~mittee, vzju tor îiien W. Bariiey, of Kentucky, the majority leader, rose to make a few preliminàry remarks. While my analogy, is not 'a par- ticuiarly good one, in'view -of. the l -seriousness of. the, issue, >the ma- 'i jority leader's remarks were some-- thing like the instructions-of a ref. eree before> the- opening of a game. He asked the soenate, to keep the de- bate'on a high plane, that the dis- cussion be kept fréee'of personali- ties and. implications as to motives and, that ail cooperate for a speedy disposai of the question. Senator ~hrisL.MNary, of Oregon, the mmnority leader, then rose in his place across the aisie to state, that' the Republicans would' cooperate, that all the mninority senators asked was -opportunity for full and free In the course of his preiiminary remarks Senator Barkiey said 'I arn sure that ail senators, as wel as ail people of the United 'States, appreciate the seriousness of t h e législation we are about to take up for considération. I think I amn not exaggeràting when I say that the dis- cussion of the pending joint resolu- tion during its considération by the senate may go down in history as one of the historie discussions of the inierreajJ7LU!ions , orueir -respectzve views, the senators. have ,seen lit to -write their address in advance of its delivery.. After the preliminary remarks by Senator Barkiey. and those of Senatorý Mcxary ôon the opening day, Senator Pittman proceeded.to outline the bill and the Adminis tration's argument. He. was followed by Seniator William E.,Borah, (R), of Idaho, the ranking minority member of the Foreign Re- lations committee. During, the coming weeks, as the debate progresses., 1 hope to be able to summarize the variô'Us arguments made on this issue, emphasizing the major points as 1 see them. I shall weicome reader suggestions or ques- tions,.and shail try, as best as I can, to contribute to public understanding of the qurestion. PAR~ENTS 0F DAUGJITEIK Mr. and Mrs, Alvin W. Barthoio- mew, 7377 North DamTen avenue, Chicago, are the parents of a daugh- fer, Nancy Jean, who was born on October 6, at the Evanston hospitai. Mr. Bartbolomew is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bartholomew, 104 Ninth street,. Wlmette, and the Our Frai 8800 1, m nol morue -te have your rug" clemned and repalueul y ourt oriental vug experts wbe knau. low rugi ahpgsd doeesud. lihe uap, the dayes, the fIneneus of wernv, dme mge and condition oetc"di rug h c«refuUly utudle o m deteftino lthe; bout mutod for cleinlmmg youar .rugi -and prolpning limeir lt. Entmuu yo ur raeséaNahlglse uo.- exp.rieneed. rug -mnfer 49 yemrs. Aiugi pfully lnsuvsd, and, our drivers 4ndd Nahigian Brothers mnc. 169 N. Wabahý Ave. F<,unded 111W) by order ofthtie executors, Estate et Louis F. Swift, deceased on the promises "«WestIeighs» 170 Buouths GroomsBay Riuad (hutwes Westlelgh and Deerpatis Ave.), 4ke Forest, HL Contents of this richly fuTnihed Thity-five Room Home Furniture, Orientai Rugs, Oil Paintings, Color Prints, Mezzotints, Objets D'Art,- Ivory Carvings, Curios, Rich China, 50114 Silver, Sheffield Plate, Sevres Vases, Bronzes, Mierble Bouches, snd na Voree J->UL AvJ W l UOWuJnin'.m ie LL* Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cumnberland hope o! hearing some of the debate. The srnall senate galleries,_ which lof!Des Plaines announce the blrtb seat only 700, cannot possibly accom- of a daughter, Nancy Ansi, at thse modate the crowds that seek admis- 1Ravenswood hospital Thursday, Sep- sion. Several hours before thie senate tomber 28. Mrs. Cumberland is thse convon es each day at 12, noon, the former Hellen Lockwood of Evans- cor ridors ioading to thie gaiîeries are ton~, and Mr. Cumberland is the son lined with hopefuis. And oach day the of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cumnberland sonate chamber itseif is iined with of 119 Fifth stroot, Wiimetto. xembers of the house, some standing and some seated, aiong the back Ph t raIe i Berne Open for InspecUon Saturday aud Sunday, October 14 sand 15, il amu. tem 5:30 P.m. Esotabmie 1879 Austomuers r a -j Thlis