YOUR HEART'S DESIRE WILL BE MET BY THIS BEAUTIFUL; estate., On 2 acres of high, rolling, beautifuliy wooded property stands a stunning long graci.ous brick home of 1pefect architecture. ~Stuaed~ close to the lake. it is convenient to scbools and transportation (3½' blks.) The house bas 5 master bedroorns, card room, open porch witb fireulace. sleeping porcb, serv. qts. etc. There is a glass enclosed swinmirig Pool 33xl5' with drs. rms. Also 4 rm. serv. or guest bouse. Offered at a.low price. ,,BAUMANN-COOK Exclusive Agents~ 553 Lincoln Avenue Wnnetka 3450 147LTN22-ltc HOME OR INVESTMENT1 14 ROOM BRICK HOUSE. INCLDING lav., 4 batbs, 6 bdrms., 2 carClatt. ar., beautiful wooded lot, in suburban Glen- coe, 21,ý bocks ta school, 6 blks ta sta- tion. If you want .a beautiful home witb home atniosphere, in quiet exclusive ne'ighborbood, this 15 it. Investment in these times i substantial real estate. inflation or not. seems wise. Restricted neigbborhaod, well built 10 year old bouse. Location, 590 South Ave.. Glencoe. Will consider renting. See your broker or R. C. Bennett. 753. ýWest'Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Tel. Mon- roe 3800. 147LT22-ltp FOR A LARGE FAMILY WELL-BUILT OLDER HOME, framne, with ffleasine exterior and spacious sunny roorns - 5 bed- q- ]Lfl, .exta av. o stone. Colonial home being offered for .less than one-balf cost, - wlth, its 9ýwn- wide, sandy beach, andi sparkllnig blue Waters i view of practically.,every rooni 5 bed- rms., 3 batbs, powder roomn-1 elled lîbr., recr. rm.A C$7.0 this is an unquestionable oppor- tunity., Ask to see IL QUINLAN &TYSON, me., 584 ' Lincoîln Ave. . Winn. 1177 147LTN22-ltc. 532 KENILWORTH- AVE. BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED WiTE- wasb brick, French'home in -restricted location. Near everything. 4. sunny mas-ý ter bdrms. each* large enough. for twln beds. 3%2 baths plus servants' quarters. Panelled den and game rm. Large ser. pcb. opening froni living rm. ofito one of the lovliest gardens on the North Shore. Owner open to offer. See: SEARS REAL ESTATE EXCLUSàIVE AGENTS 4Richmrond Road -Kenlwortli 528 147LTN22-ltc *GLENVIEW NEW 6 R 0 O M COLONIAL HOMP .* among new homes on quiet tree lineci streets, lot 56x177, no assessment. Con. tuonient t, stores and transportation. Price $7,800. Attractive ternis. 6 -room brick and frame bomne. Circulat- ing hot air hieat. natural f ireplace, lot 50x175. Price $6.500. WYATT- & COONS 1026 Waukegan Road Glenview 7 147LTN22-lte RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PU1RCHASE A LOVELY WHITE- wash brick on a lovely wooded lot i Indian *Hill Estates. House bas 5 bedroois. 3. batits and will sitisfy most discriminating buyer. Owner leaving town. determined to seli. For appoîntment cail Mrs. Flemine. BAIR~D & WARNER, INC. Evrlusive Ag~ents 790 Elmn St. Winn. 2700. Briargate 1855 147LTN22-ltc For a Limited Time Only WHIITE, FRAME FARM HOUSE ON A: Iovely %vooded lot 70xl4O. 4 bedrooms. 21V2 batbs, breakfast roomi. Screen porch, attacbed garage and ol heat. DON'T DELAY! CLIENT' HIAVING BEAUTIFlUL FLORI-' da home wisfies to exchange equity as part payment on riparian home, or to ap- ply as rentai on riparlan ho me. Carolyn V ang, Wfinêtka 11M4. 150L22-ltp 151 FOR SALE-VACANT -Fine Values A LOT 0F 100'xl90' WITH STATELY trees in fine Winnetka estateseetion is offered for a limlted time at $11,500. LOT 65'xl87' AMONG NEW HOMES $2,850 CHOICE WOODED 90' LOT IN HVB- bard Woods in established neighbor- )iood. $6,5W~. ACREAGE IN POPULAR SECTION OF new homes near SkoIzie Valley line. $3,500 for 3 acres. Terma. Frances J. Winscott 614 Willow Rd. Winn. 1267 15LTN22-ltc SUNSET RIDGE Choice section on private rd. off Sunset Ridlge Rd. Close to Winnetka school systeni. 1 acre pieces of hi gh property carefully restricted. 5 have aiready been sold. Only $2,000 an acre. BAUMANN-COOK EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 151LTN22-tp G1iRLS JUVENILE BEDROOM S E T.. Bed complete. dresser, dressing table and chair. Ivory. Exe. cond. Very rea- sonable. Also odds and ends. Wilmette 5111. 1700 Elrnwood, Wilmette. 171LTN22-ltp design. Junior size. twln beds, box springs. mattresses, dresser with steer- ing wheel mirror, chest, desk chair. Exe. cond. Reas. 682 Sheridan, Glencoe. l7lL22-ltp GAS RANGE EXCELLENT CONDITION. ALSO RAI- sin stair carpeting. Winnetka 3410. l7lL22-tp MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER ConVert your old hair or cotton mattres into an innerspring. Mattresses reno- vated, Josef F. Stula-462 Green Bay Rd.. Kenil. 5640. 171LTN20-4tp CL ARK JEWELL GAS RANGE, GREEN and 1vory fini sh, right hand oven, warm- in.g aven, storage space and oven control. Ccist $150; Wfll sell, $0. Wilmette 3604, SINGLE BED. CAS RANGE. DINING room set, etc. -Very reasonable. Im*ue. diate sale. 333 Milton Ave. Glencoe.. FOR SALE- ORIGINAL HEPPLE- white buffet and banquet table - ais. Early American antique furniture. Phone Cedarcrest 1135. 171LTN2-2tp 2 LARGE HALL CHRS.; DINING ROOM set. Burl. walnut. 8 chrs., table, buffet, china cabinet, in excel. cond. 6 burner, kitchen stove, 2 avens. 434 Greenleaf Ave. Glencoç 443. 171LT22tp