transportation. - dults onl Ave. Phone Wilmette 3997. Near Park 119LTN22-ltp Z FURNISHED ROOMrS FOR RENT. One large. room with double. bed and one smalier rôom with single bed. ,Phone Wil. 623. 119LT*22*ltp 2: FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ONE large room: with double bed and one smiler roomn witl single bed. Phone Wil. 623. Reasonable. 119LTN22-ltc R O O M CMPLETELY FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEE1->ING. WL-, MEI'E 4207. 19LTN22-l tp 1me8 iFOnRcRENT-APAorTMENT FOR RENT in ELM BLDG. AT 817 CHESTNUT CT. WINN.. 2% AI» 33j' room a pts. :Roof gardon. newly decorated. Venetian blinda. New refrtg. New stove. Must have good raf. Oc- cupancy October lut. I. SHUMAN REALTY CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 160 N. LaSalle St.; or cal Wnn. M49 or see Martin Bergesen, janitor. 806 Elm st. Winnetka 3248. ________________ 12LTNI7-tfp THE TERRACES ROGER WILLIAMS AND JUDSON AVE. RAVINIA Attractive apartments in new bldg. be- tween station and lake with large open terraces, living room, dînette, kitchen. bedroomn, dressing room, tile bath. Ele- vator service and finest appointments throughout. This building and location finest on North Shore. PAUL PHELPS, INC. 2 N. Sheridan Rd.» Highland Park 4580 _________________ 128LTN22-ltp IW»1BARD WOODS NORTH EAST liesicience. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath lst floor. Extra bath and 2 bedrooms 2nd floor. Quiet, pleasant neighborhood. Convenient to transportation. churches. schools and shopoing district. Deep wrooded lot. By appointment only. Phone Sheldrake 29251 before 5:00 P.M. or Glencoe 1264 after 6:30 P.M. 128LTI422-1'Lp 946 LINDEN AVE. HUBBARD WOODS 35,Ç room;, new stove, refrig.; woodbur. fireplace. BAIRD & WARNER, Ine. 522 DAVIS ST. WINN. 455 128LTN22-ltc 5 Rm. Modern Apartments rrans., lake, g rad e and hi gh sehîs. A 2 .vear lease wlth no sales clause may be. had! See:' SEARS REAL ESTATE Exclusive' Agents 421 Richmnondý Road . enilworth 52B& 133LTS22-1tc Take Now at $60 Per Month RiEDuc-ED FOR .nMMEDIATE OCCU. Wpanc.'7 roomf residience, East side, Wimtte. Convenîent to transpýortation, shopping, schôoos. Also for sale, Excel- lenit buy. MéGUIRE9 & ORR, Ine. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St.. Evanston Wil. 228 133LTN22-ltc MODERN 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, near transportation. $50. 6 room brick bungalow, lnsulated; gas heat cost only $60 yr. 2 car gar. $61). 6room, 2 story home, auto heat, gar. $70. 6 room brick, 2 batbs, 2 car gar. $80.* 7 ron 'stlxee0: 2 glazed Vorches, oit thea't, 2 car gar. $125. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Lindeh Ave. Wilnette 444 133LTN22-lýc 511 HAWTHORNE LANE. WINNETKA 4 blocks to New Trier Higli Sehool. 7 rooras, 21,'2 baths, also den and 2 porches. ,ust redecorated through-7 out. Very pretty yard. Owner who bas been asking $125 per m-onth says get offer. No sales clause. MeGUIRE & ORR, Ine. Winnetka 89 Greenleaf 1080 GI ilneoe 131 __________133LTN22- tc East . Hubbard Wo ods A RESTF'UL HOME ON A PRIVATE road convenient to transpor-tation and lake. It bas 5 bedrooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor, lavatory and book roomn on Ist floor. qtorm windows insure 10w- cost heat. Stately trees and shrubs beautify the igrounds that are ilot formql. Available in October at $135. Mrs. William Davis. Glencoe 1359. 133L22-ltp WINNETKA-$65 6 ROOM BUNGALOW ON LARGE LOT,. stove, refrlg., Venetian blinds nci. .Oct. Ist. Call Mr. Daily. FRANKLIN REALTY, EVANS. UNI. 7777 ____________134LTN22-Itp East side- 7 rm. homne. Fireplae, sun poùrch. oiflit.. or. transp. 134LTN99-1 ltu> 5 ROOM BUNGALOW IN WILMETTE. Frigidaire, hot water heat, 1 car gar- age., Ph. Kenilworth M62. 134LTN22ltp 140 FOR RENTr-STORES S OFFICES EXCLUSIVE WOMEN'S SECOND FLOOR OFFICES AND SHIOPS, Centrafly located. Single or en suite. ,-740 Elm àt.. Winnetka 66 Also large front office,. 746. Elm,.Winn. I14OLTNI-4tp 56LINCOLN AVE, WINNETKAý Excellpnt 1-cqt on for' photographer, nien's furishings,. ladies' ýwear, etc. MéGUIRE & ORR,.Inc. 530 Davis St., Evanstori Wilmette 228 - - 1 ý 140LTN22-1tc 2-STORY BRICK $HOP, '/a BLOCK East of Wil. C&NW depot. On paved sign or genelral repair stiop. Wil. 1724. ________________14LTN22-ltp OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR doctor, dentist or similar lune. Excel. lent location. Phone Wil. 2399 or WiI. 2427 14OLTNI9-4tp 147 FOR SALE-HIOUSffS 41/2% ntue IS NOW AVAILABLE TO PROS- pective home purchasers along with the plan of selling homnes wlth a minimum down paymnt of only 10: Thle Home Owners' Loan Corporation is offerlng these and other homes on this attractive plan: Evanston-7 room, 2 story frame. 0~ o w n oay't $695, monthly pay't $48. Wilmette--6 rnom, 2 storv brick. Down pay't $1235, monthly pay't $86. Win- netka-7 room, 2 storv stuc- co. D o wn pay't $1100. monthlv pay't $76. Glen- coe-*7 rooin, 2 story. -suc.Down pay't $815, m o it h .y ýLTY For Immediate Possession TWO 0F THE MOST OU T- standing houses in east Kenil- worth - One is beaut. modern brick Colonial - 6 bedrms., 31½ baths, at $32.500,. The other is fine,' well.built older' home - 5. beédrms., 3 baths, garage apt.. at $23.000.ý Both are near> lake, schools and, transp. Can be seen any time by calling "QUINLAN,&. TYSON, Ine' . 584 Lincoln. Ave. Winn. 177 147LTN22-ltc EAST KENILWORTH, On *wlnding road in beautiful sec- ti'n. withln'easyr walkinff distance of Kenilworth grade school and 'New Trier'High* School.> Brick, 8 rooms, 3 baths-. den, screened porch. Price $18,500. Owner open to offer. McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evanston. Wl!1. 228 147LTN22-ltc FINAL PRICE SLASH FOR UNDER $19.000, LOVELY RED brick home in Orrington district 1,2 block off Sheridan Road must be soid to Setle estate. 10 rooms with solarim and playroom. Well built. Brand new Del- co o11 burner. Grounds 89x163 with beaut- iful garden, pergolae large shade trees. Twvo car brick garage with studio roomn. Ilf you want a really livable home, don't' pass this by. See your broker or cal! ,Gre. 1855, Briargate 1855, Winn. 2700. I 47T ,TN9.9-lte OUTSTANDING A REAL FAMILY HOME IN BEAU. E. 'Wlnnetka close to lakce among towering trees on lOOxl6Ob' lot. Whi. Col. with 2' lpvely wing pchs. 5 bd-. rms., .3 bafhs. 011l ht. 2-car gar. Just reduced to $21,000. Will rrinsider trade for bungalow. Mrs. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. 510 Davis. St, Gre. 1166 .Wfl.. 374() 147LTN22.ltc HAVE YOU NEED FOR A1 LARGER htiuse) Owener of 3.51'Ridge Ave., Win- netka will trade for smaller home. 4 bcd. réooms, 3 baths and lavatory. Also. sleep- ing.and screened porches glazed. Wantý bouse in Winnetka or might consider good rental investment in another sub- urb. $16,5Mo Wants proposition. FULLER & PICKARD, lac University 7444 Winn. 3603 Gre. 7220 W i . 7,0 .;K AND STUCCO ols and transpor- WILMETTE 1644 147LTN221 te 1564, She mec. ffil- 2i