Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1939, p. 36

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* The Senior choir of St. Luke's pro-cathedral, Evanston, is beginning its twentieth season un- der the dir ection of Dr. Herbert E. Hyde, or- ganist and cholrmaster. This organization, composed of men and wom- en, is one of the few mixed-choirs of the Epis copal Diocesé of Chicago.. Under Dr. Hyde's leadership it bas attained an enviable reputation in' the field of church music. Its varied reper- toire is drawn from the literature of ail scbools of church mu4ic, ancient and modern, accom- panied and unaccompanied. The choir of 45 voices wîth a solo quartet sings every Sunday at theél o'clock service in the mornlng and the 4:30 service in the afternpon. Membership in the choiris so eagerly soughtý that there.,is a full compement of sopranos,, altos ýand tenors. There are however,Atwo places open In the. bass section and any basso interest- ed in joining.the choir may interview Dr. Hyde at. any Friday night rehearsal or after.one of the Sunday services. Dr. Hyde, a. resident'of Winnetka, livesat 112 Church road. In addition to his work at St. Luke's he is a member of the faculty of the School of Music at Northwestern university and at theýAm~erIcanne rvaoy of Music In Chi- cago. He is also conductor of the Glee club of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Phi 13et a Pro gramns Represent Tliree Arts The North Shore Alumnae club of Mrs. A. Clarence Elworth of Evanston will present a travelogue on Bermuda; Betty Robner of Evanston (Mrs. Traugott Rohner) will en- tertain with a group of piano numbers, and Peggy Gessel (Mrs. Russell Gessel) of Wlnnetka will review a current play.. This is the second prograrn of the season, ar- ranged, by the new program chairman, Mrs. Paul W. Stade of Wilmette, the first having been a musical and tea at which Dudlley Crafts Wat- son, a patron of the club. was guest snDslpr. "Room Alone" is the titie of this painting by John Stenvail an exhibition of whose WOrk is now being held in the main corridor of New Trier High school. Mr. Stenvall, a Chicago artist, has recently been appolnted a member of the facult~y of the art depart- ment of New Trier. Basing his prograrn on the Chicago Syniphony orchestra's first two concerts of -the season, Dudley K. French will open the sixth season of his concerts of recordings Wednesday, October Hie welcomnes to bis home at 503 Hawthorn lane.,*Winnetka. on alternate Wednesday eve- nings, ail North Shore residents interested in N_/LA% . yV -- - V 7- Versatility in the mastery of several art forrns is displayed by John Stenvail in an exhibition of bis painting and drawiflg now on display in the main corridor of New Trier High sehool. Mr.. Stenvaîl, a new member of the art department of the faculty of New Trier, shows oil paintings, tempera, water colors>, drawings. lithographs,. wood blocks, book plates and textile designs., A bold hand andstrong feeling for design are~ seen in his ois, while a series of small1 land- scapes in water ýcolor. and 'tempýera,' mnany of them paiinted Wn Mexico and the southwest, have a gem-lhke quality of brilliance and a delicate use of.deta il. Incidentally, these Iandscapes are ,an interesing ýstudy: in perspective, the artist working out complicated distances, heights and' depths.in a srnall space.ý Mr. Stenvali shows one design for a gift wrap- ping paper whîch has already been reproduced commnercially, and, a stili more striking holiday paper.design.in white, red and goid. 'His textile designis, naturally less interesting.to the layman than bis pictures, have real character and -In- dividuaiity. 'Nearby are several pictorial book plates which hie made for Dr. Earl Gray of the University of Chicago. Second to his Mexican landscapes, the artisi seems to favor scenes in the. great mietropolis. rnany in black and white, a medium well suited to city life. Skyscrapers, tenement dwellings. public parks, pedestrians and motor traffic are seen through the eye of a modernist, but a mod- ernist wise enough to avoid extravagant êx-: tremes and mad distortions. Mr. Stenvaîl was graduated froti the Uni-* versity of Nebraska. There he was awarded thc Riorde:' Morey feilowship to study at the, Chi- cago ý,ct Institute. Subsequert awards at thc institute included an Honorable Mention for landscape painting and'the Robert Jenkins Me- mnorial prize. Hee has exhibited in mrany showS throughout the country, held a one-man show in New York, and was the only Chicagoan included in the Modern Museum show, a survey of twenty' years of art, held in Paris, France, last year.' Mr., Stenvail is not the only addition to the art department this faîl. A beautiful new art studio, with north light and sky-iight. bias been corn- pletely equipped. Expanded instruction in arts and crafts, will .be part of'the wr carried.on there. rmh Shore are ne North Shore Alurnrue club of Phi Beta to appear on& a progrczm October i1 ut the home of Mrs. W. K. 'Jennings in Evanston. Mrs. Geasel wiUl revieu> a current play. .3 A

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