on the North Shore. There are over &000 square feet Kee of floor spece ini Pontiac's new fi4 n North Shore home, which has been Hg n cÔmpletely remodeled and dec-am orated for the reception of the 1940 Shee' 'Pontiac models, now being recel .ved Sher' 4Y Mr. Lewis, who declares they Boulevr a.re "TPhe Most Beautitul Things onl At theénetsaCunr lBWoulevand Wheelos." kenneldsho roshow on Suncla,Septem- Del. Bonne Shacious offroiedad55showLinoln br7, the consistent priize'uwin- Keefers have enoiedat55s nco n ning Irish, setter, Sheîla of Wit's avnea ell. asa modernl1y End', pro perty of Mrs. Frankln equipped car service d epartinent. PIee100RdeoaW- sh mette, added' to the, honors she cva s Noth S ore Man has already garner.ed. This fa- C mous show dog won Iirst award The Ut ithe American bred class, and coMpetiti, Na~~ed Butier Head ~Znthe cAmpeii wt i oiin Thoma B. reem n, 95 er on nn g bthes . e tae1r m u t b BruesCiagflesle dy h.coPtto wt l S. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wn punnhm rsdn o h uOWi i os iisi 'Bn.o th ea 9Mr. ermnn nn ice.Hr"ae»fo utb ste hs Hbenactie Wooedeveaslop theion bliocn gu ilstartofthe es or ht met of cttBrrsiet os, leret i 93-140san Frauiay, Seph.tem- emso a crhers s Csiiao ButierBrotr. bri2niciih iv-e ean.a pal A n rks anbi t , h a grad - m a e$uSa'mlll w s..ift - t bi aMr. ien0at the lnivueerankof D atry :Fete at al iery ArkaviRn ~ . Wh fli.e, .. ' rs Standard Service.... 900 lividual series-Hý-erbon ..-603 dividual game---Herbon . .241 standings: W. L. Pct. sTavern ......... 7 2 .778 Goods.........5 4. '555 1Watt .......... 14 '5 444 im 1'ailors....,.:.4 5 .4 lecord Service -..3 6 .333 Standard Service. .3 6. .333 znce Exama8.for ýervce Pos vned SxmtatinlSrvtce, nIed StiatiilSeýrviche 91l1sted below. Applications on file wi!th the commis- Vashington, D. C., flot later tober 23. a 'i o jLJwin LArst 0w gross anci te tournament. The first of the series of ten games was played May 25, at Ar- Dlington Country club, where ail of 3the scheduled matches were ,held, 1To qualify for the final.,,event -last- week itwas ecessary. for eaclh player to have playýedforehee ehole, gaines during the tournament. List Wlnners, t Following is a Iist o f the winn-ers:- First 10ow .gross, Jrohn 'Reiter, Winnetkaà, 73.. First'Iow- net, *M. Schwail, Wilmette, 81-14'67. Second IoW gross, A. Linden- meyer, Lake Forest. 77. Second kow net. J. Huhnckei Lake Forest, 89,,22-67. Third low gross, W. Johnson. Lake Forest, 78. Third 10w'net, W. Gansberg, Lake Forest, 183"14-69. Fourth . low gross, J. KrieÉant, Wilmette, 79. Fourth lôw net, L., Barker,* Winnetka, 80410-70. Fïfth Iow gross, A. Gould.. Glencoe, 79. Fifth wlow net, J.' IMCKulski, Evanston, 85-15-70. Sixth low gross, A. Brebner., Lake Forest, 81. Sixth 10w- net, F. Whalen. Lake Forest, 82-10-72. $eventh Iow net, Chief W.. Yackel, iRenl,,ni- 1 .14.79 -4in 4ý - ----- , . i-au, 1- IGnoe86-11-75. Twelfth Iow net. C. ,d Moberg, Park Ridge, 101-26-75. Thir- *teenth low net. George .Neimeyer, Lake çForest' 8-'13.76. Fourteenth Iow net, ýChief Frank Tiffany,. Lake, Forest, 94- d 18-76. Fifteenth 10w net. S. Guess,'Làke e Forest, 103-26-77.. Sixteenth low nlet, ýH. -Frakes, Park Ridge, 119.30.89. REVENêGE? Purdue bas a chance to even its rfootball séries with Northwestern cthis fall. The series stand at près- County Clerk Flynn Issues Annual Book County Clerk Michael J. Flynn re- cently issued his annual book n which a list of all the officiaIs oW importance ini the 'Chicago city, county, state and federal govern-, -~~~~ nfgner:r e, Capt. Bi- Anderson, Myrland. Orr Torpedoes: H. Gould, Capt. Cleai Costello, Barcus Matson. Artillery, !ioody, Capt., Stor Benner, Sullivan, Framberg. ,Doughboys: Leal. Capt., Logsd< fMolir, Severin, White Marines: Rennolds, Capt., Brig-,, well, Haines, Linpen, Petty. The last two Fridays have ie, Ia, to 'i.pnazsms het h eqi mtsfor gUard-attend"nt and mnust have AVERAGE 184 POUNDS' had training or experience in clinicalT ve, labrato y. technique, pharniacy, or X-ray lhe average weight of *Northw.est- labpratory technique. They must have ern's football teamn is 184 pounds. reached their twenty-fifth but must sot The squad averages 5 feet 11 inches nie, hav passed their fifty-third hirthday. andthavrg eis2yas8 -1 1Thaese age liniits will not be waived teivrgngei 0 er on, any Ca e. months. The tallest player is Bill Fulliformnation May be obtain- Swigert, 6 feet 5 inch sopliomore hted frm the secretary o! the U. S. end, while the shortest candidate is CivilService Board o! Examiners, Elmer Sahin, halfback, wlio is 5 en ýat the post office. feet 6 fiches. iroa couches. vere 'used. the tearn trackg, and fJr Mwg the lige? IluaMnUpuat eUte ut 70 miles u o f Were me and ,eal with L. Her g hi team : cal ird- 1 tant to, 7. ý