"'TOWN"e SUIFS WIda 2 ~25 Imported Scotch JVool BlenddJith SkIU fui American Talloring You'li he as -enthuaiastic a» we are about this 3 hutton drape imodel --snd you'Il find plenty of others. We "hik "Town" suits are the biggest $25 wordhi n Evanston- Conie ln and see. Use <the Happy Fam ily Plan SHIRT.S In Smartq New., Patterns COATSýI Warm aul wool coats thatoiol plentty et freedoià,foraton flrlght, coloiful plaid s mol- I colore witIiB blip .stripes. Sizes froMn "FINGER TIP" ICOATS, Scarlet, Kelly Greei and Cainel. Sizes* from$19 14 to 22........... f Boys' S-Luly SUITS Sen8ational Values At This Low Price! Smnart new double breasted ceats wlth bl4ewlng ,hacha. 111gh rise trousers. Long wear- ing, durable fabric luin th idi t Pê1làfrfanl i l.s Usge the Happy FéUy Plsa r, ~ Buy A Àoig Supply! Cluster stripès on pastel grounds, satin tape stripes, neat chalk stripes and consevative hafrline patterns. Aligo, white hroadeloths with collar and cutfs guarantecd to last the life of thse shirt. Ttub coliars, non-wilt eollars' and a new wider spread short point style. 1 Boys' PluidPlannel SHIRTS Gay, colorful plaids; warm, comfortable flans- isel. Zipper fronti model with long $14 Siceves. Sizes 10 Sale ofBy' Lougies $298 4. .4.. Stock [Tp! Saler of Megi's A SIRTS ,Wear Leather for Sports i JAC St. SHOF THURS. & SAT. MTL 9 P.M. Evauatom, 1S Roug. SufFa U 1 n LiiM~ r t, ETS