UNIJSUAL SAVUNGS FORYOUR HOME Marsh.lU ild Speclal Percale Séeets end Caes Silky smooth sheets woven from the highest grade cottons. Sheeta Size 90x108, each..,....$1.60 Suze 81x108, each ...... $1.40 Size 72xl08, each .......S$1.25 Ca-te Size 45x381/2, each .......35c Extraong, W@.l Ilankets Five pounds cf fine virgin wool woven extra thick for greater warmth, richly bound ini fine rayon satin. Rose, blue, gold, grosn, peach, dusty, rose, rust, A comforter of unusugl beautyv and- quality at a special price. Covered with fine quality rayon taffeta with hand guided ma- chine stitching. In a host of solid colora as well as, two-tone,,com- binations. - 2-Piece RalIow Lunch... Se. $2.9S Soft pastel Lu Ray dinner- ware in windsor blue, sharon Wear-Evqer 4 Star C@oker Complete $1.79 Four utensils in one. A dou- ble bouler, a covered 21/': quart saucepan, a Il/. quart batcing dish or casserole and a french fryer. Threjieoe Wear-Ever Sauce Pan Set, $1.25 soups. Hurricane Lamps Pai r 41.85 I ~ Good-looking lamps in tractive shape with an at-' white Com- TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE EXTRAORDINARY 'VALUES I 'I Note thèse. splendid v-Nalues: Bafhroom Curtains in floral, paitrns, « size 36x63, pair $ 6 Bathroom Curtains ïn,3 patterns,$ pair $ Marquisette Curlains, pair $1 Cottage Sets-4 patterns +0 chaos. from, pair $ 1 India Prints, large selection of patterns, six. 72xI08, each $l-90x1 0?, $1.35 Soa illows, a large selection at $ 1 Curled White Goos. Feather1 Pillows, 2 1 x27, pair Celanoise Curtains, pair Bed $5.95 $2.35 $1 pair Fine quality, well made cur- tains in pin dot, cushion dot or plain marquisette with full, ruffles and tiebacca. Each curtain 40 inches wide and* 21/4 yards long. Excellent values at this price. ivory, egg-shell an~d ecrit inches x 2% yards.1 them whlle they are specim prioed for this event. --n.l 0........ . . . ç* Mgething Npkns Size222 Domen ......$6.95 Third FPEser Graceful shaped howl and 2 twn candlcsticlcs withbru.- liantpolished icutting. Fi/ah Flo.,r o!f items mcin su ers ah ide rangé clips and average wuiuuw~ . uonuv pin. dot, sheer plain. French headed rufiles. 'W îivory, champagné. 504ni x 2½/, yards.' green, dubonnet and natural. Sateen lined; with tie-backs. Prioed unusu.ally ,low. or beige. 45 fi 212 yards long.