Pictured abôve are several memnbers of the cast of <'irst Lady,' .season's inangural play sponsored by the Thresholders of Glenc.oe. I fore ground., left to right: 'Marian Burke, Kay Kirehberg. Helen Bueil, Frost von Amnmon, and Victor McKeighan. Trickets for the opening perform- an)ce of the season, at Glencoe Cen- tral school auditorium, wiII go on sale October 16, at the Wol's Head Book Shop, Glencoc, and at the Wie- riecke Hardware stores in Glencoe and Hubbard Woods. Those who sub- scribe in advance (one subscription costs $2 and conta ms three-seat tick- ets xhich can be used at any time) wilreceive setiting preference, it is,I and larnpoons the Washington in- trigue which precedes presidential nominations. Drawing room, plus Congressional maneuvering for fu- ture political siiccess is satirized in amusing situations of acute propor- tions. The play deals with a slice of Amnericana whiclh commands atten-' tion once every four years and re-i veals a prologue of what leads up to: Your Wek-ay Dinners. 75c e e e Luncheonsp 50c Ociober 6 Lumcheou. 50c Fresh Fruit Cinamon Ni or Homemad( wilI oe given in r ebruairyandu me third presentation in May. WeIl B3alanced Cast Tlw cast for "First Lad" is de-. -scribed as well balýanced, having been chosen among talented North Shore cesidents, andi includes Paula Lewis, Charles Fleischmann, Marian Burke, Helen Bueil, Ernst von Am- mon, Orlo Laughead, Bess Biser, Elizabeth Gage, Lislbeth Shepherd, Dorothy Rae, Alan Hokanson, Ray .Navlor. Gibert P. Hall, Ruth Hoff- of State, Newspaper rublisners, bSfl- ators, are mixed together by ambi- tious wives and secretaries until in-i trigue tangles the Greats and the would-be greats in hilarious situa-I tions. STUDIES AERONAUTICS *Benjamin Richards, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Richards of Vanilla, Pine-cot *Fridaiy. 9Olber 6 Maryland Fish Chowder a e Cream or Beverage Dlnimer. 75c ýken Broth wfth Rice 1041 B]AILEY'S. lue. open Thursday and Saturday Evenings 710 Church St. r.36