FIVE CENTS À COPY TWO DOULARS A YEA&E News wauriat musa rea.deditor 67 ?uesd" ynon. ComaibsIhioTéss dnd ur w a liers nww, required Cardinatditdlein News of ,the sudden death, of George Cardinal .Mundeleini, Archbishop :of Chi- cago,, who was found dead in. his. bed at- 7:4. o'clock- Monday morning, could scarcely be credited by North- Shore vIl, -lagers, Who recalled his presence in Wil.. .mette just a few days 'before. It was en Sunday, September 24, that Cardinal,Mun- .delein-dedicated the imposing new St. Joseph's church edifice at LakeI avenue and Ridge road. At that time he appeared to be i perfect health, with no hint that bis life was so soon to reach its end. For twenty-four years lie had served Chicago as its first archbishopý and in that period had firmly established himself, flot only as head of the Catholic church, but also as an important and influential figure ini the civic, spiritual, and cultural activi- ties within and outside of bis church.. I last week's issue of this news-magazine. there appeared pictures of Cardinal Mun- delein durig. the dedication ceremonies Of St. Joseph's. These were quite probably. the last pictures taken of hlm in conne c- tion with his public church duties. For Generous Giving The whirligig of time brings us agarn to the season when appeals will be m ade for financial support of various under- V .takings of community-wide import in the New Trier villages. That the money con- + r.4k. .*i a f n n n in a nnern *ixrw mne Let's Be Selfiah -One gleam of sound reasoning shone through the dense fog of generalities and unsupported statements coming ove r the radio Sunday night When a group of United States senators deébated .the repeal of the arms embargo clause of the neutrality acet. Becauseý the 'presentation of speakers'did not clearly identify them, we cannot give * rper creé theseaowhspk the words of wisdom, but what he said was .somèîthing like this: "If you (, sena.tors) are con- sidering this problernof retention or repeal of the neutrality .act.7fironm the standpoint.of whether it wil aid England and, France, and -hinder Germany, or vice versa, why not co nsider it from now on in the light of what is best for Arnerica?" That -is the crux of the questio.n. Not what wiiI? help one bélliger ent- or injure another, but what is best for this country, and what will be rnost likely to keep our boys on this side of the Atlantic. Positive assertions that one action will surely keep America out of the war and that another will as certainly lead her into war, are pure buncombe. We do not believe that anyone knows. So let's be selfish for once and do what appears to be best for Amer- ica. It's time we thought for ourselves. Good Sense From the Industrial News' Review is. gleaned the following ,bit of good sense on taxation: "Soak the. rich and help, the littie fellow,. has 'been for, years the general premise upQn which our tax 'system' has just 'growed.' It is based upon deceit and main- Overheard in a Chicago departmnent store: First lady: "Where shall we go now?" Second lady: "Oh,. I.don't care. Somne place where we can have a good gabïeast." Now. this columnhasthe backing of the Amer-, ican Legion. -Having for sorne time. advocated. the: suppression of allen political organizations,ý it is a bit more than gratifying to have the veterans. sound the . same dem.Ind. Perhaps their voiceffiayreach Washington. After listeÉining, to 'a radio debate by, a number, of United States senators Sunday evening on the neutrality, law and lifting the embargo, we are more befuddled than ever.. In,.faàct, our position rlght now remlnds us of the wag's defin- ition of a political mugwump. Being asked the. question, -"What is a mugwUmnp? ' the wag'said: "A mugwump is a fellow oôn a fenice, with bis 'mug'.on oneside and bis 'wump' on'the other."' There 1$ probably nothing to the rurnor that they are training a chimpanzee. at Brookfield zoo as an opponent for Joe Louis. But some- thIng like thà-f is abot t aIlthtlis ef t:ý It's scarcely possible that this reporter wQuld be the only one to notice it, but many persons racing through theSunday paper may not have paused to figure the thing out. Reference is to Governor Horner's announcement that bis bat is in the ring for a third term, and the reason therefore. It's beeause, he avers, bis Job is only haîf done. At that point the old mathemnatical mind began to function. How corne, we reasoned, does the governor figure that a "job" which could be only hall completed in -eight years, could be finished in four? Or is it that the governor is laying the groundwork for a fourth terni? Anyone who did not enjoy to the full that -glorious first day of October must surely be out of tune with everything in general and life in particular. For pure pathos"'read- the statement of the ambassador from what w*as once Poland to the State department at Was;hington. He said that the partition of bis country by Germany and the Soviet government was illegal and against existmng treaties and international law. Also that the Poles will use all means in their power to rid their country of alien foes. Pathetic, ' Now, if ever, corne perfgct days" "TMe. frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder's in the shock," "The sear and yellow leaf"' and all the other old standbys are li order. E