ed the accidient to the Wimette po- liimmediately, and a few min- Mrs. Elizabeth Umberger of Lom- bard, 111. Mr". and Mrs. W. B. Kitzmiller and M. E. Ktitzmiller cof Glenview, ap. peared at the Wilmette police sta- tionà and 'repo'rted. that thèy had seen, the accident and -pursued the car, flnally curbi ng it at Skokie. boul- *evard and Oakton street, after it had crashed into a parked car. They turned Mrs. Umberger over to the Nules Center police. Hfeld in. Jafi Police, Officers Cullen Branscome and Edward Phillips brought her to Wilmette, .Where she was arraigned on charges* of driving wvhile intoxi- cated, reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident. She refused to seek bond in the sum of $100, and, was taken tô the' l!anston police, station for the night. The Ni1es Center police charged *her with driving while intoxicateci and being drunk and disorderly. The Hanson boy was taken to Ev- anston by a passing motorist. and treated for abrasions of the right arm adlg and injury 1<o the right hip. *good example is stili the best safety sermon. C hil dr en instinctively mimic others; they. learn by observ- ing and following the examples set by their elders. Don't violate that wrust. Lead themn to safety-not des- Whe)i Sch6ool's Out---Watch Out! Rah! Rah! Rah! Football, Amner- ica's favorite fal pastime, is here once more., Soon teams will be clashing in major games throughout the.nation, thousandsof wild adher- ente will be flocking to see the action and,' sadly enough, traffic accidents, will inrease. 'Remnember-if you' re going to Minneapolis, South Bend, Columfbus, Iowa City, or any other collegiat e center-be caireful! You'11 have a better chance of seeing your favorite eleven in action, if you drive ;safely and--don't. drink! Reckless driving MAY get jou there,,biit safe driting WILL., Rtzndomn Thoughits for Highiway Driving: What is the speed of that approaching car? Is a vehicle likely to emnerge frorn that side-road? Is anything going to corne from behindr that load of hay parked at the road-p side?. Is the approach ta that cpitî i i Mrs. Butler, a board member and co-worker of the late Miss Harris, whose legacy to the Y.W.C.A. -made the new building possible. i s, also the author of the inscription on the plaque dedicating the lodge' to "healtli and happiness,- fellowship a nd ý friendliness" for ail Chicago girls. Miss Lilace Reid B arnes of Lake Forest,. presideÏt of! the Chicago Y.W..A..will be, in charge of the erÉemonies,,and Will give the build- ing inito the keepifig of the Girl Re- serves. Miss.Helen Ryan of Chicago, a student at Roosevelt High school, who is president of the city,-wide in- ter-club council of Girl Resýerves, will accept it in their name. Camp songe by the -Girl Reservés' chorus will conclude the service, af- gagements. of many artists already in this country as well as those ex- pected-to arrive here socon. I Because of this rearrangemnent [daàtesfor the North Shore Series in. the Highland Park High school audi- torim havé been altered as follews: the series: WIl open with Hertha Glatz, contralto star of the Chicago, City Opera, on Novemfber 22. Fritz 'Kreisler, violinist, will, appear i Highland Park on December 12, ini- stead 0f in October as originally an- nounced. DonalId Dickson, brilliant young baritone of. the Chase and. Sanborn hour' will. be presented on January 22. A rgentinita and her en- semble of Spanish dancers- will ap- pear on February 'l4, and .Artur Rubinstein, pianist. wiIi close the sé- ries on A p r i 1 2, as originally planned.: .ie, ua w 11c seve i i -n The com-mittee wishes to point out r-that, in 5pite of this nccessary rear- Preceding the exercises. visitors1 rangement,' no concert has been will be taken on a tour of the omitted from the schedule as an- grounds to inspect the thirteen rustic i nounccd earlier. sleeping cabins and other improve -_______ ments made possible byv Miss Harris's gift. aciv i-IScience land Travel Among hsacien plans for the service are Mrs. Roy Sorenson of Oak Park. chairman of the met- L ectu res Sch.edzi led ropolitan GÈirl Reserve vommittee, Mrs. L}oe Krafft,. River Fores ; iFil M su .-.1 K enars,.Notnwetern .ne y.U.i.. board Of.directorsa nual autumrn 'course offrree illus- quarterback, is one of those youths. stff_ girl campers and their par- rtdlcurso ceceadta1 The eortcan dt and to rtvet who corne along every so often in a inch savii-es s drferuo tsi ents, and representa tives of other1 for adults, the seventy-second such collge ootallandsîîquetî"ino *el of SoU"- by youth organizations interested in cou rse to be offered by the museurn. the first string Iineup without much glî a nh camps and camping. Well-known scientists, naturalists, fanfare. Dick was just another - and explorers have beec! aged to sophomore when he repor.ted a year: ýVISIT, IN WILMIETTE ChristianSce etllo hiahivmnsAlex ago but he wentright into the heavy-J r. .J'Jhsn 25Tet- cetoeo h etrswleils duty blocking quarterback assign- 'tidsret ia s her house guests. taedwihmoio icurs adi men lftopn y he rauaio o fr a wreek or se e ohr Ms hrhsthe case of the exception, stereopti- irnet lft pen y te gaduaionof or wee orso er mthe, Ms.ýcon .sîdies wili be used. The lecture.- Fred Vanzo. Rugged. cool, and pos- Peter Gardner. and brother, WernerSarayat- sessed of a. fine feel for the game, Gardner, from Manistee, Mich., nd *Reality" was the subject of the will be given each audyftr Richards again stands forth as the hrbohr Edwin Gardner of Phil- Lesson-Sern-on in ail Churches o! noon throughout October and -Novern- No. 1 m a n for .the job. Incidental'ly, f be nherSiptiw anginAc ~ber, in the James, Simpson Theatre or and Mrs. Leonard Faven, Colin., and Mr. in Hunt, who a160 re- at. Professor Doob is of Vale university. I 10). be actuàl", (pp. tf Miss Patricia and Miss Barba - 'Austin, 3 Briar lane, Glencoe, have returned to VTassae college. j 1410).