Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1939, p. 42

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Seres of Ton Opens Oct ober 13, Wjith Mrs. Lloyd Faxon Gvng Pre-Cbrstmas Programs Books of tickets for the series .of ten book reviews tô be given on alternate Friday' mornlngs at- 10 o'clock at the Womani's Club. of Wil- mette, beginning October 13, fIve:be-' fore the holidays and flve .after, m fiay- now be obtained from Mrs. W. Whit- aker Baer,, chairman of the seriîes, or fromn any of the members, of her committee: Mesdamnes Frank Ad-, amhs, Elmer A. Claar, WilimF Crawford, Xi. S. Condit, F. O. Ebel- ing, Lloyd A. Grinnel, J. H. Hin- shaw, Benjamin Jacobsen, Stanley F. Johnson, George N. Lamb, Ken- neth B. MeAfee, J. Robert McClure, Fred E. Parry, James S. Reid, Wil- liam A. Richardson, F. A. Cushing Smith, H. C. Toeppen, Charles N. WiliUs, G. J. Tppri4el The tickets are interchangeable. Trhey may be used by guests of the purchaser as weil as the purchaser, and may be used, ail or part of them for any one of the reviews, As 'in previous years, some of the hold- ers will probably entertain their friendi with a morning at the book reviews, followed by a luncheon at home or in a convenient tea room. Mrs. Lloyd Faxon. who holds a 1the regular monthly meeting of the Woman's society. of the Wilmette Lutheran c1hurch will be held on the second instead 0f the first Thursday in October. Mrs. D. C. Lightner, president of. the local society, w11 a ttend .t he convention as delegate, and other members of the local group will also be *present.- At the mnonthly meeting. of the society at the church et 2 'clock October 12, the Rev. David* R. Kabele, pastor, will give. the second of his series. of lectures on the. history of the Luth- ýeran church. Lucy R. Hawkins, Northridge Club - Speaker on Monday The, Northridge Woman's c 1 u b will hold its first evenng meeting of the fail season Monday a t 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Roland Ferguson, 1947 Thornwood avenue. Co-hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Erich P. Bruhn and Mrs.. J. H. Worel. Mv:. Willïam, Heis0 toili pre- side at the ftvst- regular et'emng m eeting 'i 1 er term of offce when the NorthricZge Woman's club convenes Monda y niglzt at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Roland Fer guson, 1947 Thorn- u'oocl avenue. Dr. Walter Judd WiiI For Organization Luncbeon Tuesday to Be for 0ffR- cers, Directors, Precinct Chaîr- men anid Co-Chaijrmen To perfect plans for greater or- ganization as, well as for its, annual membership drive,- Mrs. Rollin D., Wood of. Winnietka, ýorganization chairman of the Women's ýRepubli- can Club 9of New Trier, has called an organization luncheon meeting,,at the homfe of the, club's treasurer, Mrs. H{oward. W. Phiilips, 985 Hill. road, Winnetka, on Tuesday, ýOcto- ber 10, at Il o'cloick in the morning. Mrs. Edward B.. Hall, 325 White Oak lane, Winnetka, president and ail officers and directors of. the club and its precinct 'chairmen fromn Glencoe, Winnetka, Kenilworth, and Wlmette are to be present at the meeting. TIhe Wilmette precinct chairinen and co-chairmen, who will attend are: Mesdames H. E. Pine, R. B. DeVinny, A. H. Meyers, H. E. Ring- holm, Malcolmn D. Cone, Franklin L. Rogers, George W. Putnam, Paul A. Hoffman, Eva G. Pyfer, John C. Snook, E. C. Rockafellow, Paul L. Barrett, Raymond L. Simons, Arthur L. Rice, S. C. Warden, G. F. Hem- mick, F.. E. Parry, George H. Lar- son, and Miss~ Rebecca Fitch and reviews before Chrîstmas.. For the can designers. fIve reviewers a fter'the holidays, the Mrs. Hawkins, who has a B.A. committee has secured Miss Eleanor and M.A. froin the University of Perkins, Mrs. Olive James, Mxrs. Wisconsin, is editor of the Matrix, James A. Harvey, Mrs. Henry Zand- a professional writers' magazine er, Jr., and Kenneth Horan. The published by Theta Sigma. Phi, na- first review will be "Shanghai 37," tional journalîstic sorority for wom- by Vicki Baum. en. She has been in newspaper work Manywome inWilmttehaveac-for a number of years and has been Many wothenain W ciette ha e cactive in Theta Sigma Phi. quiedth haitofoig-o te Following the urtwnrrn. a business Dr. Judd is an American doctor chairmi who has been in China for ten years mittee. and until he came to the United States last spring, had been located in a hospital in China close to the battle front. He is a most dyýnamicA speaker with first hand knowledge of his subject and well worth hearing. A male quartet froin New Trier High sehool directed by Mrs. Marion 1S. Schroeder, Jr., are co- of' the membership corn-.

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