respond. AI brief installation service has .been planned by the Rev. Paul zMeéyer of Glenview for the* executive officers and the Christian knowiedge and service, chairmen. The execu- tive oficers are: -president, -Her- man Meyer; vice-president, Wilbert Koenig- recording secretary, -El s a Ca rien; corresponding secretary, Margaret Gockel and treasurer, Ed- win Stoîl. The, meeting will then adjourn. temporarily to be divided into three sectional conferences.ý Sumnmaries of these conferiences wil be given when the meeting re-assembles. Edwin l<uecker, the district representative, vwill be the princi pal speaker of the afternoon. Immediately followiig. the, ad- journhetoft'the büshe i meeting, a supper will be served. During the evening, the leaguers will have a social gathering. Gives Repiorts of Real Estate Sales R. G. Flood, mani netka office of Elrme ,r of the Win- The stnig of the teams is as fo,1ows:tnci Team W L Pet. Etigineers .......... ..... 2 1. .667 Gunners.................. 2 1 .6137 Artifleiry ....... 1........... 2 1 .667 Douphboys ...............2 .1 .617 1-m1ers.........*" .- ' . 2 .333 DestroyVers.... ..... 2 .3ql Torpedoes .................. 1 2 .3M~ M~'4res.............l 2 .333 1-Tih teami serie--: Eneineers .2 87,7: hiph team gamp: Enffinpprs, 1.066 bihI 'ncdivirlual, serles: Lindberçr. 630; liigli Gameà over 20O:*-.Dilv. 231: .H . Gould, 225; Lindberg, 225, 218, Browne,. 205. BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE By virtue of two, wins, over Schae- fers Tavern, Great Wesýt Life went into a ie for Del Bon- eem Tailors took twoý on the chin fr",m Boulevard Drug Store, while Wolff . and Watt won two f ro m Quinlan Record Service, Keefer's Standard Service came out o f the cellar t-3 take two games f r o m Zick Dry goods. 200, gemes were relledl by U*golin, with 222, high for the evening, Aus- tin 201, Ilerbon, 202, and, Berg, 205. Standings: ~n:4#,.sLiciuor Stere...8 Great West Life ............ 8 Wolff & Watt............. 6 '741k IJriv CGtds ...........6 Boulevard Drug ......6 Keefer's Standard Service . .5 Del Bonnem Tailors ....... 5 Quinlan Record ........... 4 Dr. Stock's pro:gram for the open- ing consists of Brahms' "Acaidèmlc Festival" overture; Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony No.. 3; De- bussy's "Iberia" Images pour Or- chestre No. 2, and the Strauss Rondo, "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranka." Offer 8S concerts This year the orchestra will play a total. of. eighty-eight concerts ln its home, Orchestra Hall, and a. séries of ten concerts in Pabst the- atre in Milwaukee in the period from' October 12 to April '20. There are four serîe s of subscription concerts;, twenty-eight Thursday eveningg and Friday afternc'ons, paydconsecu. tîe1v:tweIve Tuesday afternoon pro-, grains, performed on the second and fourth Tuùesclav of e-3ch" month and a zeries of six Young, Pëople's cnnc#'rts. played. one a month on the third. WednesdaV. of the month,. A series of fourteen concerts will be given ln the Popular grouD, whlch is flot onen to ~sason subsca?4ption. These .t'e played on alternate Saturday nights, and open on October 21. * present 28 Sololats Tweny-ight soloists, guest con-, .667 ductors. and composers have been an- .667 nounced to assist duringc the season. .500 T1he first to apvear will be Rose .500 .41f; who sings on October 26-27. yn .41 Ofthe soloists, nine will be mak- ing their first appea rances. to sym Services at the North Shore Con- grejgation Israel are again being hled regularly every Sunday morning at Il o'clock and visitors are welconie. it is explained. The temple is 1o- cated at Lincoin and Vernon avenues in Glencoe., Registration of new plini1s in the Confirmation class and Hicýh school. department will take place Saturdayr, October 7, beginning ..t 9 a.m. 'The confirmation è olass will' meet from 9:30 o'clock to Il o'clock; .the high schnol, dep.artment will meet, from 10: 15* to il1 o7clock. Theee groups comprise the Saturday division of the school and al children below the Confirmation class will continue to meet on Sunday mornings fromn 10: 30 to 12:30.. The :Sundayý morning school began its work on September 24. In addition 'to these regular classes a story hour for small chil- dren of the ages of four, five and six is being formed to mieet on Sat- urdy momfingg. wvill bc the narrator in Prokof ieff's 'Peter and the WoL' f" when the corn,- poser appears here as. conductor. Favorites WiII Returu *Many an old favorite wilI pla.y during the season. It will mark the return of famed Vladimir Horowitz, pianist who has flot been here since 1935. 0'lhers to be heard are violin- their brick residence at 1137 Willow road, Winnetka to Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert S. Study. A low white rambling homne wîth an acre of ground owned by Arthur Anderson on Wagner road, south of Glenview road, Glenview, was pur- chased by Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dove. Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Shea purchased from Mr. and Mrs. El-j nier A. Aleckson a six room stuccol Raetny Florist, respectively. £4110 erancescatti, Firench vîolnxst; High individual game was bowled Agnes Davis and Joseph Laderoute by L Uglin wih 20 pis. ighwho will sing at the performance of Individual three game series were BehvnsNnhSmhn;Pti bowled by Mickey Rodenkirk and cia Travers, eleven year old violin- Bea Leal with a tie score of 479 ist who first played here with the pins. High individual team game Civic Orchestra last seas on; Isaac by Hugo's tavern, with 716 pins. Stern, viollnist from Russia by way Team high three games, Erikson of California, and Paul Leyssac who Delivery, with a total of 1971 pins. W L Pet. alleys on Waukegan road in Glen- Eri*sôp Delivery.....4 2 .667 - and, G.eorges Enesco,.willconduct, as wilI Serge Prokofieff. Monday morning. October 9, the- members of the orchestra meet in Orchestra Hall for their first rehear- sal. At this time they will be wel-, !President Edward L. Ryer- son, Jr., Dr. Stockýand Mr. Lange and manager Henry E. Voegeli. Three new men will be welcomed: Josef Faerber, violin, GeraldHuif. man, trumpet and Frank Crisaulli, trombone. 't