Demonstrate Television Also sbaring the central arena, he added,, WJI be, the setting asi de of a section at the east end for dem-. onstrations- of television. 1 n t h e adoption of -this> new advance ý in science. for public revie-w, the auto- Mobile industry through the Chicago Automobile Tra de association, spon- qo fthe show, wiff give a lift, :'( osPeak t h furîherance of whtpromises to he a rapidly growing development, Edw,\ald Bec k, natibnally known creator of spectacles in C h ic a go, New York and Hollywood, bas been engaged as production director of 'Dame Fashion.," Plans have been perfected for the presentation, and rehearsals Will start sbortly Scenic effects are îieary completed in the Bcecker Studios, of Chica go. Plan Original Themne9 'Dame Fashion- will have as its purpose the .glorifying of the 1940 original, and it will serve to en- hance Ch-i cago'.s repUtation for lead-. ership in the staging of automobile shows. The shoW this year will have four -scctions, the. first conta ining 'twenty- two(. makes of .passenger cars 'and occupying the entire second floor of the amphitheatre, the second dis- playing nine maiçes of molor trucsj in the south wing of the main floor, tbe third devoted to exhibitsJ of late models. reconditioned guar-I Highland- Park invites children and adulte of neighboring suburba to attend the evening performances (Fridays at,7:30 p.m.) of the series, of three pr .oductions by Junioïr.Pro grams Imc. to be presented in the. Highland Park High, school auditorium,' 300 Vine avenue, under joint auLspices, of the .Deerfleld township parent-teacher associations. These are to, be: ballet-"Pïnocchio," (ilLustrated above) October, 6;, pla-, *'Reward. of the Sun God" Februari, 23, and -opera-"'The, Bumble- Bee' Prietce," ,May,3., Wildcat f/xrsity Wil! Encounter Frosh in Tune-Up Game Sept. 30 Northwe.stern's football team will three backfield positions. George make its b ow to lte public Saturday, McGurn, last year's fullback, 18 September 30, lu a practice game confronted with strong compelilion witji the freshmen at Dyche sta- f rom Francis Purteil, a letterman, dium. A small admission charge will and two sophomores, Don Clawson be made, the proceeds of wbicb wil and George t3etson. All four have be used to send the band on 'out-of- Rhown abiliIv a int i nyd-P Iivw Ir eman coacn. .By Saturaay 1 prime e usite for tis position in Coach Vance expecîs to have lte CahWldorf's style of play. Dick squad organized into a strong de- Erdltz, smail but wiry sophomore, fensive unit. is another contender. End Tree Weks' rIJIRightI hall is also lte scene of a bard fight for a starting rôle be- The game will wind up three îween Iggy Mesec, senior, and three weeks of intensive drills on the part sophomores, Ike Kepford, Floyd, of the varsity and is expected to Chambers and Don Kruger. WItile provide the coaches witb a délinite none of tItis group possesses lte ail- idea of the makeup of lte team around abilily o! Bernie Jefferson, which will face Oklahoma in the sea- atya' tr ti xetdta son's opener, October Tyhe stai-ril v xillete Ia J Ever since its fiding,"l% pro-ý. Mole the. moral and religlous wel- fare of Chicago" the leaders of the Sunday, Evening Club have maintain- ed. a broad, nonsetra ltomu rélgiu~interpretatlon and inspire- tion for the benélit of thouÜsanidu *w are transients in Chicago, or Who do flot-,have a church affiliation. The meetings have been kept notable and vital. The first speaker olf this, year's series will bethe 1Xt.Rev. George: Craig Stewart, 1).*D., Episcopal Elsh-. op of Chicago. Counled 'among the lený leading -preachers of the lfnlted- States, his,,visits bo the club meet- ings have stimulated attendance.- Orchestra hallwhere ailmeetings are held, has a seating capaclty of 3,000. Admission is free. general human disbelief in lte spir- itually inspired teaching ofthlIe Bible is due prlmarily to lte underlylng belief in what i8 called malter - the bagis of Ibis material existence, In a comprehensive manner, Pro- fessor Hering made clear the meni- tal nature of material existence, and of malter, and lte incorrectness of physical sense testimony. Hie de- clared that lte revelatinof the ligious îeachings. Accordlng tô Prof essor Hering, Who is a member of the Board of Lectureship of Thie Mother ChurcIt, The First Church of Christ, Scient-. ist, in Boston, Massachusetts, man iu understo>d in Christian Science, as created in the image and like- ness of God, as spiritual, exlsting as an idea in Infinite, divine con- f 0-mreailmert atenion. Erwin Professnr Hering spoke under lte held it tb be the Comforter promuséd Mr. and Mirs. William E. Hess, morse, al mert ttemnon. Erwi auspices of lte First CIturcIt of by Jesus, and delcared taIt ti forrnerly of Wilmelle, have returfted Madena nothemrettieran, has al Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette. Science leads into ail -Truth and apred imresie n ecn He pointed out litat Bible Itealing includes lte infinlty of.TrutIt. There to. tbeir home in Chicago aller a Woots was flot underslood because Ibis is nothing more to be revealed, It visit witI t heir daugitter, Mrs. Jessie. At least lbree, candidates are hleAling was accomplishdtruhsiilfed nyl evudnlo Van Doren of Glen Ridge, N.J waging spirited duels for the other men rersprtalmasta lt nddmnsrtd