Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1939, p. 10

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!aust-mnoving pan or a ma of comie sktits, song and dance. numbers, and local talent açts. Included initme program wiUl be such popular local talenti as young, 12-year-old -Harry Breen., the> har- mnonica wizard; Elwood . Mons, mnas-, te o egerdemnaîne. , th e Lafferty twis,, Mary and Marge, specialty dancers; the "ILonely Hearts" trio, ELsa and Rosalie Carlen and Doris Wise; and Vincent Weio, novelty tap dancer.. .The comnic skits will iclude "Col- lege Neyer Changes,",a laugh riot, and 'It Won't Be Long Now," a timely anecdote ot today.. The cast of! 4Coflege Neyer Changes" wIl be composd of Ralph Morris, Susanne Lyons aud Robert MacMorran. Plor- ee ichards and Jaek, Eyster por- Longhe hrates f IwWo'"B trLoneg hrates ! ItWo'tB In Western Settlng 11gh spot o! mhe musical numbers will be furnished by Claude Capers and bis Cowboys, singing in a novel western 'setting. An original skit- "In a London Tailor Shop." written and dlrected by Phil Hoelz, will be presented for mhe flrqt tirne. Other Alyce Varney, Jane Brandes, Bil > Wade, and many omhers. Jack Eyster is co-chairman of the Frolics. Phil Hoelz and Florence Richards are acting as production. managers. Usherettes will be Verna Parkhurst, DJorothy Eisler, Marlan Goode, and Mildred Farmer. Tick- ets may be obtalned frorn any mern- ber of Theta Upsilon Rho, or at the door. according to the announcement, Mariris& Ewing- Photo Bachrach Photô St. Elisabeth's Eptscopal church in Glencoe is brin ging to the North Shiore the Superior ami one other me M ber of the. Society, o! Saint John the Eoangeflat for an eîght -day preaching mi ssion starting Sunday, October 22. Thetj are the Rev. Granville M. Willams., Super-lor (Le It), and the Rev. Charles P. Oti ($ghi». The Society o! Saint John the moangly knoawn as tColy aer m-jUfior Cornets Map Evnlist, a Mas te oy aersr wa ounded in England in 1866. .Sev Winter Activiy erlmembers o! the order, one o! t whorn was the Rev. Charles C. Graf- A meeting of the Junior Cornets ton, wbo later became bishop of to lc eetya inta Fond du Lac, carne to this country in, okpaercnl'a inek 1870 and worked in several parishes cornmunity bouse. Plans for the in the East. It was in 1921 that the corning year were discussed. American congregation of the order The first basketball practice of the; was constituted. season was beld on last Saturda2' beth's. ~'eohrmsinri h hthr Rog Spielrnann, Fred Ja- Rev. Cbarles P. Otis, a mernber Of cobsen, Jim Cabn, Phil Meyers, the order, and rector of the Churcb Stew Ricbmond and Dick Wiggies- of the Advent in San Francisco, worth. Newcomers thus far are:. Cali!. Jack Mclntyre, Phil Imus, Bill En- The mission at St. Elisabeth's willj glehardt and Rod Lang. begin Sunday, October 22, and con-j Witb an officiai ice hockey rink, tinue. through the following Sunday, being erected this winter at Indian October. 29. Father Wiliamns will Hill1 station park, this sport is slated preach at the il o'clock Eucharist tahae eenmorvnrtiinnt-,fhain The meeting of officers, member- ship and preclnct chairmen was held for the purpose of organizing the. rnembership drive, whicb willl start. on October 16. 'Mr$. Rollin D. Wood- oi Winnetka, 'vice-president and or- ganization chairman, presided. Presidrnt Reports Mrs. Edward B. Hall, presidenit, gave a mostenthusïastic, and inspir- ing t1alk telling mhe influence and St rength. of mhe Wornan's Republican Club, o! New Trier. ."Our strength. and power, lies :in our phernbership which 1s due largelyý to the work of the ý precinet chai rmen, and. their block workers" said Mrs. Hall. Since 1932 mtis organization has grown to be mhe largest womnan's organization i the township and onie of the, largest in mhe country. Its farne bas spread by virtue of its môorough or- ganization and the influence of its endorsé-mént of candidates. No one it has endôrsed--has ever failed to receive the majority of votes in the Aownship. Mrs. Rollin Wood gave instruc- tions to the 'precinct chairmen and stressed the purpose of memnber- sbip. "to silread the influence of your club throughout your communi- ty" and to broaden the interest in ail Republican principles. _ Invite New Members wooca avenue, '..*encoe; ivrs. EL. v McNair, 265 Woodland avenue, Win- netka; Mrs. James D. Stevenson, 132 Oxford road, Kerulworth; and Miss Frances Cutier, 1001 Lake ave- nue, Wilrnette. Mernbership.is, open to ail women in New Trier township who are in sympathy with the poli- cies and purposes of the club . The township is divided into forty pre- cincts. Each precinct has a* chair-. man a.nd she in turn bas a. captain laulns piltLul - uqr«" a u- our. AU ne Do .d for the harbor mouth, whlch w. crise at this entered at a fine pace. would be mhe The schooner Wu. made up order- power crulser, rehpef fJ squad are to -mreet i the latter part iat uspe it will o f the rnonth, exact Urne and place jor baseball tournament nx ptg s rne of the year to .be named later. Practice wil begi indoors in Feb- S.S.S. Oulmette, a The Junior Cornets basebail team ruary, 'with the firut get-together will enter the American Legion Jun- scheduled for January. I.

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