Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1939, p. 64

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1241 Forest cago. Hc is well known in manage- ment circles for his contributions to management and economy tech- niques... In past yeaÉs he has servedý as directorý of sales training for Fire- stone; as industrial relations man- ager for Atlantic Refiningz. company of Philadeiphia; and as aà manage- ment engineer. Mr. Be nge is, author of. "Executive Leadership" and "CtigClericalCosts and Stand- ard Practice in Personnel Wofrk." He will, specialize in sales management, personnel problems,. supervisory'l training ,and office econom ies. Nelson Hoisteins. Yesiree. the nùoble white steed- Statue which lias beeni attracting widespread attention a m o n g ,niotorists and. pedestrianstç;gho. pass along Central avenu e, now hias a rea?'and permianent name. The white horse at the Frank Bow- man Service station..0 1223 CQntral avenue., joir:ed the rafiks of royalty -is the resuit of an interesting,"name" Gîven TopRatiéng ontest conducted for the past'era weeks ini the advertising columns of David Nelson, of Wilmette. favor- this nlews magazine ..i -ably~ knowna to hun4reds of Nort.h And the winning naine w,,as sup- Shore people as the directing genîus lied by Shirley Jecmnan . f1.5~21 of a large laundry and-drycleaning *Gund1cersoil avenuie. in faraway Ber- concern, can now also lay dlaim to .w3'n,[Il. Her selection -Kiny Pep" real distinction as a farmer of first claimred the unanirnous approval of quaîity. the 'contest judýàes. who %vere also Sometim agoMr.Nelsn lie-dtîlv impressed uithi Miss Jecman*s Sometimeago r. Nlson comment, telling whyv she chose. the quired a farmn in McHenry county name. 'ýKitig yPop." Hei-e'ý ler rea- and soon introduced a herd of 30 son: purebred Hostein cattie "KigP.-se.s obandal A recent issue of the Harvard, igPp em t ea da (Ill.) Herald is authority for the in- name for the beautiful white hors e formtio tht M. Nlsos pizewhich stands.so proudly and grace- formaton t---Mr----------------0.----- -- .Il States' District Jutige .Jamets H. Wi"-I kerson Tuesday, October 3.' asking. authority' to enter into a contract. with the St. Louis Car company for the building of two four-unit articu- lated streamliners for use in the Chi- cago-Milwaukee service. Hearing of the petition'was continued. for one wýeek1 on the. motion of the. Récon- struction Finance, Corporation. a creditor of.the railroad. Col. A. A. Sprague, receiver.of the N4orth Shore lune. in, his petition, stated thatIbids had been solxcited from-varjous manufacturers. and. that the St. Louis Carý company bid Of $299,000 was 'the. lowest. The. latter concern . offered- to con tra ct to de liver the- trains by .Tuné 1. 1940. Their purchase wouid be financed by! payment of one-third in cash and the* remainder in. receiver's ccrt.if., cates.. Plant.New Design Thomas B. Freeman., 955 Ver- non street, Hlubbard Woods, mas last week, 1elected presid ent of Butler Brothers, Chicago whole- sale dry- goods.firm.. Thce n eu, trains which the North' Mr. Freeman will succeed Frank . S9re Une pro.poses t() have built S. Cunningham, president for the would be new in design and capable: last 21 yetirs$,Who becomnes chairruan of free opérating speed with safctylof the board. Mr. Freeriian will as- at 100 miles per hour. They would surne his niew duties on Novem-ber 20. be buîlt of higýh tensile strength steel alloys and c>their Iiht weight mate- Is lauBeg(wnro riais so as to be as light as possbeMs.sCaaBrgO nro without s a c r i f J c iI l .g struLctural 'ninHl a SSh strength. Each train would be pow- Ida ilBat hl ered with eight motors dcveloping 1a1 The Indian Hill Beauty Shop at 458 total of 1,000 horsepower.1 Winnetka, avenue lias just been 'Mý nzbx frtiIQ wal>iU >i. '.. Ji-i n)od1b ug tb r.Car .B r . wa's for six and one-half vears- the AijJL Uvernet asociaio. iast i-w gust. The rating. showed that the Hostein herd of 30 produced 1,066 pounds of milk and 38.2 pounds but- terfat on twice-a-day . milking. and any-dairy expert will tell you thats really ratmng topnotch.' ~Miss Jecmnen was- among 74 con- testants who submitted prospective names for the noble '"Purebred" steed. ong., Distri butors of Sea Foods, test wmnner. Sne nas been tutoread y convention of the National LauncIry-. Manager H. Ford of the Skokie Sta- men's association. They will be bles for the past three months. She there for about a week and will will cornpete for the coveted..award magke a, side, trip to New York to on Otoor 1. .sée thé fair before returning homne. j&eIL Above, reading fromn left to right: ager, Walker's Fulton Fish com- J. L. Harrison, manager of the pany. Frosted Food division; E. M., Con- These produets are provided in cannon, viceýpresident of' Walker's Wilmette by the George B. Winter Fulton Fish ceo*m p a n y; W. M. grocery and market, 1146 Central Walker, Jr..; W. M. Walker, presi- avenue,- and the Hi-Ridlge Market, dent; R F. Dietrich, assistant Man- 801 Ridge road, Wormette. lu , ra.ins wouta pe co.jnppiýea

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