kursday) w i thb Dr. taing the podium oni as conductor of orchestra ti Amer- Long ugo tie'X faunily dimcovered that Payv Day was nover the Rlght Day! Speclal simes that would gave oni thiefarnily budget ALWAYS camue theday before pay day. The pry (that inother walted a new but for)--4he week-end trip (that the youngsters needed new deothes for). slrply would flot corne around pay a* Dersonal . olicitiatlon. and wilI also bring the need for the Iund's'sup- port' to the attention of Wornen's groubs a-ed organizations. 1"The work of the Fund is partic- ularly close to women, since its '118 agencies. deal directly with family problems"' Mrs5.. Lawrence -said in outlining plans for, the campaign. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED At a birthday Party on October 2, at North Shore Country club,- Mr' and Mrs. A.- N. Andersen' of .:452 Provident avenue, Winnetka, an-. nounced the engagement of, their daughter, Helen Jeanne, to Tho-mas G. Seng, son of Mrs. Julius Seng of Leesburg, Fia., formerly o! Wil- mette. Mr. Seng is now living at 722 H4inmn avenue, vaaaton. N date bas been set ýor the wedding. _ The orchestra wrnl prescrit five. se- ries. o! contcer ts.in Orchestra hall during the 28-week season. The con-, certs are on Thursday evenings 'and Friday afternoons; on. Tuesday, a!- ternoons;, Yoùng People'.,Concerts on. Wednesday. afternoons, aM P o p ular concerto, on, Saturday evenings.. The opening week's pro gram for tonight and tomorrow (Friday) at- ternoon, is as follows: Overture, «'Academlc Festival" Opus, 80.................... Brahims Symphony No. 3 uE'roica'»E Plat MaoOpus 55 ............ Beethoven Rondo-."Till Eulensplegella Merry Pranks,- Opus 28...... Strauss Subseriptions for season tickets are stili available at Orchestra hall, as weU as tick tor single con- certs. WJEOLDT'9S I DAVIS STREET EVANSTON ýI. 4.- R.eg aaor A.., ~ Lieimel Train Beverming Engine, Tender, Box Car, 011 Car, Cabm., Lock-on Clip, 25 Watt Transforier, 12 Setion. of Tvsck. 50e DOWN BIldEîther Until Dec.- lot Fouer 1,0truments lot One! DMI piaynig lammq;»~. Pop~larMagc VolcefrwSudeif'tute and un~~~~~~ wàsuuul o nhgn or -yu Us«ton t. the newsst urets u,IuWip pular Sdwu.traL Sound proo bi b e MIC O gant When you a wnt Lt. ComýW m*«à e Victormma"Dlusbtd w.ords. D0esigued for TeIevIi Sou100 AuI.ofletc Record Chogum Vicrol enud Rcao R<A Victor ýfamioum aie action frffy autosss* r'eco~rdchmger for iO.ich mmd ..iuch es.rdi,%e imuprovd vbmcloid daapemed P*plC p, pué6e"0"n f or q; stations, 7 RCA Victor tubes, 3 Positon te" coutrol foir radio, victMea and tdielsln. fuâi-l loon aute«um&and a ýloluuch DyIauMs .k St. Ukmu