ci~~ LUnoea Ave. The senior ci*s t Newi Trier Hlgh school early th:s week elected ts. off icers for the school l/ear, as follows: Gordon Lau g- heud . of G.tence,,, fabQve) vresi- dent; Betty Ross of Winnetka, vice president; Jim Mahie of Wilmette, treasturer; Marjorie * Clark of Winnetka, secretary. Select Students for "'Trekswny of Wells," * From 160. students- who tried out for the fail play at New Trier Town- ship, Higli school, 40 were chosen * for the-final selections held receritly. The cast selected for "Trelawny of the Wells" foflnws: 1 "Theatrical Folk": Tom Wrench- will be played by Churck Heston; F'erdinand Gand by Bill Dodds, James Telfer by RalDh Jones: Au- gustus Colways by Turner Wilson; Rose Trelawny by Eleanor LaBonte; Avonia Bunn by Barbara Barton; Mrs. Telfer byJeanne Moreau, lm- ogen Parrott by PhYllis Burlingham; council inmbersfrom each clagssin school,,.theeby cutting: off a goodý deal0f personal contact wlith the stu- dents, which was had, under the old system, in which.there was a- council dielegate fromeéach advlser roomn. How the council cari continue.this personal contact iîsthe subJeet 'of this week's assemrblies.. There have been mony sugges tions. a long this line and it. Is hoped that through, these assemblies, the council willl find -a solution for the p roblem of cont, tinuing this most valuable and im- portant contact.* The council feels that it i8 run for and by the students and that It ýshould- bend every effort so that it wM ifb easier for the stu- dents to get their ideas to couneil and for the council to get its ideas to the students, it was explained. Girls' Club Sponsors Seholar Fund Drive' This week and contlnulng through next until October 21 the Girls' club of New Trier is sponsoring the big- gest magazine drive It lias ever lield. Their aim, is ta senl enougli maga- zines to enable the Girls' club ta. give at least $1,500 in sicholarshiwps to the senior girls whà most deserve the aid. Last year. eight 'girls who woud have found it finanially im- possible to continue their education, received this aid. LOOK s 6e~C[fAN 6'est VALUEI you gel them ail in the Neuw10 E 0 If you wanta&cleaner that's Smart-as your spring bonnet, you'1l get the. new Ilow-priced Hoover "305". Stunning modern desig-in black, gray and «imson. Ifu w, t the newColor-cleaoim , for modern color'-cleaning that revives Nddec color by getding out hidden dirt-you'Il boose the. l3059p. £*iUu1swere maji i [orpt!jiiiiiii L, -- ___________ o! t he public address system. The attendance was around 250. Meet- SNI(>ÎL PRESIDENTS ings are held on every other Mon- James Buhai, New Trier '38, la day at 3:45 i the Mess Hall. The president of the sophomore cass at club also was entertamned by several the University o! Ilinois. Jack WIl-r mnembers who played musical instru- der, N~ew Trier '36, lu .Presidento! mnents. the senior class at Beloit. CId«gé: ý