The recently organized Kenilworth Community Chest Association, Inc., which, bas for its purpose the raising of funds for the support.of local and national: charitable and w e 1 f a r e groups, wiIl soon begint its f i*r s t. annual drive., BetWeen $8,000 and $1P.000 is.the',goal set by the Comn- mùnity Chest. Local Boy Scout and Girl Scout units, the Kenilworth Farnily Wel- fareý association,' Arden Shore,. the Infant.Welfàre association, the Park Ridge- School for Girls, .a n d t h e Amnerican Red Cross will share in the fund raised. The gehieral chairranship of the American Red ýCross ýwill share in the Keniilworth Community C h e s t' s fund-raising drive was accepted by Walter E. Botthof last week. Already, lUr. BotthIf's plan for theê drive~ is~ *c(>rpleted and enrolîment of volun- teers to conduet the can-palgn is uiider way. Directs Women's Teams "Our Commttee" Mr. Botthof ex- *plained, "is composed of two vice chairmen, Mrs. Harry A. Olin and Roland Feltman. Mrs. Olin wilI1 work with women members of the campaign teamns, and, of course, Mr. Feltmari will work with the en tains. To date, twelve cal co-captains have been enro arie:. tis andi d. They Jacques,de. La,*Chappelle, 182 Abingdon avenue; Paul C. Clovis, :44 Cumnor, road; Herman Hintz- peter,' Jr., 212 Sheridan 'road, Or- ville Uî. Warwick, 322 Sheridan road; Ambrose H. Wechselberger, 48 Ken- f lworth: Willard T, Grimm, 42 Ken- (Continued on Page 51) Pentyof-Parin rea Despit Projeet Chairman. *Walter E. Botthof, 156 Abing- don avenue, is general chairman of Kenilworth's irst annual Com- munit y Chest fund-raising cam- paign, which will be in pro gresa. this mont h. Workers are pre- pareci to conduct an intensive campaign to conclude the. unilled charity day welf are fund drive in record time. Shoppers Are Directed to Tem- porary Areas Designated by Chamber ôof Commere Work on the repaiving of Central avenue throu gh: the central business section, from Eleventh. street west to Park avenue, was sta rted Mon- day morxning by the Municipal Pav- ig company of Oak Park, under the supervision of William, A. Wolff, Wilmette building commissioner. The job is scheduled for completion about Noveniber 1. The contract cails for a 42-foot concrete pavement between P ar k avenue and the Northwestern rail-i1 i'oad, and a 52-foot concre.te pave- ment between that point and EIev- New Parking Limit, Ini order to reduce inconvenience to the public during the operations, the Village bas established 30-min- ute parking on Wilmette avenue, whicb was repaved last year and will therefore remain open. In co- operation the 'Wilmette Chamber of Commierce has taken steps to pro- vide additlonal parking spaces for 4k,. f he mh.,. HUarry P. Harriiison, 307 Abbotsford road,, president of, the village of Keifworth sinée 1933, resigned Mon- day evening. The, resignation wa*s accepted with regret by the board of trustees. Mr. Hlarrison, who. is an officiai of the New Yýork World's Fair, e x- plained in a letter to the board- that bis duties would keep hum away frÔm Kenilworth for several. months toe corne, and that he believed thei- terests of'the7,.ommunity Would be better served by a success or who would'be dloser i touch wlth village business. :He has been unable to attend council mneetings -for most. of the year. Fraise His Record The board, in accepting the resig- nation, passed a ?eesouio risIig Mr. Harrison's reord as president. It was pointed out that is tenure extended over a difficuit perlod in village tiffairs, and that bis espousal of sound fiscal policies had kept the village operatingon.a firm financiaI basis. It was also polnteda Harrison had sponsored rnent of the Kenilworth visory cornmittee to aid that: e deve Lizens' Church Junior Guild To Hear Travel TaIk The regularlv scbedifled meeting of the Junior Guild of Wilmette Par- ish Methodist church will take place in. the woman's room of the church on Monday, October 9, at 8 p.m. The special feature of the session