Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1939, p. 14

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Keilorh ve~z~dWawlkoa'Tilere are only, two more in the seiles Kenllworth of Book Reviews. ICenneth Horan will 11ev. Leland Hobart Danforth., rector' give the review on October 6, and Hope - I Summers on October 13. Do flot miss 8 A.M......... Holy -Communion ithes twll 9 A.M ................. Sunday school Il A.M. ... Mornlng Prayer and sermon heaWoman' Missionàry soclety Wil 0r Prelude- hv dessert meeting on Thursday,, Oc- Orane'ai-......Bé-GiLu tober 12, at 1 o'clock In the Woman's ViveM ri......BchGoou room. 'The meeting wiîl have a patriotic Proces Vion ginlA thep atmosphere. and Mrs. Fre'd L. Bradfute, Nameof Jeius".......Monk of Oak> Park, Conference citizenshlp Rymn-'Lead us,. chairman, wili be the guest :sneaker. oh Father. .........Landgran, GrouP One, wlth Mrs. J. D. 1Cox as Offerte'-" Anthem-<-.'Break Forth chairman., wiilbe hostesses. Mrs. E. A. 1' y............Stoghtn Pellers wlll sing. There wil be a cab- IntoJoy"... tougtoninet-rmeeting at Il o'ciock. Htelen .Be prt sà",' li"*"blad, soloists_________ Orison Uymn: When ail Thy Mercdes" ... ....'......Arne a l'$t Recessonai- n n 'W l et .....ays"........ Jeffr ey Wilmette anci Foresý aven>ues Rev. George Di, Allison, pastor Mfethodist Church on Sunday mornlng, October -81 Dr. Wllete Aene a Lke veue AllIson preaches a special. sermon to ErsieMAtinuefntorase avnuer young people in conseto ihtei Mrvn tinusk stdnt assistnt o'cock service. His theme .mas suggest- Marvn Ru1kstudnt ssisant ed by the answer of a youth, on a coi- -lege campus to a request for guidance, 'MI i-Wheel Prolihecles" 'lathe thene "' sorny, I'm, just a freshman." In of the - minister's sermon for SundayadionttemsagJutaFs- morning. October 8. AIt hough this 'I ain the ilmesanentersting rson- Conference Sunday, Mn. Jeffords will bema, hr.wlbenitréigsoy An te plpi. Te coirundr te l<id for the children in receiving the gift of *rhi of Dean McSloy, wlll slng "'The a beautiful terstrial globe for, t h e ersblpchurch sehool. The Junior choir wll sing Patoral Prayer'.' 1wEjagaue okrcwvsky. thirmirt antheni of henew 'easôii. M~rs. Dean MeSlov wlll sing '-Corne Now and Let Us Reason Together" by Stebbins, as the offertory solo, The serv- Today (Thursday), the Woman's soci- ice begins wlth the ergan prelude at ety conducts a rummage sale at 1149 10:4 o'loc, ad th inroi issun Wilmette avenue. It is not toc late to 10:5 oclok, nd theintoitIs un donate use'ul articles. Mrs. A. C. Young- just before IL. You are invited to share berg is acting as chairman cf the coin- in the entire service. mittee in charge. The Church school willI meet Sunday This afternoon at 4 o'clock, our boys' mornlng at 9:30 ociock. There are class- choir holdsis ts rehèarsal in preparation es for ail ages, from the nursery te the for Sunday morning's arithem. Every adult department. member la needeci. Tonight(Tusa) - the high school and senior choir groupis The High School league meets Sunday. rehearse together undIer the direction cf evenine -t 6 o'clock, wlth Marvin Rusk Dr. John Winston Shani; of Lake Forest as smwnsor. 1 Academv 'IThe iRUls' <chir ill ,'a rost;'u Lad, Akdul in, the Sund Chile Saturd Votil Ever The The Juni< ciated T. D. 10a Eli 8 ar 9:45 1 -- 7 p.n 7 p. n 8 P. n The' planned the, pai Novemi whichi save th tien is B. John SEr, ana ordination service ai : 3,0.At 7*15, Iwork Of the group. Already the mgn 1Evenii Bethuel Grecs wlll give an organ re- school cast has been selecteci for the The citai. Dr. E. F. Tittle will preach at the first play of the year. dayi evenlng servie at 7:45 o'clock. The ap- Mornii pointments will be read at that time. I On Monday evening, October 9, the Solemi The Conference session is belng held at "Young Mn. and Mns. C'ub- holds Ats Anthei the St. James Methodist church, 46th' October meeting at the home cf Mr. rn 'i street and Ellis avenue, Chicago. Dr. and Mns. Ernest Butow, 1427 Fowlen TIttie will preach on Friday and Sat- avenue, Evanston. Song- urday evenings. The You4h Programi will- the b. held Saturday fromn 2:30 te '7:30. The Board of Trustees holcis its month- ly session at the church Tuesday, Oc: Postlu, The Junior Guild wiIl meet Mcnday, tobèr 10. In l'ne wi' h the program cof Sym, October 9, at the parsonage at 8 o'clock. -Chunch Mobilization Monthl' a one hun- Eveniîi drednr n<t-if ten,ndneisreuttP -A ..c, -St mneet Wednesday rummnage sale Il. Bring yourI tliat Urneor I Wilhette sa,:i a srvie. ondy. venAng at 7:30 oeIoc. at Il oclock Win I The Womnan's soclety wil ineet IThursdaY, October 12, at -2 p.rn.1 pastor wl!!continue',his leture w~ UI waythe Dook of ~ Ams. . An youth Joi us. n~ Spoke No. 1 wifl serve tea at the. n-2*The Lord Is Senidr choir rehearsal, Thursday eve- Shepherd" ............... Florio ning at 7:30 o'clock. tory-Chant die bonheur ... Lermare - Sermon-"The Widows Junior c ho ir rehearsal, Saturday e"............Mark 12:41-44 morfting At 10 o'clock. de-"Ee Not Afrald*P ni"Eltjah">....... Men~delssohn An Aduit class of instruction will be organized Wednesday. October 25. The MEETINGS class wlll meet each Wednesday eVening les' Aid society, today, .2 p.m. at 8 p. m. for elght. consecutive weeks. lt catechumen class, today, 8 p.m., This ciass is for members of the church epastor's study. Who wish 'to know more of the. teach- day.,school staff, Friday. 8 p.m. ings of their church' and also for non- 'or Walther league; Friday, 8 p.m. members Who wish to ilearn of the teach-, erensg Chrietian, Pdtratinn classes, ings of the Lutheran church. Iay, 9:30 a.mn.; Wednesda. 4 p.m. ýng. members, 'Tuesday, 8 p.m., The church: with the beauty of, a cathe- înngcircle, Tuesday. 8 p.tn.,. wlth drai and the.warmth and comfort of the J. Eberle<n, 892 Cherry, Winnetka. fireside. cordially invites you to attend tne services of worship next ýSunday., St. Agustne'sKenilworth Unionr eRey. Hubert Carleton, Rector Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett, minister D Rev. Chandler Sterling.Cuat . Prlday, ýOctober 6 OOn Sunday. Octobr'8, in theabseinc: Gullds meets at the home of Mrs. 'Schwarz_ assistant pastôr of the First Chester, 1033 Green Bay. Rd. Presbyterian church of Oak Park, wii:, .Saturday. OcItober 7 occupy the pulpît. His subject will be i.m. Girl's Chn~r Practice. -God's Grace." The church service is at Sunday, October 8 Il o'clock. ighteenth Sunday after Trinîty The music for the church serv.ice will ,n. - Holy Communion be as follows: a.m.--Church Sehool. Organ Prelude-Solemn Prelude. .Fauikes qurning Pi'ayer' anid -Sermon~. Openlnig Sentenc- n. - Young Peouie's Feliowship. O Hoiy 'ather............ Palestrinîa Tuesday, October 10 Anthein-The Cross....... Hanriet Ware n. - Boy's Choir Practice Offertory-Air, from Suite-in D...Bact Wednesday, October Il Solo-Total Eclipse (Samson)>.... .Handüý i.-Time Out - The Ciubhouse. Mr. Tanner Women's associated guilds have The Sunday school will meet at 9:45. d a Rummage Sale to be held in There are classes for cilidren betweenl rish house the second week in the ages of the kindergarten and the hlgh ber. Ail those who have items school. Visitors are invited. may be offered are requested te hem for that date. If transporta.. The Women's guilci will meet Mond'ay flot available, a cali to, Mrs. H. rmorning, October 9. at 10 o'clock. In- iston will insure its collection, addition to the regular %vork of the guilr. there is an emergency caîl to work, foi- wngelikal Lutheran, t~AnrcnR4Cos 'eventh street at Greenleaf rsPeby ri n A H*OU-SE OFFWORSHIPZfr' P esyera 11ev, D~avid R. Kabele. pastor Nmnth stneet at Greenleaf avenue SUNDAY SERVICES James T. Veneklasen, minister school ..............***9:45 a.m "Spiritual Re-Armament- will be the Il rhp....... . theme of the sermon by the minister at service ............. 8 p.m the morning worship service at Il o'clock ,nusic. for the services next Sun-. Sunday morning. We invite you to w~or- as foilows: ship iwith us. Service.- The music for the 'morning worship Prelude ........... Noble service wil be as foilows: organ pre. -Forever Worthy ude, " Larghetto, Allegro, Moderato" (6th y Lamb ......... Tschaikowsý3kv Conc erto) Handel; procesîsion, " God the The Senior Choir Al-Terrible"; anthemn, "Glorious For. lildren ' of ever," Rachmamoff.; solo, -O God Have eavenly King........... pieyel Mercy" (St, Paul) Mendelssohn; Edwarci The. Junior Choir Otîs, soloist, organ postlude, -"March- -AIlegro Vivace,> (Judas MaccajbAeus) Handel, Miss Er. Service....-11.......Widor 'na Round1s is organist-director.

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