(may make, amy utype - afey, straght-edge or electulc) T.wovdu prdumos f ui* usw 1940 SCHIC ý"CAPTAIN-' *El'ctric Shaver R.gdr Pke . . .$12.30 Trodie-In for Your Razoýr 2.73' YOU PAàY ONIY $Q975 $3175 Allowonc. S, te hc5hoe if you owii-an old Schick Shaver there's an extra $1. trade-lna aiowance for u You set $375 for your old Scblck Shaver .. . making the price of the new Schick Captais esIy $8-75 to yow. Offer good for a lim ied tie o ly.1 îiîî andJ Efctrlclty Es Cheap 1 PU-BLIC SERv3cE COMPANY 0F t4ORTI4ERN ILLINOIS tèrminate wlth an open forum. PLAN BAZAAR Wilmette Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, announces a bazaair to be held on. Saturday,. October. 14,. at the Mlasonic temple, 11010, Central avenue. Luncheon and .dinner will be served., Special emphasis, 'is placed' upon the bakery sale, at which hornemade cakes 'and other pastries will be offered. VISITS HERE Mrs. - M. E. Harreli arrived Sun- day to spend -*a: month %with bher daughter, Mrs. G. W. Vaught, 505 flidge road, Kenilworth, before go- ing on to San. Antonio, Texas; for the winter. Mrs. Harrell had been li New York visitirig another daughter for two months. IRETTJRNS HOME Mrs. Philip Vaughan Bright, 731 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, returned recently fromn a two-month vacation li Northern Michiganx. Her stay there was climaxed when she caught a 26-pQund muskie. DINNER HOSTS -Mr. andi Mrs. H. C. Adsit, 522 Ken- ilworth avnueij. Renh1u7fth. ntr The Rev. John Donne 1111 (above) and' the R e 0'.- John Tracy, both memhbers 0f the Ob- late. order, world-wicle mtssion- ary organization of the Roman Crtholic f ait h, will 'conduct the services during the "o pen house'>, of St. F rancis Xavier church., Ninth street and Lixden aven.ue, Wilmette, October 15 to 29. Non- Cat holUe reside~t. of the North Shore have' been invited. 13ranch Library Given, Sutmm er Overhau ling The Laurel school braneh of the Wilmette publie library, located at Seventh street and Laurel avenue. is open Monday and Wednesdav- afternoons from 1 to 5 o'clock. eaIfIs 0 Merr prLies wee tteciU UUto te books on the shelves. Selected tities of new books and many older books were added to the aduit collection. and more will be added during the fall months. Be- sides the actual books on the shelves. necessary special reauests will be sent from ýthe: main library at the corner of Park and Wilmette ave- nues. 1 -il 4