t Dy "Our corner cuppoard,.8 Cinppendale ainig chairs. 2 ofý them reproductions. mfi7e rors, large decorativç Italan paînting, etchings. etc. Tanbour desk, Chippendale desk, bureaus, chests. tables, sofas, chairs, lamnps,- glass and oriental. rugs. WEARING APPAREL: Furs, coats, suits.- formais, tuxedos, etc. Living, bed- room and dinlng -room furniture. Hand- some mahogany corner' cupboard,, etc. Glencoe 203$. 173LTN22.1tp FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 0F YOUII unnecessary, furniture. houaehold et. fects* and antiques. PHONE, UNI. 0189.1 CROST FuENITURE STORE. established 1898, wili give Your cal prompt atten- tioni, for single Items or, complote home., 173LTN49-tf c AUDUBON PRINTS - WILL SELL from* my collection several large plates -including Turkey Cock, at fraction list prices. Also mrany other old bird and botany. prints. .Hghland Park 2435. eve. nings please. 173LTN22-Itt UNUStrAL D E S I G N NEEDLEPOIN'1 tail chair. Samovar. perf. conci. 9 Pc. og &est. :Orgal S 8ab' uzer, etc1hiagýi Medium size knlt dress, miaroon and aqua. Blue knit coat. Glencoe 2036. 173LTN22.1tr 4 NEW STORM WINDOWS. 4O*X53'", 75e ea.: porch chairi 50c: gateleg table, $1.50, table lamp and shade, $1, Girls tan came's hair ùoat and hat, size 10_,. .Winnetka 95 3. T2.t FORWARD BALCONY SEAT FOR CHI. CAGO SYMPHONY CONCERTS AL. TERNATE FRIDAYS STA1RTING OCT. 0;Cal Mrs. Paul Starr, Wlnn. 2307.1 S19.50 p. -A" *Pavlic Bros. ienih .5672. JI 173LTN[1O4tp 100C AUTOMA'rIC STOKER. XE NEIA. Used one season. Burns cheapest fuel. cag Operates perfectly. Seli ',2 cost. For i- Hui spection phone Glenview M9. 92 173LTN22ltc Ill.; U L T R A VIOLET LAMP, SIMMONS Ev*ý single bed and metal army cot, beds 3. complote, chair, kitchen cabinet. , p ô oi1gag table. AU reasonable. Wilmette. 3417. n He wrote the climax for the pic- gture while an operation was being performhed, on bis legý and he was half under the. influenceof ether. ÏSTATEMENT 0P TIIE-OWNERtSHIP,' *MANAGEMENT, CIRtÇULATION, BICJ * REQUIR9BEDB'1Y THE ACTS 0V CON-ý *GRESS 0V FAUGUST 24, 1912, AND MA19CH 3, 1933 O f Wilmette* Life -published weekly' àta Wilmette. Mii, for October, 1939. STrATE 0F ILLINOIS t. 11. I jCOU14TY 0F COOK) S ,Betore me, a Notary Public in and'ilfor the State, and county afôres>alid, per- sonally, appeared Lloyd Hollister. who having beeh duly sworn accordlng to law,, deposes and says thatlie is the Business Manager of. Wiimette --Life tand that the followiig. is to the best of 1 h1à knowledge'-and belief, a true state- *ment of the owncrship. management ( and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaîd publication for the date shown in the above caption, re- qurçdy the Act of Augujst 24, 1912 as anien ddby the'At of Mai'èfi 3. lT932 embodied in section 537 Postal Laws and Regulations, prlnted on the reverse of this îorm, to wit: 1. That the naines and addresses cf the publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager are, Publisher, Lloyd Hollister Ine. (A Corporation), 1232 Central avenue. Wi- mnette, Ill.; Editor, Erwin W. Weber, Rldgeview Hotel; Evanston, Ill.; Busi- ness Manager, Lloyd Hollister, 1185 Ash street. Winètka, 111. 2. That the owners are: (Give names and addresses of individual owners; or if a corporation. give its name and the o. ii- bbard M 6, NO .l ,C. H. Einstoný,1 .That1 ees. an( or holt as uenuerC, iii.; ii. x4. nde, Oregon, H. D. Hill, Rd., Winnetka, Ill.; Faye' ,,m St.. Winnetka, Ill.: S5 No. Wabash Ave., Chi- le Low, 996 Linden Ave., ;.Il., E. C. Rodenberg, ing Ave.. Niles Conter, erer, 3618 Glenview Rd., nonbon dholders, mort. er security' holders own- 1 per cent or more cf of bonds, mnortgages or are: (if there are none, This sunset scene overlookingorne of the Skokf e lagoons, ws a1 by Lous Anderson, of 1026 Oakl street, Winnetka. the Skokie, for mani, years: before its recent trans formation at the handa of the CCC under direction of the National 'Park service, was' the subject of scores of paneswho admlred itschangingý beauties. Its altera 'tion to facilitate drainage of the former -marsh has in na Wise Ies$ened its beautfies and appeal to. the artistic eye. Governor to Proclaim Novem ber* 23 as Date 0f Thanksgiving Day To avoid the necessity of a double observance of the legal Thanksgiv- ing day holiday in the state of Il- linois, Governor Henry Horner an- nounced on September 26 that . he would proclaim'the state holiday for the sarne date as that fixed by the President for the national holiday. "The President, the press advises, has announeed that lie would ad- The IJ*ll .unoisý ments law provid at 11, in the James Simpson the- atre of the museum., Children from al parts -of' Chicago and suburbs. are Invited. LEGAL NOTICE Not responsible for any debts ineurred be' or apjiworjê done by,, anyone residing at 394 Jefferson Ave., Glencoe. Please report any dlaims to me at Post Office box No. 42, Glenroe. BESSIE BUTLER KNOX. A L I D GOODS T table istru- 1 )r a Thaniks- giving holiday' on 'any day appoint- cd or recommended by. the governor of this State or the president of the UInited States' and our school law fixes the holiday on 'any day ap- pointed by the President or the Governor.' "So, should I appoint a day as Thanksgiving day otiier Ilian the commission