Work toas sirted Monda y Ôf thia weelc on. the'repaving of Central avenue between Eleventh street and Park, avenue. ,The picture above shows steam shovel ripping up the old1 brick surface. The work is berng carriecl out with the villa ge's share of the atate gasoliine tax and ta. to be flnished by the. end of the month. LSea ScoutsI A inilà picture of winter confront- ed us as we gathered at thec Wil- .mette. harbor for another meeting. The breakers on the lake joined the ,wind to f iii the air with rumbling, lald the chiiled. air eontained clouds -hat ,Odcasiotxally blotted out the bright moon. It was a sad contrast ,o many summer evenings we had Weare sorry to see, hlm depart, and wîsh him luck. Befôre proceeding very far, we resorted to the infre-quent procedure of trmintingthmeting aoaf at ter opening formalities. This was the resuit of nfavorable weather. Next week the meeting will be held at our winter quarters i the l'rst National Bank building.. Add bright sayings of recruits, "Have ail the lines been furled?- ENTERS 'KEMPE1. HALL OILI BURNERI Quiet Compact fited from. our facilities at. the har- Mr. and Mrs; George S. Hendrick- bor this summer; .and we feel that son, 2819 Iroquois road, returned Iast winter's efforts were rewarded. home Tuesday after spending three Entrance into college has required weeks in the East. Mr. Hendrickson that Ellsworth (Jim) Jonies, ca- went to New York and Phil-adeiphia pable ' well-liked junior officer o! the on business and Mrs. Hendrickson ship, leave after contributing much. accompaniêd him. EXcE ENTIGLATION AT UTS lESTJ FEXCLLET, EGULTIO OFAIR FOR WINTER MONTIlS north shore home owners already enjoy with the remaricable efliincy of the SILENT SERVANT OIL BURNER. Simplicity and inferchang.eability, of -ifs ail-standard parts' keep your service costs to a mnimùm by eliminating coslly repairs. i