UNTEREST RATE REDUCED TO NO COMMISSION Lbng-ferm construction or refi- nancinjg bans on i.esidenflal. prop- erty .of approve& constrution, démon. o and location. net eixce<- Other Loians et Corrospondingl> Low Rites QUINLAN MTYON Morigage Corp. On. N. La Salle Street, Chicago 7Cenf,à '0O27 1571 Sherman Avenue, Evanston University '2600 Wilmett, 2602 Winnetka 177 READ THE WANT ADS OJpen Euvenings & minaays Ask about our Tulip Speclal 10 Varieties-lO of Each-$3.75 $15,00 Free On a $125 Laodscaping Job Save 1/5 on Extra Charge for Piinting. Que Year Guaraoefee W1ninetka the past week.« One is be- ing built for Herman: Spertus, at 1510 Asbury avenue, and the other for R. E., Hymnan, at 576 Sunset road. The former is two stories,,of brick ven eer construction, with attached two-car garage. Victor Civkin is. the architect, with, Dubin and Dubin, associate architects. Harold V. Dahi is the builder. The estimated cost:o the Improvement is $16,00. The Sunset road residence , also of brick veneer.construction, is. a one- story building'0f four roomsand at- tached, one-car garage., Ernst Ben- kert, of Winnetka, is the architect and E. B. Hawkins, is the builder. The estimatedi cost is $7,000. He alth. Resort Rooms Newly Redecorated Furniture and wall colorings used in the North Shore Health Resort's (Winnetka) n ew 1 y redecorated rooms strike an unusual and de- cidedly pleasing note. Wood floors have been sanded, re- stored. to the. natural color, and "sealed" with a durable transpar-h ent varnish. Woodwork has hen fin-.-, Attractively designed bedroom furniture in solid maple, walnut and cherry bas been installed. Each room has a bed, dresser.and mirror, bedside stand, writlng table and chair, and armehairs upholstered in suitable colors. Table lamps and floor. lamps in keeping witb the general mood of each room have been select- whole. en new residences,. costing were started in New Trier in Septemnber, nine of re in Wilmette and five in Miss Rossi e Moodie. who has been assoecated with the Mark .ýCosU*ëU IpYfove4ent CompanyZ? for the past four ygars, an- nounced this week that -on Octto- ber 16 she will open an office at 154 Green Bay road, Indian Hilli, to be known as "Budget Build- ing., Miss Mocdie will specialize in de- sigrdng, building, apd remodeling bouses in $4,500 to $7,000 pri<ce'class. As, an additional venture, .she will also specialize in designing and build- ing doll houses. Miss' Moodie is a graduate o! the 'University of Minnesota in the class O! 1931. She majored in architecture and was elected to Phi Beta Kat)pa,l national scholastie honor society, and Tau Sigma Delta, national honorary fraternity in architecture. She first was associated witb a flrm of Duluth architects and later studied Witb Syberen Frank Nydam, Chicago Tbe total of 27 building permits ic-. sued in the; four villages :of Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, and Glencoe for imfiprovements costing $169,075, 'was the sMàlest volume for anyoe month since;. ebruary, and $9,250less than the September. 1938 total. Wilmfette issued nine permits for residences costing $79,000; two for alteration. jobs, ý$3,500; one for a commerical buildi.ng,,$200; one, for a beach bouse, $1,400 and'two for Ipri- vate garages, $500, a total ýo! 1e permits and $84,900. Winnetka was second with 15 neir residence permnits valÜed at $62,500: three for aiteration jobs costing $20. - 250 and one for a private garage. Ma total of, fine -perrnits anc; $83$250. .Only two permits were issued jr., Kenilworth, both for remnodeling jobs costing $1,000. The only one jr: Glencoe, was for a private garaIge, valued at $225. 7-R oornBrick to street, Wilmette. Dewey.and.*Pavlo-, vich are the architeets. 'Est1mateè, .cost of the improvernent is $10,500, E. R. Stanford is 'building a gar-. a'ge at 1304 Forest avenue,cotg $300.. A similar improven-ent, costing $200, is being buiît for J. D. Stewari.,. at 911 Elmnwood avenue. P. W. Carlson took out a permit for a residence remodeling job at 2105 Wilmette avenue, costirig $500. Zmoprated JAMES H. 175 W. Jackses: .ý, Chubage Alliance Life Insurance Company APPROVED FHAMORTGrAG.EE. STATX BANK BUILDING * EVANI *TQN