ery corner of the united.5;aies, and from, Bore foreign couÊtries, dele- gates will assemble for this great-. est.o! safety conventions. Started 26 Yeirs Age> Twenty-slix years ago the organ;- Ized battle against- accidentaI, death and unjurybegan in earnest with the founding , o! 1the l'National Safety council, sponsor of- the Congrées. Firat on the. ndustrial front, te sprèïading i1 nt ôo'homes, schools, streets and' highways... an ever- growing army of safety workers has been battling, to make the" worid safe for its inhabitants-. Once a yêàr the council cails to- geth er its m embersblp for a gen- eral conclave, - to exehange ideas and expèriences, to redefine. its ob- jectives. to issue inew materials, new information, new methods. Ne ~Lnger -REperiument --- The keynote o! the 1939 Congress will1 be the assertion that safety now can be obtained ini any quantity by anyone or any organization that wnsit, - just as groceries or other products may be obtained. Any city or state or industry, dele- gates will be toid, bas the power to determine its own death rate. Twenty-six years of work by safe- ty enginéers, educators, psycholo- * gists and other accident prevention technicians now has. passed the stage of theorizihg, speculation and expenuient. Safety programo. have beeni formed from common ex- perience -and now van be appiied to regulate and control any kind of accident problem. Delegates to this year's congress, encouraged by substantial reduc- tions in accidentai deaths in many flelds, will be asked to accept these as a challenge to even greater sav- ings. To that end they wiii m a p plans at the congress for the fui- ture of the safety movement in al Its phases - trafflc, occupations, public and home. PATIJE1W' DINNER Thursday, October 12, th~e Wil- mette Scouts *111 bé hostesses to ther. dads at the annual Scout diii- ner. ý Last,-eeat the inothers of the Scouts attended this ànnual affair, which for many years'has been ai- ternateiyý for fathers and then for mothers., The inner *!Il be served promnpUtia13et :the. Wilmette Parish Features of the program ' to, foiowý d i nn er 'are: IDramatiz.ation.of 'Shortnin' Bread" by roop Mi u- sic by the Trïop 9. trio; a demonstra- tion of' the Dutch Shoe. game by, Troop 10, and other grou p presen-, tations.: C. . Robinson will speak to the gi rls and lathers about the Dadsý Patrol of the Wiimette Girl Scouts, anid about what it has accomplished for the cabin, and the future plans for the patrol. ,Mi~sLîliatn Jonles, a m'ëéiber bf Senior Troop l, wili be the toast- mistress for the occasion. The com- mittee of who have'planned the dintier are: Mrs. D. Owen, Mns. R. E. Hahi, Mrs. Dwight Perry, Mrs.' Millard WatJç*ns,'- and MisÉ Lillian Lyons . Acepmmittee of the- Wil- mette council, to cooperate with the leaders in this planning are Mrs. Sprague Chapin, Mrs., D. B. Yoder, Miss Ruth Hansen, and Mrs. E. A., Claar. LEADERS' ASSOCIATION At the October leaders' meeting October 3, the date for future Meetings was set as the third Tues- day of the month. This means that the November meeting will be on Tuesday, November 21. On a year's leavýe o! absence, he is a member of a committee en- gaged ini a -research project at. the Ulniversity of! Chicago in--which a number 'o!. universities are cooper- ating. The work is sponsored in part by the Generai Board of Education., The Washburnes. came: to Winnet- ka so that their, children might at- tend the Winnetka schools. Their son, Norman, is at Skokle, and, daughter, Antonia, at Hubbard Wood-s. DeUlver1esdi 9:00-11:00A.Ei. WILMETTE BEUTY=SHOP: 1200 Ceairi A"e.-2ndflom Bank Didg., R. 202-VIL 79 IMBU Lu aia Qu4ity Mercheundise ut Righc Price.. mUh personwalservice WOLFF &'WATT 'xoce 35 Yeara of Comnious Service on the. North 1119-21 Central Ave. . P.iP'Uree Theatre WIUMetts183-184 DOWNTOWN WILME'ITE 'Hardware - ainmu IIuis.ware FIREPLACE SETS GRATES (Wood or Coal) - ANDIRONS - SCREENS May Be Ha di Brasa, Black, Swedieh or OId Engli@h Finish.. u«'ma- - ' - Neli Woodiward ct Clinock, mEvans- to the crime detection bureau. in ton director, and a Wilmette resi- Chicago for examination. He wasdet ilbthspar.Teae given the liedetector tlest, and as itdetwilbthspar. heae did not refute his dlaim o! innocence for. the luncheon is, WednesdayNo- he was discharged. vembr 8.