in family icoewe may lg ei éu tNorthwester d byA.'R.Gardne, péid a e-t has een ener1. timte iuecs m t n thelast spriadng as a catcher on the base- fwho said that the bank which sup- the war wifldep"deerailioeinco4 o fec e noeeeatei ebttpredyA.RGrnrrednt bas ben g nerri Uimarie eonects oudexperie ctinthé eaontahe a 'sbal tamand this luhe is a guard ple unds to Illinois and Wisconsin durtio . A lo g w r a sum ng tha ke di ecly nd avrai estate can- candidate on the football team . ...savings, building and lban associa- duratiotA ofg wa as suming that kjuetirecwty and favoray n bCOflA knee injury kept him outof foot-,tions had only 15 per cent. cash a we keeot ofmigt, as is cleas ror ucno ih hs9atradbakhal as a sophomore last year. year> ago. wili t domigt evetheessbrig round of ail that is likely to ýhappen, Floyd Chambers. ohonr hall- "o nrl s" fa v alous kinds»otat- s t e ol -w d nflationary ,influ-, back on Northwestern's . football Iold rom bient Place wol b navrbe.Awr faence that accompanjes any major . pam. was, a rnember of thp Salida, The savings and loan'institutionis. year or . s would probably ,avoid war. As rice levels go up and dol- Cl. ihsho otalta eentmtral fetdb 1 any ext reme distortion of normal I-lars bose their purchasing: power, in-. which -won thé state. chamnvionship1 last. World waïr, Mr. Gardner saidr dusril roesesan blace ad estmrent in a home or inÉ other th-ree straight years. Chamnbers was but, their greater pron-inence in the would be . eit in rising real estate well seiected real esatebei mesa cpt- ninhi snoryer.. .HSfnnia oinwa.cmae ri sa el as n is n idu- re ostoy ha uards . savings, home is now in. Sait Lake C itv. with then, plus the larger humber, tria aciviy. a ain t t is i ss. In ny p rio ufofý individuals investing w ith them , Germa.ny lunder Strai price. rise the advantage of owner- would probably lead to sorne much From, first - hand observation of ship as against rçnting is inèreased.1 Football short str:in a recent greaterneeds for Hom 1e Loan-Bank ecoomi cndiion i GemaY Mrgg aesadtemrgage practice scrimmage, 'Red" Hahnen- funds than are niow apparent.- He thissummier, it appearsto me that a- structure acre in a very favorable'. stein, sàtar Northwestern haifback, also pointed out that it was imme-. really long. war is improbable., The position for sound real estate ad- 1 swept at top speed through'an open- diately after the last war that t he Germani economnic machine for years 'tance.on an even keel. ýing in the line. 'Just as he.broke in- first mnoves wver e m ade in Congress past hasbeen drivemi without let-up, Cites Favorable Signs . to the clear he was met head on by to. establish a reserve -sytem- for at such terri ic speed that both m en n isD on C law son, 210 po uind s p o or s vi s an b n ch s fi al and achie s eethis sumhmer . fs requently and correc tly 'full bacék, coming up fast from hiscame into bigi 92 ahngmacigne fs e ti and brk-ji'ted out that in 1914 at the a d-_l defensive position. Both players eni,192 dhown, Oficisofsr and ers k-t vent of war we had been headed for dropped in their- tracks but got up Haif Billion In Assets dw.Ofcasadohr iha period of depression. in August of In ~ç~ o~ie upra Iliois and-Wiscnsin today wmé t alk hë e pe fh old a in 1- 19c9ke were a4 fa point whe i- ne obsrvers who feared the worst. there are hall a billion dollars ini caxse ofthe WdteoXconserak n e dustriai indices of practicaly al Later someone remarked to Hahnen- savings, building and boan assets cau e f he ne d t c nsrv w rn kinds were already rising. Produc- sen t a e w s ht p et ad b and haf a million people are share- nervies.adepcai ocnev tion of electricity in the United: Clawson on that play. -That's holders. In 1914 their resources* mlahines. o tha he ther States, to cite an example, is a- funny,". responded the red ead, were a litte over $100,000,000 and ready at an. ail-time high. Credit adaltetmeItogtiht tersaehles esta afo wil . be no period of shock. It may 1adalteresetogt i hi haehleslssta afo be nsed ta oriita, xie rves are huge. Plant capacities hlm.- h rsn ubr ______________________initialexcite are greatly on the plus side. New .tepeen ubr 174 wTrD. To *uy-misczLiLANEous epomnbaalng ayfgoi than at any time since the end.,of ___- - before it takes up the slack. Ail this Dpi. 1ponedot Wanted: Child-'s Stroller means that no expansion of "war ý o ias Portrays 1pih oitdof SECOND-HAND. baby" industries is likely to s0o oe imteFdrlSvnsand Call Wnnetka 2592 ~ît aac sa tocrdotbudig Versatile Role Loati is an affiliate of the bank. * -L1:-qc- Iow promnises to be the -beèst "yeaér Junk Dealer Phil Schulma-nl since the depression. and that 1941 WiU buy furniture, bath tubs, 1 shouid be better. old Iron, washing machines, any kind Btwie"a ais ied of jwik. Pay beet prices. Wlmette 744. u hl,"a ais led 174LT?20ltp begin to dread. a "peace scare" the man0hoputs his savings into the JukDeaer G LDM N prc hseof a home or other real ROK, ofr o a market for estate, tproperiy seiected, need not BOOK, MAGAZINES, FURNITURE, dread PAER AG;and pays highest prices. tht a great deflation of bis Cal! Wl. 5426 or Wil. 481. 174LTN21 -tfce market will ensue with the comning M. BEIRG -. -- of peace ' In 1914 we were at the let- Best prices for furniture. glsswaie, hse.- down period of a building "boom.", h1d. goods. sewing mach.. 'books, an. At the Present tine' we have behind tiques, To. Catch one çuiprit he dresses and lives as a woma n.... To keep an oft-postponed date witli hi s fianeee h e brings a notori- ous killer homc to dinner.... Witb s u ch pattern'of bebav ior, "The Incred 1b 1e Mr. Wil. Aiwuys Get Good 'Jobs, Says Expert Girls and women Who likê toý do' bhousework can alwavs get a job. Alil they have to- do is appl'y to the Illinois State ]Employment servi'ce office at 1033 Davis street, Evans- ton, MVanagèïr James K. Field ad- vised this week. cOun-j laM,,Perlberg supervises . Iduction. pro- gfr' irl rwoman who wants to, ohousework and can mùeet these equirements is asked to get in )uèh witb the State' Employment ervice Office.~ No*féee is charged r placement service.« I~ry. iravelimg T