pays principal in 15 yrs. Neat 7 rm.', Col. with 4 bdrrns. and surrounded by beau. hones on Ige. 50 ft. lot with trees, shrubs and flowers. OWNER MUST SELL Possession at once, Open for inspection every afternoon and evenîing' 2150 Chestnut Ave. Wilmette. Agent on prerr- ises or caîl Wilmette 3630. î7Tît FOR THE FAMILY WHOSE childrcn grow Up in this east Ken- ilworth home, with grammar school and New Trier within a few blocksb e a ch and train eqýually accessible, there is no chauffeuring prblem. Well built and spacious on a beautiful cor- ner lot. 5 bedrms., 3 baths and lovely porches. Only one of its kind in this exclusive location at $23,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, mec. 584 Lincoln Ave. Wnn. 177 147LTN21-ltc NEW ENGLAND' FARM IIQUSE TYPE witb 'picket fence.. 381 Eider Lane, Win- netka. Fireplaces in library and living oon. Play room, 'powdier, room nd large soreen porch .with flag fl,)oir,4 fam- ily bcdrooms, large heated sleeping porch. 3 baths on second floor, 2 maids' roonis and bath on third. 2 car garage. Near lake and New Trier. Owner buying New York house. Cuts price below $30,- 000O. Sce us for appointm-ent. MRS. FUL- LER & WM. PICKARD INC. University 7444 Winnetka 3603, Greenleaf 7220, Wil- mette 730. 147LTN21-ltc 510 Jackson Ave., Glencoe OWNER'S TRANSFER MAKES NECES- sary sale of this fine, modern brick colonial home. 4 .bedmooms. 2 baths, cota- plete èlectmic kitchen. B & G vapor oil heat. Beautifully landscaped lot 76x146. Priced at $20.500. Offers invited. See Mr. Unexcelled Opportunity TO -PURCIHIASt A BEAUTIFUL HOME on over an acre of ground in the flnest section of Winnetka. This frame Colonial has 9 rooms, 3 b., screened pch. wïth a magnificent view, of the deep sloping lawn. Owner, leaving Chicagnland and must seli, so wants nfer.. MILTON E. .REID & CO.1 156 Green Bay Rtd. Winnetka 1492 147LTN21ltp EAST WILMETTE WITHIN A STONE'S THROW 0F THE harbor, and *3 blocks to the "eL," is an attractive seven room bouse - lnvely woodecj lot-2 bedrmns. and bath on lst floor. 2 bedrms. and bath on 2nd floor-- oil ht. Ail large, airy rooms. $12,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 584 LincolnA ve. Wian. 177 147LTN21-1tc True Glencoe Colonial Definitely Reduced to $15,000 5 BEDROOMS; 2M2 BATHS; HEATED sun, sleeping and breakfast porches; recreation ronm; h.w. oit heat; substan- tial 2 car garage; ideal wooded, full hait acre near Lake, transp. and schools; secluded; substantial, comfortable. 1 OR TRADE FOR SMALLER HOME HIEINSEN REALTY CO. WINN. 254 147LTN21-ltc Sale or Rent-Avail. Now WITIIIN 2 BLICS. 0F LAKE ON~ 75 FT. wded. lot. substantial homne of 5 bdrxns.,. 2 baths, 3 grandc pchs. Outstançling value at $13,50 with 10% cash. Rentai $100. THE BILLS REALTY, UIn. 510 Davis St. Wil. 3740 147LTN21-lte LOVELY SHERIDAN PLACE HOUSE. 9 roonms, 41'2 b4tbs; garage with apart- ment above. Lot 88x215 with tiny formai garden off.the . lower room. 3 large bed- rooms, 3 baths and sleeping porcli. 2 maids rooms and bath. A rare purchase at $32,500. Reduced from $80,000. MRs. FULLER & WM. PICKARD INÇ. Green-. leaf 7220-Wilmette 730. 147LTN21-1tc, Is There A Santa Claus? HSE. FOR SALE~, RENTAL ORt LONG: tine lease. Glencoe comnfortable brk. homne, 4 bdrms., 3 baths,-servants quar- ters, oil ht.. 2. car gar.. conv. located at 926 Sheridan Rd. nr. sehls., & transp. Ph. Glencoe 705 or, Central 3141.. 148L21-tp 152 WANTED TO POUj-VACANT Fine Values' A LOT 0F 100'x190' WITHI STATELY. trees in fineWînnetka estateïsection is offered for. a limited time at $11,500. LOT 65'xl87' AMONG NEW HOM4ES $2,850 CHOICE WOODED 90' LOT IN H-UE-. bard Woods ini established neigbbor- hood. $6,500. ACRÉAGE IN POPUJLAR SECTION 0F new homes near Skokie Valley line. $3.500 for 3 acres. Terms. Frances J. Winscott 614 Willow Rd. Winn. 1267, 15ILTN21.1tc ONE ACR~E WINNETKA 200x233 f t. Located ini establlshed estate neighborhood second to none- Convenient to schools and transportation. No special assess- ments. Restricted. You can't make a mistake by buyîng this at the low price of $8,000 MC GUIRE & ORR, INC. 530 Davis St., Evanston. WiI. 228. 522 Greenbay Rd. Winnetka. Wifln. 89 151LTN21-1tcý Exclusive East Winnetka., CHOICE LOT 73x100 FT. AMONG FINE homes; shrubbed. wooded and graded. Nr. lake, few blks. to grade and high sehool. Priced for imméediate sale. Ask for Miss Hedberg. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 Wiicker Sun Room Set 4 PIECES., FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL Glencoe 1547. 171LTN21.ltpý GREEN DAMASK DAVENPORT,.ROSE damask chair, including slip covrers. Extra large pieces. $35 conpet.Ph. Kenilworth 4731.,171LTN1-t 5 PAIRS FULL-LENGTH CHEENULE green' and gold drtapes. Vheap. CaRIl Glencoe 821. 171LTN*1-ltp GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- tor., 4 cubîc feet. Approximately 3 Yeats: old. Good condition. Winnetka 3053 or Central 0753 I71LTN21-ltp CROSLEY ELECTRIC REFRIGERA. tai'. In g 6d ihd ïdh &a ' iü0ffé square. Right for sinall fainIly. Wlnnet- ka 1180. 17ILTN2-ltp ROUN4D 601, MAHOG. DINING TABLE_ 6 chairs, $10. Walnut china cabinet, $7.- Ivory decorated bed, springs and mat- tress. Porch furniture. Glencoe M9. 171LT1-ltp MAHOGANY SECTIONAL DOOKCASES;, Simnions bed springs and mattres; single iron cot, dressers, etc. Callprf erably 9-11 a.m., 580 Vernon, Glencoe. l7lL21-ltp FOR SALE - ORIGINAL JIEPPLE- white buffet anid banquet table - aluo Early Amer1can antique furniture. Phone Cedariest .1135. i11TW20-2~tp ORENTAL 9x15 FT.;, 9x12 DOMESTIC: 12xl5 Domnestie; Oriental andI Domnestie and scatter rugs, ail sizes. 1911 Church St. 171LTN21-Itp WALNUT HIGH BOY CHINA CABINET, 4 walnut din. rm. chairs. walnut mod- ern clesk. CaRI Winnetka 2321 evenlngs & week end. 171L21-tp IMPORTED CHINESE1 goldI Motifs. 9x2-Pri sacrifice at> $50. Phone C.au Mur. IJaiy. FRANKLIN REALTY 156 Sherman, Evanston Uni. 77771 147LTU21-1te RANGE LU GIRL'S BICYCLE, $4.4 heater and 50 gai. tank,i $2. Wlnnetka 2288. t A