* Robert, O.Berger, .306 Kenilworth avenue, was. nominated thi: Week by the Kenilworth Citizenis'.advisË,ory commlrhttee for the, office of president of the village. A special èlection iïs to' be held on Deciniber 5'to MIl the! vjacancy created by the resignation of Harry P. Harrison. *R. Ward Starerett, .221 Woodstock' avenue, was nominated as a candi- *date -for village trustee ln the spe- cial election to take' the Place of Porter fox, who resigned last spring. Kntered masecani;InmlerMuni 8. loi& ae .5ie a£ Yilu.ate., iis,a u4r tAM e f w à 5"&- Ion Cii eaguers Pan.to. "Raise.Hel"-Ab.ut Tax, Speaker *Invite al Vi1agen to Peetiei- Ipate i Draniatie Episode Thursday, October 26 The .1939' Wilmfette Communit3t Cheet campalgn will open ThursdayP eveninig, .October 19, with a, ma** meeting at 8 o".Clock ithe, IWomn club building, for the 700. captains a nd workers who wil engage in adl intensive canvass to do the job wlthin two weeks. At this meeting, final in.; structions wil be issued, and from that moment the drive wil be on. Indications are for a generous re- sponse by villagers. The budget, $2o,- 300, 19 less than. in recent years, and it is expected -that. it will be quickly reached. Set lJp 3$ Districts To oxpedits the icavasnd legsu en the burden lmposed upon captains and workers,, the village as~ been divided into twenty-three districts, with two captains in each, and an asslsting corps of solicitors. The liust of captains lu as foUlows: Mrs. William F. Arndt, Mrs. C. L. Banker, Elmer D. Becker. Mrs. Paul Casterline, J. D. Cox R. E. Dal. stromiýLC. L. Darling, . HA. flrn-n Note Ecoomy b~ l conuete I i ton was arrete. 1 p.n., MagIq Not: Eonoy Sop s cndutedby trate Peters pronoumced sentece Cd the Woman's Club of Wilmette. Pro- ceedS are dlrected to philanthropie 30 days in the county jail., 3 pi. purposes. Cllnton was recelved by tii. county jailor. And that'.a some tempo.