NORMAN F. SCOTT TT1ssott MORTICIAN IThe Hotus. of Personal Service" 1118 GREENLEAF AVENUE, WILMETTE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 654 il L tNt mM4 Xàmk Jnâ!À SQ/WiVZLPLUS -c44ÎQ5~Me OUL SURNER InsIaIIed for Faetory Rebuilt - Guaranteed IJSED OUL' BURNERS' A ewuso ndito rughr, rend iutd bêurngheyr$9 com eltcl istalie..... PFq Tour C.gvei..ç. - Open TIursdoy and Sa 612 Church Street, 6.1w.., Orringi'.. and Chicago Avenues Co* UNI. 3474 thle.Scott: AeriaI Ambune Eniphaizs time-saving in bofh slCk- nemi end doaih. If may b. inspected et any tini. et Curtisi Fieldi, GIenvi.'w WVe Service -J Ait..