Dimond-St Bracelets in, Wide Vari.ty il"6 WiInuetteAvenue 4-carat:diamond, veryr brillant, set in platinuiu ring with *4 diamoilis on each side. ý7O$ 3-earat dlaatiid, very brillianit, set in platinum -ring with 2 diamonds o~n each sie. $600 Priced at ............... O4amondand sapphire *15W 4rlg set iniplatlnuflL $225 Priced at ......... Genuine oriental peari neclae. m88 pearls, 2 large diamonds $ in clasp. Prlced at ....35 Platlnum and diamon ~O bracelets from .........$0 Platinum ndmilamond s5O brooches frein...... ......5 WiImette 1061 Town Bouse Photo Mrs. Herbert Paschen, 630$ Blackthorn road, Wnnetka, who heads the ticket sales committee for the bene ftt production of "Smilin' Tllru, w h i ch 't.h e Women's division of the- Salva- tion Arrnyt tvll present Thuraday and Friday eveninzgs, Septem.ber .28 and 29, at the home of Mrs. Ro1ber'tF. Bninftatr, -1145 Shé~r- idan road, Glencoe. The open porch of the Bensinger home wiil be the stage, and seats for an audience of 1,000 will be ar- ranged on the lawn. The production is expected to be especially attrac- tive since it will be ifluminated by natural moonljght. Twenty teamn captains, 10 men and 10 women, are now in process. of selection. As soon as the team cap- tains have been. selected they wil! start at -once selecting their work- ers. The exact date of the carnpaign ha.not beé.npînnceed. It is the plan to conduct the campaign as soon after November 1 as is possi- ble. The campaign plan as outlined by Chairman Botthof, calls for a rally meeting with a "buffet supper" just before the campaign opens. One of- the features of the rally meeting will be a short play put on by the -Ken- ilworth Players" depicting the needs of cooperative work in the drive for The play, which is presented un- der the chair manship of Mrs. Char- les S. Clark, a vice-president of the women's division, will be given by the dramatie department of the aduit education program aof the Chicago board of education. The Sal- vation Army's home and hospital for unwed mothers vill benefit.